"Wait, you're the patrol leader? As soon as you come, you don't ask about the indiscriminate situation of the matter, and you say that we have violated the law and discipline, and you will arrest us?"

Yang Hao stood up, looked at

Li Yong and asked, "Boy, I am the patrol leader Li Yong, and I have also inquired about the truth of the matter, that is, you people first violated the law and discipline, and injured people with more people, and now, I am going to arrest you and put you in prison for review, if you have anything to say in prison,

you can go up and arrest people quickly..."

Li Yong said with a gloomy face! When

the patrol members heard the order, they were going to come forward to arrest people again.

"Huh...... I see which of you dares? I am Yang Hao, the prince of Xicheng County, whom His Majesty personally professes, do you dare to arrest me and try it? Are you qualified to arrest me as a viscount?"

Yang Hao took out the jade plate representing the identity of the viscount from his arms, held it in front of

him and said loudly to Li Yong and the patrol members! Li Yong was a little surprised when he saw the jade plate in Yang Hao's hand, he didn't expect Yang Hao to be a viscount, but he was only a little surprised, he was not afraid of a viscount!

Although his identity is not qualified to arrest Yang Hao, he thought that if he didn't arrest Yang Hao and others in the prison of the Criminal Department today, what was waiting for him would be the anger of Uncle Li Kai.

"Go up and arrest you...". Li Yong took a deep breath and continued to order his subordinates to step forward and arrest people!

Captain, isn't this okay? The other party is a viscount, and we... We're not qualified to arrest him." A patrol member cautiously said

, "Let you catch it, I'll take care of anything,

don't you want to do it?" Li Yong glared at the person who spoke, looked at

the patrol members and said threateningly! When the patrol members heard Li Yong's threatening words, they didn't dare to speak out anymore, and most of them sighed, so they could only pull out their long swords and go up to arrest people!

Seeing this, Yang Hao glanced at Li Yong deeply, and didn't say anything more, the other party was not afraid of his status as a viscount, and he was determined to arrest himself and others in prison.

"Daddy, are your aunts and sisters gone?".

After the patrol came, Yang Hao heard the conversation between Li Xun and the head of the guard and Li Yong, and knew that it was not good, so he asked his father to arrange for the three female dependents to sneak away first!,

"Well, they are all gone, but they have been gone for a while, and they are ......." Yang Lingfeng didn't say anything more about the next words, with a worried face!

, "It's okay, before I came, I had already asked Lin Zhong's housekeeper to rush to the Royal Restaurant to find Princess Changle, Her Royal Highness the princess should know soon...".

Yang Hao whispered comforting

to his father and said! It's just that Yang Hao also has some doubts in his heart, it stands to reason that so much time has passed, why hasn't Princess Changle come yet, and it is less than a quarter of an hour away from

the Royal Restaurant!

Could it be that his luck today is so bad? Princess Changle is not ???

at the Royal Restaurant at this time The father and son both shut up, because at this time the patrol members had already approached and controlled all of them in a group of more than ten people!

"Take it away and go to the prison of the criminal department."

Li Yong saw that Yang Hao and the others had been caught, and Leng Sen said,


Captain Li, since we were all arrested, what about them? They are all brawls, why only arrest us and not arrest them?".

Yang Hao raised his chin and pointed at the guards and asked

, "I don't bother you to worry about this, besides, they are all victims,

so they don't need to go to prison." Li Yong sneered and said,

"Oh...... It turns out that you have the final say on the law of the Tang Dynasty, awesome, you are blind when the people around you are blind? Or can you be a district patrol captain who can cover the sky with one hand?".

Yang Hao knew that it was useless to say this now, but he still wanted to delay for a while and see if Princess Changle could come over in time to rescue himself and the others!"

"Boy, it's useless for you to have a sharp mouth now, wait for you to go to prison, I'll let you taste what hell on earth is."

Yang Yong took two steps forward and whispered in Yang Hao's ear,

"Hehe...... Okay, then I'd like to see if you, a mere patrol leader, dare to kill me, the viscount?". Yang Hao asked mockingly!

"Don't you dare to kill you, but it's still okay to torture you, the viscount, haha..."

Li Yong whispered and looked at the patrol members and said loudly

! In this way, a group of patrol team escorted

Yang Hao to the prison of the Criminal Department with more than ten people!

At the entrance of the Royal Restaurant, the housekeeper Lin Zhong waited anxiously, walking around the door, looking around from time to time, and more than an hour had passed since Yang Hao asked him to come over to Princess Changle for help just now.

As soon as the housekeeper Lin Zhong came to the Royal Restaurant, he went straight to Princess Changle's special box, and found that Princess Changle was not there, and also asked the shopkeeper Huang, who also said that Princess Changle was not there.

This made the housekeeper Lin Zhong even more anxious, but there was no way, his young master had explained, he had to wait here for Princess Changle.

