
and leaning against the cold wall, Yang Hao stared at a few mice hiding in the opposite corner and was shivering

, seeing that they were afraid of being like this, Yang Hao despised them very much, they were really rats

, they were like rats, they were as timid as rats, and they were like rats Ignoring a few frightened mice, Yang Hao closed his eyes, pretended to sleep, and continued to think about his affairs with

the Seven Great Families, about saying that the white paper he made was poisonous this time, plus Cui Qiming personally brought people over to arrest him, and he dared to arrest himself when there was insufficient human and material evidence

, Yang Hao thought about it for a while, and immediately understood what happened this time, nine times out of ten, it was the people of the Seven Great Families who were behind the ghost and wanted to frame themselves


the same time, Yang Hao was also very angry in his heart, he didn't want to come up with a killing move so quickly, so as not to make himself look too amazing, it was difficult to explain

, it seems that he has to arrange it as soon as possible after going out this time, otherwise the seven great families will come to frame him from time to time, and it is also annoying to prevent it!

Although he is now a partner with Princess Changle, the relationship is not bad, and if something happens, Princess Changle is under her protection, and the head-on conflict will not be life-threatening, but it is impossible to hide behind a woman for the rest of his life, right?

Seeing these four words

, Li Shimin's brows furrowed slightly, and he began to look at them with interest, and the more Li Shimin looked, the deeper his brows wrinkled, and after reading it, Li Shimin was not in a hurry to read it, and looked at the half-meter-high folds superimposed next to him, and faintly felt something, so he put aside the finished folds, picked up another book and opened it and read it

The first thing that catches my eye is still the impeachment

of Yang Hao! "Interesting......

Li Shimin muttered to himself, and began to read it; as before, he was not in a hurry to read

it after reading it, but put it aside, picked up a book of recitals and read it again! An hour later, Li Shimin finally finished reading the recitals sent by Shangshu Province today, and

without exception, ninety percent of them were impeached against Yang Hao!

"Wang De......"

Your Majesty, the old slave

is ......" "You take a look at this ...... first

" Li Shimin said and pointed his hand to the halfway fold! "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wang De picked it up and opened it and looked at it, and after a while, he put down the fold in his hand, looked at Li Shimin, and waited for Li Shimin's instructions!

"You ask people to check, what is going on, and also, find out who is behind the ghost."

Li Shimin looked at Wang De and ordered

, "Yes, Your Majesty."

After Wang De left, Li Shimin sat back in his chair, closed his eyes and pondered!

"The family, the courage is getting bigger and bigger, and they don't take me as the emperor in their eyes at all, and even this kind of little trick can be used...... "Don't

you know that the white paper, the paper factory, is managed by my daughter in the final analysis?" Dare to use such vicious means to frame Yang Hao, don't you know that framing Yang Hao is also framing my daughter and affecting my interests?"

After pondering for a while, Li Shimin muttered to himself

! After half an hour, Wang De walked in!

"Your Majesty, this is the news sent back by the spies......."

Li Shimin took it, unfolded it, and looked at it, and after a while, handed the finished note back to Wang De, and motioned him to go down and dispose of it

! In the Dongcheng Royal Restaurant, the guards sent out by Princess Changle to call Yang Hao came back in a hurry and knocked on the door of the box where Princess Changle was!

"Come in"

"It's you, what about Yang Hao?" Why didn't I come with you?".

Princess Changle raised her eyes to look at the guards who walked in, looked behind, and didn't see Yang Hao's figure, so she asked strangely!"

"Back to Her Royal Highness the Princess, the little one went to Yang Gongzi's house just now, and found that Yang Gongzi's house was surrounded by some officers and soldiers, and when I went in and asked, I learned that Yang Gongzi had been arrested by the right attendant of the Criminal Department three hours ago, and this should be in the prison of the Criminal Department."

After speaking, the guard cautiously glanced at Princess Changle, for fear that she would be mad

!"What did you say? Are you not mistaken? Yang Hao was arrested and put

in the prison of the Criminal Department again?" Princess Changle stood up suddenly, looked at the guard and asked loudly!

