The place where Gao Ran ambush is located more than ten miles west of Dingtao, belongs to the hilly terrain, there are streams and woods.

About two quarters of an hour later, the elated Cao Ren led 10,000 Cao troops here. They didn't realize that they had entered Yuan Shaojun's ambush circle. His mind was now full of thoughts about biting Yuan Shaojun hard.

Just as Cao Ren was urging the soldiers to hurry, a sharp arrow suddenly shot out from the woods next to the official road, directly hitting Cao Ren on top of the high war horse.

At this moment, Cao Ren didn't notice this sudden change at all, and in a flash of light, the sharp arrow hit Cao Ren.

However, Cao Ren did not fall off the horse, and he was not even injured. It turned out that the sharp arrow actually hit the helmet in a dangerous way.

Cao Ren couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. At this moment, the sound of killing on both sides of the official road suddenly rose, and Cao Jun only saw countless earthy Yuan Shaojun suddenly rushing out.

The soldiers under Cao Ren's command were shocked when they saw this, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Before the caught off guard Cao Jun could react, Yuan Shaojun had already rushed into Cao Jun, and the two sides immediately started a scuffle.

Yuan Shaojun was three times the size of Cao's army, and Cao's army was defenseless, so soon after the engagement, Cao's army fell into passivity.

Under the surging offensive of Yuan Shao's army, Cao's army suffered heavy losses and retreated, and the position became more and more chaotic.

While Yuan Shaojun attacked the Cao army head-on, he also divided part of his forces to go around the rear of the Cao army, obviously wanting to eat this Cao army that dared to advance in one fell swoop.

Cao Jun's situation is precarious, and if they can't get out in a short time, the fate that awaits them is likely to be the annihilation of the entire army.

Cao Ren looked at the chaotic situation in front of him, and couldn't help but regret his recklessness, regretting that he didn't listen to Li Dian's advice. But now he regrets it.

Seeing that Yuan Shaojun's pocket array is about to be solid, if the pocket array is solid, then the end of Cao Ren and his command will come.

At this critical moment, a Cao army of 5,000 people suddenly appeared in the rear, and the leading general was Li Dian, the deputy general guarding Dingtao. It turned out that the more Li Dian thought about it and became more worried shortly after Cao Ren led his troops away, so after explaining the defense, he personally led 5,000 people out of the city, with the purpose of rescuing Cao Ren if possible.

As soon as Li Dian led the 5,000 Cao army to appear, he launched a fierce attack on Yuan Shaojun on the outside, and Yuan Shaojun was caught off guard and turned on his horse, and the encirclement that had been firmly encircled was instantly torn open a big hole.

A look of surprise appeared on Cao Ren's face, and he immediately raised his big sword and shouted: "General Li Dian has come to support us! Brothers will kill me with me!" The morale of the generals was immediately boosted.

Before the words fell, Cao Ren took the lead and galloped towards the gap opened by Li Dian's department, and the remaining soldiers retreated while fighting, following in Cao Ren's footsteps.

Under the attack from inside and outside, Yuan Shao's army to the east was slaughtered and defeated, and then Cao Ren led the remnants of Li Dian to retreat.

Gao Lan, who was immediately on the high hill, looked at Cao Jun who was retreating sharply, and couldn't help but sigh regretfully. Gao Ran did not order the pursuit, firstly because of the limited forces in his hands, and secondly, because he was worried that he would be ambushed by the other party.

After Yuan Shaojin stayed in Chen, he made the Taishou Mansion a temporary line. During this time, Yuan Shao was in Chen Liutai's Mansion to give orders.

Since Yuan Shao's army marched eastward, Yuan Shao's army has won successive battles, which made Yuan Shao fall into extreme excitement, but this excitement did not last long, Cao Cao led an army of 200,000 troops suddenly appeared and surrounded Chen, leaving Yuan Shao with a slap in the face.

"Ziyuan, hasn't Yan Liang's army come back yet?" Yuan Shao paced back and forth anxiously in the mansion. At this moment, there was only Xu Yu beside Yuan Shao.

Xu You clasped his fists and replied, "There is no news of General Yan Liang yet, but if you calculate the time, General Yan Liang should be almost there!"

Yuan Shao's brows tightened again, he didn't speak, and he kept pacing in the lobby.

Xu You looked at the restless Yuan Shao, hesitated slightly, and then said: "Lord, the Cao army is only 200,000, and our army defending the city has 100,000 people! It is impossible for the Cao army to break through Chen Liu in a short period of time! It is better to let General Yan Liang's main force continue to march east and sweep Yanzhou! At that time, not only will the siege of Chen Liu be relieved, but Cao Cao will also be able to capture it!" Yuan Shao

couldn't help but stop when he heard this, and his face showed hesitation and thought. After a long time, Yuan Shao raised his head and asked suspiciously, "I heard that Ziyuan has an old relationship with Cao Cao?"

Xu You couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Yuan Shao to ask such a sentence at all.

Immediately, Xu Youtong knelt down and argued urgently: "The lord is aware that although you met Cao Cao when you were young, it was only a personal friendship! Xu You's expression was very panicked at the moment, and it was no wonder that this kind of thing was the most taboo for the Masters since ancient times.

"If that's the case, then it's naturally best!Okay! You can go down!" Yuan Shao said with a gloomy face.

Xu You was terrified in his heart, and after saluting Yuan Shao, he stumbled out.

Xu You walked out of the Taishou Mansion, glanced back, and couldn't help but sigh. At this moment, the thought of wanting to leave rose in his heart for the first time.

