The mounts of the two ** fell almost at the same time, and Huang Gai and Sun Ren jumped off their horses when their mounts were about to fall, so the two did not fall to the ground with their horses.

As soon as the two of them stood firm, dozens of men in black surrounded them and attacked them without saying anything.

Huang Gai and Sun Ren fought with the men in black, and the more they fought, the more frightened they became, these men in black were very strong, and they actually beat the two of them to defeat each other.

At this time, there were dozens of black-clothed people surrounding the periphery and did not make a move, seeing this situation, Huang Gai and Sun Ren couldn't help but feel desperate.

The two sides fought for a while, and the black-clothed men on the periphery, who had not moved, suddenly divided six people to join the attack on Huang Gai. Huang Gai was already struggling to support himself, and now he is even more precarious.

Seeing this, Sun Ren, who was not far away, had the heart to support, but he was powerless.

The man in black slashed out a wave of knives very tacitly, and Huang Gai kept retreating panting. By the time Huang Gai retreated to the edge of the low cliff, his footsteps were completely confused.

The three men in black took the opportunity to grab it, and the three-handled ring head knife attacked Huang Gai at three different angles. Huang Gai knew that he could not be spared, so he simply stopped defending, and the big knife rolled up and swept towards the man in black. At this moment, a tragic momentum emanated from Huang Gai's body.

In the blink of an eye, blood burst out, and two men in black were beheaded on the spot, and one man in black was seriously injured. However, Huang Gai's situation was not much better, and the three-handled ring head knife slashed at Huang Gai's body, and Huang Gai was extremely seriously injured.

At this moment, another man in black jumped up and kicked Huang Gai off the low cliff.

Seeing this scene, Sun Ren exclaimed "no!" "Among Sun Jian's generals, the closest to Sun Ren is this white-bearded old general, Sun Ren will often talk to Huang Gai when he has troubles, and he will talk to Huang Gai when he is happy, and Sun Ren has long regarded Lao Huang Gai as his grandfather in his heart.

Sun Ren was sad and indignant in his heart, and immediately danced like crazy with the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand. For a while, the man in black couldn't get close.

Seeing this, a burly man in black who was watching the battle on the periphery couldn't help frowning, and said in a deep voice: "The seventh squad uses the fishing net array to replace the fourth squad, and the tenth squad prepares bows and crossbows, waiting for orders!" With

the order of the man in black who was Kuiwei, the more than twenty men in black who were originally standing by and watching immediately took out fishing nets that were slightly smaller than ordinary fishing nets from the packages behind them.

Immediately, the two dozen or so black-clothed people scattered in all directions, and the dozen or so black-clothed people who were fighting with Sun Ren saw this, and immediately jumped out of the battle group and retreated to the periphery.

At this time, Sun Ren was already crazy, and when he saw the man in black retreating, he chased after the two men in black and wanted to fight hard. However, Sun Ren did not get her wish, she only chased a few steps, and the fishing nets were overwhelming.

At the same time that the men in black used fishing nets to attack Sun Ren, another team of more than twenty men in black was already bending their bows and arrows and waiting for their orders.

At this moment, Sun Ren was exhausted and panting, the originally gorgeous red robe had become unpresentable, and his originally glamorous face was already full of exhaustion and resentment.

Under the continuous offensive of the fishing net array, Sun Ren was stumbling left and right, and only lasted less than half a pillar of incense before he was captured. The whole person was wrapped in a fishing net, and he could no longer move.

At this time, the war on the other side had long ended, and the more than 200 soldiers and drummers who had sent Sun Ren to marry all fell in a pool of blood, and none of them survived.

Sun Ren, who was wrapped in fishing nets, stared at the black-clothed people beside him with blood-red eyes, if his eyes could kill, it was estimated that these black-clothed people would be broken into thousands of pieces.

At this time, a man in black drove a carriage over, and the angry Sun Ren was forcibly poured a bamboo tube with an unpleasant smell of medicinal juice, and then was thrown into the carriage by the man in black who had no pity for the jade.

Sun Ren shouted and cursed loudly in the carriage, but the voice quickly disappeared, it turned out that Sun Ren had fallen asleep, and the medicinal juice that the man in black had poured into her just now was not something else, but the best anesthetic prepared by Hua Tuo.

Hundreds of men in black did not clean up the scene, mounted their horses drawn from the woods, and left the scene.

The man in black moves cleanly and neatly, without dragging his feet.

Not long after the man in black left, Huang Gai, who had been knocked off the low cliff, woke up. Huang Gai struggled to climb onto the official road, and all that caught his eye at this moment was a shocking dark red and corpse.

Huang Gai crawled among the corpses as hard as he could, looking for Sun Ren's traces.

After a long while, Huang Gai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, there was no body of Sun Ren, which at least meant that Sun Ren had not been killed.

Huang Gai gasped for breath for a moment, then climbed onto an ownerless mount. As if he had a spirit, the horse immediately carried Huang Gai to the Xiangjiang pier where Huang Gai had disembarked before.

On the other side, Liu Qi waited until noon but still did not see the arrival of the family sending team, and he couldn't help but become restless, and Kuai Liang on the side also frowned.

"It's noon, why haven't they arrived yet? Could it be that something happened on the road?" Liu Qi asked anxiously, and then resolutely said, "No! I have to go and see for myself!"