"Back to Her Royal Highness the Princess, it is true, the little one went in and asked Yang Gongzi's father, they wanted to send someone out to send a message to Her Royal Highness the Princess, but they couldn't get out, and they were forbidden to leave the house by the people of the Criminal Department." The guard immediately replied

!"How can this be reasonable!This right attendant of the Criminal Department is really lawless, he didn't say anything about arresting people, and forbade people to leave the house, what a good means",

"Go with this ......princess"

After listening to the guard's words, Princess Changle became even more angry, Cui Qiming did this, nothing more than not wanting Yang Hao's family to come out and send a letter to him, if he hadn't sent someone to call Yang Hao, it is estimated that this would still be kept in the dark!

Princess Changle and a group of guards hurried to this side, and at this time they had arrived at the gate

of the prison of the Criminal Department!"The lower official has seen Her Royal Highness the Princess, dare to ask Her Royal Highness the Princess, what are you doing here?"

The head of the jailer saw the person coming, and hurriedly walked forward to salute and said! In his heart, he thought: Why is this Princess Changle here again? Is it because of that kid?

Today, Yang Hao was arrested and put in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and this jailer

leader also knows!

"Is there a young man named Yang Hao who was arrested by the people of the Criminal Department today?" Princess Changle asked!

When the head of the jailer heard this, he secretly said: "That's really the case!"

I wanted to think about it, but I hurriedly replied: "Back to Her Royal Highness the Princess, yes, just three hours ago, the officers and soldiers of the Criminal Department did send over a son named Yang Hao."

"Then don't let him out quickly."

This time, it was not Princess Changle who spoke, but Captain Xu said on the side!

"This ...... It's not that the lower officials won't let people go, but Lord Cui, the right attendant of the Criminal Department, sent someone to explain before, and without Lord Cui's permission, he can't be easily released."

The head of the jailer looked at Captain Xu and said with an embarrassed face!

, "Why are you so blind, is he a right-hand servant or is it that Her Royal Highness the princess said that it doesn't work? Even if you go and release the people, what is there for Her Royal Highness the princess to bear."

Captain Xu looked at the head of the jailer with hatred and said! When the

head of the jailer heard this, he didn't answer, but looked at Princess Changle, waiting for Princess Changle to speak!

"Even if you go in and let Yang Hao out, if there is anything that Princess Ben is responsible for, if Cui Qiming embarrasses you, you can tell Princess Ben."

Princess Changle saw the head of the jailer like this, how could she not know his thoughts!

"Okay, Your Royal Highness Princess, then you wait a while, and the lower officials will go in and let Yang Gongzi out."

Hearing Princess Changle's words, the head of the jailer immediately smiled and said! What he was waiting for was Princess Changle's words

! Captain Xu looked at the head of the jailer who turned around and left with a black line on the side, and thought: This old J kicks, dare to love what Lao Tzu just said is farting?

In the prison of the Criminal Department, the head of the jailer walked all the way to the door of Yang Hao's cell and looked at Yang Hao, who was sleeping with a few rats inside!

Listening to Yang Hao's even breathing, looking at Yang Hao's slowly flowing saliva, the jailer leader couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle, this kid is really big-hearted, and he doesn't know what kind of sweet dream he is having!"

"Yang Gongzi, Yang Gongzi...... Wake up, don't dream, Her Royal Highness Princess Changle will come down to pick you up from

prison" The head of the jailer asked people to open the prison door, walked in front of Yang Hao, squatted down and patted Yang Hao's shoulder and said!


A pair of long legs, coupled with the uneven curves, and the stunning beauty that captivates people

with a smile, I never thought that at this critical moment, Yang Hao hugged Princess Changle in his arms, and the two looked at each other affectionately, and when they were about to talk to Princess Changle

, the voice of the jailer's head sounded in his ears, interrupting his

sweet dream! How could this not make Yang Hao angry?

