Afterwards, nearly 100 soldiers patrolling the city yamen rushed into the post house where the Xianbei envoy lived.

When the soldiers unceremoniously broke into the residence of the Xianbei envoy, the Xianbei envoy was so shocked that he didn't react for a long time. They simply didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"We are the messengers of the King of the Prairie, and you can't do this to us!" the leading Xianbei messenger cried out as he was dragged out by the soldiers, and at the same time raised in his hand the golden staff of eagle head that Kebi could hand him.

The leading officer snatched the golden staff, and then punched the messenger in the abdomen, and scolded, "Fuck you king of the steppe!

The envoy and his entourage were dragged out of the post house and loaded onto the prisoner car, at this time, many people came over, looking at the grassland people who were stuffed into the prisoner car by the soldiers of the Northern Army, and the people couldn't help but talk a lot.

"What's going on?" asked an old man in surprise. There was some worry in his tone, and it was no wonder that he was worried, after all, what ordinary people crave most is a peaceful life.

A young man next to the common people immediately said loudly: "These Xianbei people intend to take advantage of the lack of troops of the great general to force the general to cede Yunzhong County! Therefore, the general ordered these arrogant people to be arrested!" When

the surrounding people heard this, they all showed sudden expressions, and then everyone showed indignant expressions and began to scold, and even picked up the stones on the ground and threw them at the Xianbei envoy in the prisoner car, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. But fortunately, there were soldiers patrolling the city yamen to maintain order, and there was not much commotion.

The stones flying in the air did not have eyes, and many of the soldiers around the prisoner car were accidentally injured by the stones, which made the soldiers cry out in their hearts, 'Bad luck'.

After the Xianbei envoy was arrested, the officer in charge of the arrest immediately went to the Assassin's Mansion to give orders.

"My lord, all the Xianbei people have been arrested, and not a single one has escaped the net!" the officer reported. Standing in front of the officers was Lu Su, who was sitting in the prefecture.

Lu Su nodded, "General Xue has worked hard!Go down and rest

!" "Yes!" The general surnamed Xue replied. But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, so he hugged his fist at Lu Su and said, "My lord, when the lower official captured the Xianbei people, he seized a golden scepter!" As he spoke, he took a golden scepter from his waist and presented it to Lu Su.

Lu Su took the golden scepter, and his face did not show any discoloration. He knew this golden scepter, which was the representative of King Xianbei, just like the scepter of the envoys of the Han Dynasty.

"My lord, if there is nothing to do, the lower official will retire!" Lu

Su nodded, and then the general surnamed Xue withdrew.

Lu Su picked up the golden scepter and looked at it, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a plan was born in Lu Su's mind.

On the same day, Lu Su sent a flying pigeon message to Huguan and Jiguan respectively, and at the same time sent ten iron guards to rush to Jiguan with the golden staff Pegasus captured from the Xianbei envoy.

Yuan Shao was worried about Jizhou, and because he had been attacking his subordinates in Jiguan for a long time, Yuan Shao decided to temporarily withdraw his troops and the whole army rushed to aid Jizhou. Jizhou was not completely occupied by the Northern Army at this time, and Bohai County was still in the hands of Yuan Shao, but Bohai only had 10,000 defenders, and the situation was not optimistic.

Yuan Shao's hundreds of thousands of troops were busy, making preparations before the start of the march. It is not a simple matter to march a large army, and it is not something that can be walked away.

Just when everyone was busy, there were two people who sighed and sighed and looked depressed, these two people were the trial and Gao Lan.

Both of them thought that Yuan Shao's move to withdraw from the army was really unwise. Although the surprise attack on Jizhou by the Northern Expeditionary Army was unexpected, no matter what, it is impossible for the Northern Expeditionary Army to make a surprise attack on Jizhou with many men and horses, and it is impossible for them to make any big waves when their own preparations are made! The pressing task at present should be to take the annexed state, and as long as the annexed state is taken, all problems will be easily solved.

Both of them had persuaded Yuan Shao, but where could Yuan Shao, who was already flustered, listen, Yuan Shao not only did not listen to the advice of the two, but Yuan Shao, who was in a bad mood, also used the two as punching bags and trained the two severely.

Looking at the hustle and bustle outside the big tent, Yuan Shao inside the big tent couldn't help but be irritable, and there was a violent impulse in his heart. At this time, Yuan Shao was the only one by his side, Xu You. This Xu You was originally in Luoyang, and he came here because of the escort of grain and grass.

At this moment, General Yuanmen suddenly came to report: "Lord Qiqi, the envoy of the Northern Army asks to see!" When

Yuan Shao heard this, he couldn't help but be angry, and shouted: "No! Drag it down and cut it off!"

General Yuanmen was startled and hurriedly agreed.

However, Xu Yu on the side stopped General Yuanmen, and then persuaded Yuan Shao: "Lord, you might as well see what the other party says first, and then it's not too late to kill!"

Yuan Shao heard this, and felt reasonable, so he ordered General Yuanmen: "Go and bring the envoy of the Northern Army."

"Yes. General Yuanmen answered, and then quickly retreated.

A moment later, General Yuanmen came to the big tent with a young man dressed as a scribe with a calm demeanor.

"Who is coming?" asked Yuan Shao as he sat on the handsome seat.

