Princess Changle, who was sitting at the dining table, didn't speak after hearing this, just glanced at Yang Hao and silently picked up the chopsticks.

And the shopkeeper on the side was not happy to hear it, what kind of person is this, what is it called if it is not delicious, cut off my head, and if it is delicious, I will give you a five-star praise, what the hell is this? What is the matter with my old man?

After Princess Changle tasted a bite of stir-fried mutton, her eyes couldn't help but narrow, the entrance of mutton did not have the same fishy smell as before, and this taste... It's delicious, it's delicious, it's delicious......

Then I couldn't wait to take a bite and eat it, and after making sure that the taste was still so delicious, I turned to another dish~ Yellow stewed chicken, after tasting this dish, Princess Changle liked it even more, and after eating several bites in a row, she reluctantly turned to other dishes.

If it is concocted in this way, Princess Changle can't stop eating every dish. Princess Changle eats alone with relish, Yang Haoke can't stand it anymore, in fact, he himself is quite hungry, in order to talk about business, he hasn't eaten lunch yet, this will see Princess Changle eat by herself so high, so cute, so happy.

I was hungry and watching, and I was even more hungry. But there is no way, who calls people the high-ranking princess Changle, and she is so beautiful, so cute, she can't complain if she wants to.

After almost half an hour, Princess Changle finally put down the chopsticks in her hand and burped, this was the first time she had eaten such a delicious meal since she grew up, and it was much better than the meals made by the imperial chefs in the palace.

After picking up a towel and wiping her mouth, Princess Changle looked at Yang Hao, who was standing on the side, smiled slightly and said: "Yes, you are very good, you have not deceived the palace, these dishes are indeed much better than the meals eaten in the palace in the past, today's meal is the best in the palace, oops! It's beyond imagination!

" "Hehe, Her Royal Highness the princess likes to eat, the grass people have said before, the food I cook is quite delicious, delicious, and has an endless aftertaste, which can be called a must in Chang'an, in terms of cooking skills, the grass people dare to say loudly in Chang'an City, I call the second, no one dares to call the first."

Yang Hao heard that Her Royal Highness the princess praised and recognized his cooking skills so much, and he hurriedly bragged about himself, and his chest snapped.

Princess Changle couldn't help but be stunned when she saw Yang Hao bragging about herself and talking so impassionedly, and then she couldn't help laughing. After feeling that he was a little out of shape, he hurriedly put on a straight face and pretended to be serious:

"Okay, you don't have to brag about yourself anymore, if you continue to brag about it, you will blow it to the sky." Sit down and talk about it, didn't you say you wanted to talk about business with Hongu?

When Yang Hao heard that Her Royal Highness the princess let him go over to sit, he also took a few steps forward and saluted the princess to express his gratitude, then pulled out the chair and sat down, and then said:

"Uh... That's right, Your Royal Highness Princess, just now you also tasted the dishes I made, and you also affirmed my cooking skills, do you think that if only your restaurant in Chang'an City can make such delicious dishes, you say, will the business of the restaurant be full every day, and even queue up?"

When Princess Changle heard this, she couldn't help but nodded, it is true, according to what Yang Hao said, Chang'an City has no other branches, so her royal restaurant must be doing a good business, and the price of dishes can also be mentioned above, so it will make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Princess Changle was not calm, and asked bluntly: "What do you want to do?" Do you want to sell those spice recipes directly to our restaurant or provide these seasonings for a long time

?". "Hehe, no! What I want is not this kind of cooperation, but I will provide seasonings and chefs and research new dishes, and Your Royal Highness Princess, you only need to provide the restaurant venue, and ensure that these seasoning recipes will not be coveted, of course, the restaurant management is still responsible for your side." As for how to distribute it, I think five or five points is just right! What do you think of my cooperation method? What about distribution?"

Yang Hao looked at Princess Changle's beautiful face that could drip water, and said slowly.

Princess Changle also asked for a moment when she heard Yang Hao's cooperation, but then she gradually figured out the reason, and understood why Yang Hao had such a good ability in her hands, but she still had to come to her own royal restaurant to cooperate, instead of opening a restaurant by herself.

is obviously afraid that after he goes to open a restaurant, the business will be booming, and he will be coveted and robbed, and it is different to cooperate with his own restaurant, this is a royal restaurant, even if the business is hot, no one dares to covet it, and whoever dares to covet it will die.

After figuring it out, Princess Changle looked at Yang Hao with a smile, and said: "For the cooperation method you said, this palace can promise you, but this distribution plan, this palace is a little unacceptable, so let's do it, how about seven or three? This is the maximum allocation that this palace can give you"

Yang Hao saw Princess Changle's smiling expression, and also guessed that Her Royal Highness the princess saw through her own shortcomings, so as to improve her own value. However, the distribution of three or seven was a little low, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Your Royal Highness Princess, otherwise, I don't want five or five points, how about six or four points? Besides, the price of these seasonings is not cheap, and it takes a lot of things and manpower, which I will bear, and I will continue to research new dishes, which also require a lot of money."

Hearing Yang Hao say this, Princess Changle also thought about it, and after a while, she was relieved

, and said: "Okay, then according to what you said, six or four points, the palace is six and you are four, and the palace will personally come to the two agreements",

and after speaking, he ordered a maid next to him to go down and get pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

After a while, the two agreements were ready, and Princess Changle handed one over and said

, "You look at the content of the agreement, if there is no problem, just sign your name on it, and everyone will have one in the future."

Yang Hao took the agreement and looked at the contents, and after not finding any problems, he picked up the brush and slowly wrote his name according to the memory of writing brush words in this life. No way, he was born in the 21st century in his previous life, who has nothing to do to practice what brush writing, and the pen writing is good.

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