It was not easy to have such a sweet dream once, and he was interrupted by a bad old man!

"No, who are you? Why did you wake me up by slapping me decently? Do you know that you did this, and I missed a good opportunity?"

Yang Hao felt that his saliva was still flowing, and quickly wiped it

! "Hehe! Yang Gongzi, young and vigorous, old man, I am from here

, I understand, I understand......" "But Yang Gongzi, old man, I came in to call you out, Her Royal Highness Princess Changle is waiting for you outside."

The head of the jailer smiled at Yang Hao, looking like I knew what kind of sweet dream your kid was having!

"Oh, Her Royal Highness is down, then it's okay, let's go."

Yang Hao stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks

!"Old prison head, let me tell you, next time, someone is drooling while sleeping, you must not go up to wake up the other party, it is easy to disturb the other party's sweet dreams, very impolite, understand?"

Yang Hao walked out of the cell and preached to the jailer leader!

What can the jailer head say?

The kid in front of him is obviously very familiar with Princess Changle, otherwise Princess Changle would not have come over in person three times or twice to ask for someone, so ah, he still smiled well!

Not to mention that he seemed to be ...... just now It seems like...... It really disturbed this kid's sweet dream

! Outside the prison of the Criminal Department, Princess Changle and her party stood outside and waited

! At this time, Princess Changle saw Yang Hao and the head of the jailer talking and laughing together and walked out! It was the two of them talking and laughing, but it was better to say that Yang Hao was preaching, and the head of the jailer was smiling and nodding

again and again! Seeing that Yang Hao was okay and jumping around, Princess Changle sighed with relief!

Hey beauty, I'm sorry for you to run again."

Yang Hao raised his eyes and saw Princess Changle not far away, and immediately greeted him with a smile!

"It's okay, as long as you're fine, let's go, get in the carriage."

Princess Changle also smiled slightly, beckoning Yang Hao to get into her carriage together

!"Your Royal Highness Princess, I'm afraid it's not okay?"

Before Yang Hao could speak, Captain Xu on the side heard this, and hurriedly looked at Princess Changle and reminded!

"It's okay, Your Royal Highness Princess, I'll ride...... Belch...... I'll just walk."

Yang Hao naturally knew the meaning of Xu Xiaowei's words, he was a big man, he was in the carriage of a girl who had not been out of the cabinet, and the other party was still a princess, which seemed inappropriate, and

he wanted to say that he was riding a horse, but halfway through the words, he thought that he couldn't ride a horse, so he hurriedly changed his words!

Princess Changle glanced at Yang Hao: "What are you talking about, hurry up, when are you going to walk?"

Yang Hao waved his hand:" Hey, it's okay, I'll just run back and work out."

Princess Changle pretended to be angry: "No more nonsense, if you don't come up, this princess will let you go back to the prison to stay, do you believe it or not?"

Yang Hao was helpless, and also knew that Princess Changle was kind: "Okay, then I'll sit outside the carriage, if you don't agree, then I'll go back to the prison to sleep."

Seeing this, the head of the jailer on the side couldn't help but secretly speak, and said in his heart: What are these two people doing? They both threaten each other in the prison, and they don't understand, they don't understand

! The guards around them, including Captain Xu and Liu Er, were not surprised when they saw this!

Finally, at Yang Hao's insistence, Yang Hao got on the outside of Princess Changle's carriage, and the group headed towards the Dongcheng Imperial Restaurant!

Along the way, Princess Changle opened the carriage curtain and told Yang Hao about what happened today, and Yang Hao also told Princess Changle about Cui Qiming taking someone to arrest him this morning!

Yang Hao was also hungry, he was arrested by Cui Qiming in the morning and taken to

the prison of the Criminal Department, and he has not eaten a mouthful of food until now, not that the prison does not take care of the food, but that the food in the prison is simply not something that a person like Yang Hao can eat!

At the same time

, in the box on the second floor of the Hegui Restaurant,

the representatives of the seven great families gathered together again and sat around the round table!

