Yang Hao's words were not small, attracting the attention of many people around.

And the most bewildered thing was nothing more than a group of people from the Sea Kingdom, who looked at Yang Hao in a daze and frowning.

Gu Jie on the side was also frowning and puzzled, but at this time, he had to step forward, looked at

Yang Hao, and asked, "Earl Yang, this?" Yang Hao smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just that their group of people from the sea country are chattering until I sleep, and I can't understand these bird words, so come over and tell them to shut up, otherwise I will cut them." Hearing this

, Gu Jie was speechless for a while, but he also understood a little.

He himself was annoyed that these Haiguo people were chattering, and he always spoke something Haiguo dialect that he didn't understand.

But if you don't understand, you can't be angry casually, right? After all, they came from afar as guests, and Datang was the guest and host.

Yang Hao didn't care about this, and continued to stare at the group of Haiguo people in front of him, and warned: "From now on, you shut up Ben Shao, in my Datang land, don't say your bird language anymore, you can only speak my Datang dialect, otherwise you will beat your dog's head into a pig's head, hum, what a thing, nothing."

After Yang Hao finished speaking, he glared at them viciously again, made a fist, and then turned around and left without waiting for them to answer.

At this moment, Yang Hao seemed to have turned into a complete evil youth, at least in the eyes of this group of Haiguo people.

Song Nai Yamai frowned and looked at Yang Hao's back, wanting to say something to refute, but thinking of the purpose of this trip to Datang, the indignation in his heart had to endure it, but his eyes were full of viciousness.

Some of the people around who were going to watch a good show were all a little disappointed when they saw this, and they all despised this group of Haiguo people in their hearts, and they were so intimidated by Yang Hao that they didn't dare to let go of a fart.

After a small farce, Yang Hao sat back in his seat and was stunned, hoping that Li Shimin and the queen would appear quickly, and then end the banquet quickly, so that he could go home and sleep lazily.

Time was in a hurry, Yang Hao's waiting days were really difficult, just like that, half an hour passed

slowly, the civil and military officials and others had all arrived, and Li Shimin took the hand of the queen mother and walked out of the manna hall slowly.

Seeing this, everyone naturally quickly stood up, and Yang Hao was naturally no exception, all of them bent down and bowed and shouted:

"See Your Majesty, the Queen Mother..."

"Zhuqing, today is my beloved wife, the birthday of the queen of the Tang Dynasty, you can all come here today, I ~ very happy, there will be many programs in the next banquet for you to enjoy, of course, you can let go to eat and drink......"

Li Shimin gushed endlessly, the more he said, the more energetic he became, (at least a thousand words are omitted here, you don't like to read it, I won't write it)

Yang Hao rolled his eyes when he listened below, closed his eyes directly and pretended to sleep, thinking in his heart: This Li Shimin is a talker, right? There are so many things to say in the opening sentence, and those who don't know think they are selling products.

After a while, Li Shimin finally finished his opening remarks, and then he needed the protagonist of Empress Changsun to speak today, Empress Changsun looked at the people below with a smile, and said: "Everyone, the palace is very happy that you can come to today's birthday banquet, you have a heart, ...... next" (500 words omitted here)

After Li Shimin and Empress Changsun finished their opening remarks,

they held hands and slowly walked to the first row below and sat down.

After that, the banquet officially begins.

At this time, the sound of music and flute sounded on the high platform, and then a famous singer walked out from behind the high platform, twisted her body and began to dance.

When the music sounded, Yang Hao opened his eyes and looked at the high platform, only to see half an hour, Yang Hao closed his eyes again with a lack of interest

In his previous life, he was used to seeing the fragrant dance of a certain national girl group showing his arms and thighs, and now looking at this wrapped classical dance, Yang Hao really can't arouse much interest, although the singers on the high stage are also very beautiful and charming.

After the dance music is danced, then the pipa is played

, and then it is to guess the poetry fan program, Yang Hao is only a little interested in watching it, someone goes up to the stage to read the poem, and the people below rush to say the name of the poem, and then there is, someone makes a question, and the following people compose poems

, this link, among them, the most popular is Li Tai, the king of Wei, after all, the name of the great talent of Chang'an City is not called in vain, and the prince Li Chengqian is obviously falling behind.

After a few shows, the time was close to lunchtime, so the palace maids and eunuchs went to everyone's table

with dishes to put them, Yang Hao was also a little hungry, and when he saw the dishes being served, he beckoned Xue Rengui on the side to eat hard and eat enough.

[It's like this tonight first.,1500 chapter.,I'm too tired after a day of work.,Plus Carvin.,The code doesn't move.,The rest will be updated tomorrow].

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