The two played for a while, but Princess Changle put away her smiling face, her face sank

, looked at Yang Hao, and said in a somewhat reproachful tone: "Dead Yang Hao, you are very able to conceal it, did the family send people to attack and kill you many times before?"

Hearing this, Yang Hao was a little confused at first, not knowing why Princess Changle knew about it, and then reacted, touched his nose, nodded and smiled:

"Yes, there is such a thing, but I don't mean to hide it from you, I don't tell you, first, I didn't have time to come back to Chang'an City before, and second, I'm afraid that you will worry.

After speaking, Yang Hao pretended to be puzzled and asked, "By the way, how do

you know about this? Who told you?" Princess Changle glared at Yang Hao and said, "Hmph, I will forgive you this time, if it weren't for the news that came out of Chang'an City in the morning, saying that I still don't know anything about the matter between you and the family

," "Father is too, he must have known about this matter a long time ago, right?" He has been hiding it from me, hmph, I have to go back to him to settle accounts and burn his imperial study. "

Princess Changle was angry and "counted" Li Shimin, when she heard the news in the morning, she was angry, of course, this anger is

to the family, if it weren't for Xu Xiaowei and their desperate stops, not letting her go to the family's troubles, Princess Changle also wants to get some earth-shattering thunder to blow up the family's mansion again.

And when Yang Hao heard Princess Changle's words, he was embarrassed for a while, and went back to Li Shimin to settle the account, and you can say this, but his heart is warm, knowing that Princess Changle is caring about herself and fighting for herself.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao looked at Princess Changle and persuaded him: "Hey, the matter is over, isn't it good for me, don't you go back to the palace to find trouble with Your Majesty, otherwise Your Majesty will think that I said something behind my back, and I will suffer when the time comes

," "You listen to me, this matter is over, besides, didn't I blow up the mansion of the family, it can be regarded as a bad breath, and they will not dare to send people to attack and kill me in the future."

Princess Changle didn't follow, and said resolutely: "Don't worry about this, now the rumors are boiling outside, and your father can't blame you, how can you say that you are also doing things for the court, and your father can't let the family treat you like this." Seeing

that Princess Changle was so resolute, Yang Hao didn't know how to persuade her, in order to fight for herself, she wanted to go back

to her father and emperor, what else could she say, she had already persuaded herself just now, and she secretly supported it in her heart.

Seeing that Princess Changle still looked angry, Yang Hao changed the topic, frowned, and pretended to be puzzled and asked: "By the way, who came out of these news?" How can anyone know so clearly?"

Hearing this, Princess Changle shook her head and said, "I don't know, I'm too lazy to check, I have to thank people for spreading the news."

Yang Hao blinked, and said secretly in his heart: Then thank me, it was me who came out with this news.

Half an hour later, Princess Changle blushed and pushed open the door and walked out first

, no one knew what the two of them did or said in the rest room, causing Princess Changle to blush like this. (Guys, do you know?......

Xu Xiaowei and the others glanced at it hurriedly, and immediately did not squint, pretending not to see anything, and not to know anything.

Time is in a hurry, and two quarters of an hour have passed

, in the palace Ganlu Palace

, Li Shimin is taking a nap at this time, at this moment, Wang De hurriedly pushed the door and walked in, and called in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, wake up, something is wrong...... "

With Wang De's rapid call, the sleeping Li Shimin was finally woken up, opened his eyes, rubbed it, sighed, and did not get angry

Because he knew that if nothing urgent happened, Wang De would not dare to come in at will to disturb his nap, so he looked at Wang De, who was full of anxiety, and asked, "What happened?"

Wang De hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Princess Changle is in the imperial study at this time."

When Li Shimin heard this, he didn't react, so he immediately said: "Oh, Lizhi goes to the imperial study, it's a good thing, this girl wants to read and let her in."

After hearing this, Wang De became even more anxious, and thought to himself: Your Majesty, I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet, right? If so, do I dare to come in and disturb your nap?

Thinking about it, Wang De immediately reminded: "Your Majesty, Princess Changle is holding a fire fold in her hand." "

What are you talking about? What do you want to do with the fire fold? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin exclaimed, he couldn't even care about wearing clothes, and was about to run outside

, Wang De hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you haven't put on your clothes yet."

Li Shimin looked down and hurriedly ordered: "Quick, come over and dress me well, or it's not good, you have to hurry over."

After a while, Li Shimin put on his clothes and hurriedly walked out, while asking Wang De next to him: "How is the imperial study now? Is it on fire? How many books have been burned?"

Wang De gasped and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know yet, when the Praetorian Guards came to report just now, Princess Changle just passed with a fire fold.

Li Shimin relieved a lot of his heart and asked again: "Have you sent someone to prepare to extinguish the fire?"

Wang De said: "Yes, Your Majesty can rest assured."

Li Shimin said appreciatively: "Okay, you did a good job, and you will be greatly rewarded when you look back." In

this way, Li Shimin walked all the way, and after a while, he approached the imperial study, and saw a group of people standing at the door of the imperial study

from a distance Xu Xiaowei and the other guards were the same, they didn't dare to stop it too much, and it was useless to persuade them, for fear that Princess Changle would be angry, they could only stare dryly

, "Get out of the way of this princess, otherwise you will look good."

Princess Changle glared angrily at the more than a dozen Praetorian Guards who were blocking in front.

The Praetorian Guards who took the lead were helpless in their hearts, so they had to carefully say with a crying voice

: "Your Royal Highness the eldest princess, you don't have to embarrass us, Your Majesty has an order, and we don't dare to let

you in, otherwise, you throw the fire fold in your hand and go in again???" Hearing this, Princess Changle was angry, and couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth:

"Bullshit, why did Princess Ben go in after throwing the fire fold?" Don't talk nonsense, get out of the way, let this princess go in and light the fire, and when the fire burns, you go in and put out the fire again, my father won't blame you, don't worry, this princess won't lie. Hearing

this, the Praetorian Guards looked at each other and thought, "We can rest assured, do you have such a play?" You are so happy, but we will be punished!

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