Immediately, Liu Qi led hundreds of cavalry to meet him, and ran along the official road in the direction of Xiangjiang Wharf. Kuai Liang did not stop him, but Kuai Liang did not leave with Liu Qi.

Walking less than ten miles, Liu Qi was stunned by the scene in front of him. I saw hundreds of corpses lying on both sides of the official road, and all kinds of dowries were thrown everywhere, and it was obvious that the family sending team was ambushed here.

Liu Qi suddenly felt that the world was spinning, and he almost fell off his warhorse.

Xiangjiang Wharf is 50 miles away from Jingzhou, is an important transfer station between land and water, often goods from the downstream or even Jianghuai along the waterway to here, and then unloaded and loaded to Hanzhong by land, thanks to this, Xiangjiang Wharf is always a busy scene.

In a conspicuous spot on the bustling wharf are three building boats. These three ships are not cargo ships, and there is a big flag hanging on the middle mast with the word 'Sun' written on it. It turned out that these three building ships belonged to the Changsha Taishou Sun family.

Two days ago, Sun Jian sent his daughter on a boat in Changsha, and then three boats carried Sun Ren across Dongting Lake, and then transferred to Xiangjiang all the way north via Hanyang, arriving at Xiangjiang Wharf two days later. Then Huang Gai led a team of relatives to escort Sun Ren to Jingzhou, while three ships were waiting here.

The shipwrights and sailors were lazily doing their work, some fetching water, some checking the cables, and some swaying idly.

At this moment, there was a sudden chaotic noise on the dock, and the shipwrights and sailors could not help but look for a voice, only to see a horse running from the crowd towards this side, and the people on the dock hurriedly dodged, while their mouths were incessantly screaming and cursing.

The horse ran straight to the berth where the building boat was docked before stopping, and only then did the shipwrights and sailors on the building ship realize that there was still a person on the horse's back.

Just when everyone was looking at each other in confusion, someone suddenly shouted: "This seems to be General Huang!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and hurriedly went down to pick up the person on horseback, and saw that it was really Huang Gai who had left not long ago, and what surprised everyone even more was that Huang Gai was scarred at this moment, looking dying.

"Quick! Quickly report General Huang to the ship! Inform the adjutant general immediately!" a junior colonel shouted urgently.

Immediately, a lieutenant general hurriedly ran onto the boat, and he was going to inform the lieutenant general who remained behind. At the same time, the colonel and the four sailors carefully lifted Huang Gai and walked towards the boat.

Seeing this scene, the people on the dock pointed and talked about it.

Huang Gai was quickly carried into a cabin, and the lieutenant general came in a hurry.

"General Huang!" the adjutant general called.

"Hurry, hurry, sail quickly! Go back to Changsha!" Huang Gai said intermittently and eagerly.

Seeing Huang Gai's appearance, the vice admiral already had a premonition, so he ordered the three ships to set sail immediately without asking for details.

Immediately, the shipwrights and sailors on the three ships were busy, and after a while, the three ships set sail.

On the wharf, there was an official Liu Biao who was responsible for receiving the Sun family's family sending off relatives. As soon as the three ships of the Sun family sailed together, someone reported the situation to the official.

The officials couldn't help but be shocked, and immediately ran to the port where Sun's boat was moored. But when he arrived, he only saw the figures of three building boats in the distance.

The officials felt that something was serious, so they immediately rushed to Jingzhou.

Liu Biao, who was waiting to drink his daughter-in-law's tea in Jingzhou, received an urgent report in the afternoon that the family sending party had been ambushed less than ten miles away from Jingzhou, and all but Sun Ren and Huang Gai had disappeared! Liu Biao was shocked and discolored, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, Kuai Liang analyzed: "The family sending team was attacked in Jingzhou Zuo, which is really a bit strange!" Kuai Liang's words are meaningful, Liu Biao's wife died early, the current Cai family is not the biological mother of the eldest son Liu Qi, the relationship between the Cai family and Liu Qi is very tense, the Cai family has always thought that Liu Qi is his threat, Liu Qi has also been on guard against the Cai family, if Liu Qi becomes the son-in-law of the Sun family, Liu Qi's momentum is bound to be greater, which is extremely unwilling to see Cai's extremely undesirable to see, so before, Cai's had strongly opposed this marriage, so for now, the most unwilling to see the marriage succeed is Cai's.

Liu Biao frowned, a hint of anger flashed on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Liu Biao paused for a moment and asked, "Where is Qi'er?"

Kuai Liang replied, "Gongzi is leading people to look for Miss Sun.

Liu Biao sighed and shook his head.

At this time, Kuai Liang admonished: "Lord, you must immediately send someone to control the Sun Jialou ship moored at the dock!" Liu

Biao was puzzled and asked, "Why is this?" "

The family sending team was attacked, and Miss Sun's life and death are uncertain, although this has nothing to do with the lord, but after all, it happened in Jingzhou Zuojin, lord, if you were Sun Jian, what would you think?"

Liu Biao replied after a moment's thought: "If I were Sun Jian, of course this matter would fall on our heads!" Speaking of this, Liu Biao's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "Not good! Sun Jian will definitely ask the teacher to ask for the guilt!"

Kuai Liang nodded and said: "So we must first control the three building ships, so that Sun Jian can't get the news for the time being." At the same time, we will immediately prepare to respond to Sun Jian's revenge!" Liu

Biao nodded, and then ordered Huang Zu beside him: "You immediately lead the army and horses of your headquarters to the dock and detain all the Sun family and his party!"

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