After Yuan Shao counted Xu You, his anxious mood improved a little, he stopped pacing back and forth, and finally quieted down. In fact, Yuan Shao didn't suspect Xu Yu at all, at least he didn't suspect it now, he was just in a bad mood, and he just made fun of someone!

At this moment, Yan Liangzheng led the army to Chenliu and hurried away. Three days after leaving Dingtao, Yan Lianggao's department arrived at a small river east of Chenliu.

This small river connects to Yingshui in the south and is a tributary of Yingshui. The river was not wide, the deepest part of the river reached only a man's chest, and the current was gentle, so it could not have been an obstacle to the advance of the great army. When Yan Liang's army arrived, the river was slower and shallower than it had been when they had passed not long ago.

Yan Liang immediately ordered the army to cross the river. The first to cross the river was the 30,000 front.

Then the main forces began to cross the river.

That's when the situation changed dramatically. The earth trembled slightly, followed by a rumbling thunder.

The soldiers of Yuan's army looked around in confusion and anxiety, and after a while, suddenly a soldier shouted in horror: "Water!

The momentum was like the collapse of Mount Tai.

The soldiers of the Yuan army, who were in the river, were frightened and fled in all directions in a panic, but before they could run far, the violent water curtain swept across the river with the force of a thunderous army, and suddenly thousands of Yuan troops were swept away by the torrent!

Yan Liang, who was still on the east bank of the river, was shocked when he saw this scene, and his face changed dramatically, and he didn't know what to do for a while. Gao Ran on the side came back to his senses first, and said urgently: "I'm afraid that I have been ambushed by Cao Cao......!" Before Gao Ran's

words were finished, an earth-shattering shout suddenly broke out on the west bank of the river, and almost at the same time, the banners of the Cao army swept in from three directions, and countless Cao soldiers killed them.

"No! We have to find a way to cross the river quickly! Otherwise, those 30,000 soldiers will be in danger!" Seeing the scene on the west bank of the river, Gao Ran changed color and exclaimed.

Yan Liang looked at the still turbulent river and lost his mind, so he hurriedly asked Gao Ran: "The river is so turbulent, how should we

cross the river to rescue?" Gao Ran thought for a moment and said: "I will lead 30,000 light horsemen to bypass from the upstream! The general will immediately lead the main force to cross the river and attack after the river level has slowed down!"

Yan Liang couldn't think of any other way, so he had to obey Gao Ran's arrangement.

Gao Ran then led 30,000 light cavalry to gallop upstream along the river, while Yan Liang lined up the main force on the east bank, ready to attack the west bank at any time.

The 30,000 fronts on the west bank suddenly found themselves under siege by Cao's army, and they couldn't help but panic. Fortunately, Han Meng, the general of the front, was still calm and restrained the army in time, so the 30,000 front of Yuan's army did not lose the will to fight due to this sudden change.

There were 100,000 Cao troops in ambush, and the banner at the head was Xiahou, and the golden helmet general standing proudly under the battle banner was none other than Xiahoudun!

Cao Jun did not talk nonsense, and as soon as he appeared, he immediately launched a fierce attack on Han Meng's 30,000 front troops.

Suddenly, the sound of killing shook the sky, and the armies of the two sides were instantly mixed together like two torrents of different colors that met.

Cao's army was outnumbered and prepared, while Yuan Shao's army was caught off guard and the army's morale was frustrated. Therefore, as soon as the two sides fought, the balance of victory tilted to the side of Cao Jun without any suspense.

The Yuan army was divided into several pieces under the fierce attack of the Cao army, and under the ruthless strangulation of the Cao army, the corpses were killed all over the field, and many Yuan soldiers jumped into the river under the pressure of the Cao army, and were immediately washed away by the turbulent river. There is no suspense about the defeat of Yuan Jun at all, it is just a matter of time.

As time passed, the situation of Han Meng's 30,000 front became more and more bad, and in the end, only Han Meng and less than 10,000 sergeants were left in a regiment.

The offensive of the Cao army was wave after wave, and Han Meng and his soldiers were like a flat boat under the stormy waves, and they would be ruthlessly buried at any time.

At the most critical moment for Han Meng, the 30,000 light cavalry led by Gao Ran finally came around and joined the battle group. Cao's army had already taken precautions against this, and 30,000 halberd infantry met the attack at the first time.

In the face of halberd infantry, the light cavalry did not have any advantage. In the melee between the light cavalry and the halberd infantry led by Gao Ran, although he killed many halberd infantry, his own losses were also quite heavy.

However, the arrival of Gao Ran delayed the pace of Cao's offensive to a certain extent. After a few quarters of an hour, the river had gradually calmed down, and Cao's army still had not achieved its goal of completely annihilating the front of Yuan's army.

The Cao army has lost the best opportunity to completely annihilate the front of the Yuan army, and if they continue to fight, they are afraid that they will be entangled by the main force of the Yuan army, and in the end the gains outweigh the losses. Therefore, as the leading general, Xiahoudun decisively ordered the whole army to leave the battlefield immediately.

Cao's army then fought and retreated, slowly retreating to the west. Gao Ran wanted to entangle the other party, but his troops were limited, so he couldn't get his wish at all.

After about a quarter of an hour, the river had not yet calmed down, but the men and horses were able to cross the river. So Yan Liang immediately ordered to cross the river.

But when Yan Liang finally reached the west bank with his army, Cao's army had already left the battlefield.

Yan Liang, who had been frustrated repeatedly, couldn't help but feel ashamed, and with nowhere to vent, he immediately shouted from Gao Lan: "General Gao, why did you let Cao Jun leave!?"

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