Time passed little by little, and another half an hour passed, and a group of dozens of horse teams slowly walked towards the Royal Restaurant

! Butler Lin Zhong heard the sound of the horse team, and hurriedly looked up, and found that the guards on horseback in front of him also knew him, and they were Princess Changle's personal guards!

Seeing this, Steward Lin hurriedly ran over and shouted

loudly "Your Highness the Princess... Her Royal Highness the Princess... My young master has an accident, and I ask Her Royal Highness the princess to come to the rescue......". Steward Lin shouted loudly as he ran

, "It's you,

what's the matter?" just stand here and say it."

When the head of the guard saw Steward Lin, he obviously recognized him as the butler beside Yang Hao

, and said, "This general, the villain has something urgent to find Her Royal Highness the Princess, it is about the safety of my young master,

please go and report it quickly...".

Steward Lin stood in front of the guard on horseback, raised his head and said to him anxiously

, "Okay, you wait here,

I'll report to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

When the head of the guard heard Steward Lin's words, it was about Yang Hao's safety, and he didn't dare to delay, knowing that this Yang Hao was now with Her Royal Highness the Princess, huh...... The relationship is a little delicate!

Princess Changle was sitting in the luxurious carriage and resting with her eyes closed, when she heard Liu'er's voice outside.

"Captain Xu, is there something wrong?".

"Well, just now Yang Hao's housekeeper came to report, saying that he wanted to find Her Royal High......ness the princess for Yang Hao's safety."

"What are you talking about?Yang Hao, what's wrong with him, what's wrong?".

Before Captain Xu finished speaking, he saw Princess Changle open the carriage curtain and interrupted urgently.

"Returning to Her Royal Highness the Princess......". Captain Xu repeated what he had just said, and said that Steward Lin looked very anxious!

"Captain Xu, you hurry up and bring him over..."

After Princess Changle finished speaking, she got out of the carriage, regardless of the princess's majestic image, and sat directly outside, waiting anxiously!

After a while, Captain Xu took Steward Lin over here.

"Your Highness the Princess... Your Royal Highness Princess, please save my young master and them...".

When Steward Lin arrived, he knelt down directly to Princess Changle and said with a crying voice!

, "What's the matter? Yang Hao, what's wrong with him? You get up first and explain it slowly...".

Princess Changle hurriedly said

, "Yes, Your Royal Highness Princess, that's the case, ............ this morning",

"Now, my young master should have had an accident, otherwise after such a long time,

the young master should have sent someone to inform the villain...".

Steward Lin then told the cause and effect of the matter, and also said that Yang Hao's situation should not be good now!

"Bastard, dare to do this in broad daylight, Captain Xu, let's go, now go to the downtown area to take a look, you take him on horseback, go quickly...".

Hearing this, Princess Changle's face turned blue with anger, and she looked at Captain Xu and said, pointing at Steward Lin and motioning for him to bring it!

"Yes, Your Royal Highness Princess."

After Captain Xu replied, he grabbed Steward Lin with one hand and threw it on the horse's back, turned the horse's head and took the lead and went straight to the downtown area!

In a large cell, Yang Hao's father and son, as well as more than a dozen family members, all changed into prison uniforms, and their hands and feet were all put on bracelets and anklets.

Yang Lingfeng and the family members were all indignant and worried on their faces at the moment.

Yang Hao was much calmer, sitting in a corner of the cell, closing his eyes and waiting for something.

It didn't take long for two prison guards to come over and ask,

"Who is Yang Hao?

Yang Hao opened his eyes, stood up, and walked out slowly, knowing that the other party's revenge was coming, he only hoped that Princess Changle would come over to save herself!

It was full of all kinds of torture instruments, Yang Hao was so frightened that he almost didn't turn his head and ran out, and in the middle was a table and two chairs

! On the chair sat a familiar person, Li Yong!

You're finally here, you tie him to the torture stake, please tie him tightly, and I'll let him enjoy it later...".

Li Yong sat on the chair and looked at Yang Hao, and said very happily and enthusiastically

! I don't know, I thought the two were good friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time

! Before Li Yong came, he also went to Uncle Li Kai's house to ask for instructions on how to deal with Yang Hao, Li Kai's answer was simple and simple, gritted his teeth and said hatefully: Kill Yang Hao!

Yang Hao was tied to the torture pillar by two jailers, his limbs apart, and he was tied into a large human shape.

"Master Li, please also pay attention to proportion, otherwise it will be difficult for us to give a difference to the top." One of the jailers looked at Li Yong and said

, "Well, I know, I won't kill him,

you go out and wait first." Li Yong opened his mouth and said

! The two jailers nodded, looked at Yang Hao with pity, didn't say anything

, and walked out and closed the cell door!

"Boy, your mouth was quite hard just now, what's the matter? Now you're

dumb?" After Li Yong saw the jailer go out, he walked to the fire rack that had been prepared on the side, picked up a soldering iron that was extremely hot red and extremely hot and hot, and walked towards Yang Hao with excited eyes!

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