The young scribe smiled leisurely and replied, "In Xia Xu Shu, he is now the chief secretary under the command of the hussar general. "

The Cao army camp outside Huguan.

Cao Cao, who had been waiting for the opportunity, waited for bad news.

"Fengxiao, I just received urgent information from Jizhou, the Northern Army has raided Jizhou through Youzhou, and now Jizhou is already in the hands of the Northern Army!" Cao Cao said in surprise and urgency.

On the right side of Cao Cao stood Guo Jia, followed by other strategists, and on the left side of Cao Cao stood a number of generals.

Hearing Cao Cao's words, everyone was taken aback, and then turned their heads and whispered to each other, and Guo Jia, who was originally calm and calm, couldn't help but change color.

Guo Jia paused, then frowned and said: "I didn't expect the Northern Army to use such a dangerous move! It seems that Chen Chu persuaded Liu Yu, otherwise, it would be impossible

for the Northern Army to venture through Youzhou!" Cao Cao nodded, and then said: "Now is not the time to think about this! Jizhou is occupied by the Northern Army, and with Yuan Shao's character, he will definitely return to Jizhou! At that time, our army will face the situation of facing the Northern Army alone!" Guo

Jia thought for a moment, and then asked: " So how does the lord decide?"

Cao Cao frowned tightly, and after a pause, he said: "Now that the situation is in chaos, the plan to attack and annex the state is bound to be unfeasible! So I decided to withdraw to Yanzhou with a truce

!" As soon as Cao Cao's words came out, the generals suddenly became unwilling. The general Le Jin immediately came out and said: "Lord, our army attacked Huguan for more than a month and lost more than 70,000 troops, how can you give up lightly!"

Seeing this, Cao Cao felt both comforted and embarrassed.

At this time, the strategist Liu Ye came out and said: "My lord, what General Le said is extremely true! Our army has paid such a heavy price, it is indeed not appropriate to give up lightly! Not to mention that our army has not yet given up!" Hearing

Liu Ye say this, Cao Cao's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he said urgently: "What is Ziyang's clever plan?" Liu

Ye immediately replied: "My lord, judging from the arrangement of the Northern Army, the purpose of the Northern Army is to force Yuan Shao to withdraw his troops, and then concentrate on us!" From this, I dare to assert that Chen Chu must not have sent many reinforcements

to Huguan!" After a pause, Liu Ye glanced at Guo Jia, who was contemplating next to him, and then continued: "Now that Huguan is far away, as long as we work harder, it is very likely that we will be able to break through Huguan in a short time! As long as we break through Huguan, we will be able to break the deadlock, and all problems will be solved!"

Cao Cao listened carefully to Liu Ye's analysis, nodded involuntarily, and then raised his head and asked Guo Jiadao: " Bonghyo, what do you think?". Everyone's eyes immediately converged on Guo Jia's body.

When Liu Ye was talking just now, Guo Jia had been thinking about it. Liu Ye's analysis is very reasonable, if he can break the Huguan in time, the whole game of chess will be alive! However, there is a problem in this, if the own side cannot break the Huguan in a short period of time, the northern army can concentrate its forces to deal with its own side, and at that time, its own prospects will really not be optimistic

! Hearing Cao Cao's question, Guo Jia replied: "What Ziyang said is very reasonable! I also think that we should rush to attack Huguan!" However, there must be a time limit for this, and it can only be stormed for seven days, and if it cannot be broken within seven days, the troops must be withdrawn!"

Everyone understood what Guo Jia meant, Guo Jia meant that if the delay in Huguan was too long, it would be impossible for the northern army to concentrate its forces.

Seeing that the two major strategists under his command said this, Cao Cao finally decided to storm Huguan at any cost after hesitating for a while.

Then the entire Cao army camp went into action. A part of the stragglers went to the Huguan to clear the passage by night, and all kinds of heavy siege equipment were in full swing.

Early the next morning, when Chen Chu climbed the city gate tower to look at the Cao army's military camp as usual, he was shocked to find that the Cao army was massively assembled.

"Big brother, Cao Jun seems to be desperate!" Zhang Fei ran to Chen Chu's side and said with a frown.

Chen Chu nodded, he also felt this way. Cao Jun, whose morale was already declining, actually broke out at this time with a heart-palpitating anger.

"Hurry up and prepare!Pay special attention to the city wall in the south!" Chen Chu said urgently. The southern city wall has collapsed in large areas due to the focus of Cao's army in the past few days, and now those collapsed places are completely made up of wood and stones, which is very unreliable

! "Big brother, don't worry! There will be no problem!" Zhang Fei said confidently. Then he left quickly.

After Zhang Fei left, Tian Feng on the side admonished: "Lord, this city wall is very dangerous, it's better to go down!"

Chen Chu looked at the murderous Cao Jun with his eyes and shook his head gently.

Seeing this, Tian Feng didn't say anything more. In fact, in Tian Feng's heart, he also hopes that his lord can be like a real hero.

Half an hour later, Cao Jun was ready. At this moment, Cao Jun gave people the feeling of murderousness, like an ancient beast.

The reason why Cao Cao's army suddenly broke out with such a terrible momentum was because Cao Cao issued a strict order, which was to kill those who attacked unfavorably, and those who retreated without permission were killed; at the same time, Cao Cao also issued a reward order, promising rich and attractive rewards to the soldiers, and under the means of grace and power, the morale of Cao's army was finally stimulated.

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