When Yang Hao was released by Princess Changle, the spies from the Seven Great Families also immediately sent the news, and at this time they all knew that Yang Hao had been released from prison!

"This Yang Hao really has the ability to let Princess Changle protect him like this."

After Wang Kun of the Taiyuan royal family heard the news, he couldn't help muttering!

"This is also normal, if it were me, Yang Hao would be able to help me make so much money and build two endless money-making factories, and I would protect them too."

Cui Genghe of the Boling Cui family opened his mouth and said

, "Let's not talk about this for a while, what should we do now? Our strategy doesn't seem to have any effect? Now that Yang Hao's kid has been released unharmed."

Li Kai impatiently interrupted the conversation between the two of them and asked!

, "What are you anxious about, with Princess Changle protecting him, it is expected that he will be released, as long as we can't find out who poisoned him, we can make a fuss about this matter, tomorrow the court will let the officials of our family impeach Yang Hao together, and it is Yang Hao's white paper that has gone wrong, and put pressure on Li Shimin to let him execute Yang Hao, even if he is not executed, at least let Yang Hao lose his title."

Cui Xiong glanced at Li Kai, who was in a hurry, at this time, looked at everyone and said slowly,

"But doing so is tantamount to offending Princess Changle and offending him Li Shimin." Cui Genghe opened his mouth and reminded

, "What are you afraid of, not to mention that it is Yang Hao who we impeach, not her Princess Changle." When

the other six people heard this, they all gave him a blank look at Li Kai, and they didn't know if Li Kai hadn't woken up!

"Oh, Brother Li Kai, you don't want to think about it, although we are impeaching Yang Hao, but after all, this paper factory is also a royal party, and it is Princess Changle who is in charge, and the white paper on which we impeach Yang Hao is poisonous, isn't it offending Princess Changle and offending him Li Shimin?"

Fan Yang Lu family Lu Feichong usually has a good relationship with Li Kai, so he can't help but explain

! Li Kai heard this, then he suddenly nodded in realization, thinking of his stupid words just now, he closed his mouth a little embarrassed!

"There is no way to offend, now Yang Hao's kid is a business partner with the royal family, and it has brought great benefits to the royal family, if we want to deal with Yang Hao, we will definitely offend the royal people and offend him Li Shimin","

However, as long as we are reasonable and do not leave a handle on things, even if we offend him Li Shimin, Li Shimin will not dare to do anything to us."

Cui Xiong looked at everyone and slowly opened his mouth to analyze!

, "Well, Brother Cui is right about this, as long as we usually do things reasonably and don't leave unfavorable evidence, he Li Shimin can't do anything about us."

Cui Genghe touched his beard and nodded sensibly!

"Okay, let's eat, as long as we can't find evidence, let the officials of our family impeach Yang Hao tomorrow, no accident, this time Yang Hao will have to be cut off if he doesn't die."

Cui Xiong picked up the chopsticks and said confidently, beckoning everyone to eat!

As soon as the others heard about eating, they remembered the food in the Royal Restaurant, and then looked at the delicacies in front of them, and they all didn't want to pick up the chopsticks

When he came back, there was not a single figure of the officers and soldiers of the Criminal Department who had surrounded Yang's Mansion, and Yang Hao thought to himself, probably knowing that he had been released and had received Cui Qiming's order, so he left

! As soon as Yang Hao stepped into the house, when he arrived at the door of the living room, he saw his little sister Yang Xiaoting raising her hands back, bending down and lowering her head and rushing towards herself

! "Big nest, big nest ......

" "Hey, hey! Didn't you tell you not to run like this? It's easy to fall if you run like this."

Yang Hao hurriedly squatted down and made a gesture of hugging Xiao Tingting


Obviously, Xiao Tingting is also a ghost, and she knows that Yang Hao will catch him

!"It's just you, but you still have to run less like this, you know, come on, kiss one

" Yang Hao picked up Xiao Tingting, gently pinched her pink little face, and said with a smile

! "Okay, big nest, hmm!"

Xiao Tingting nodded obediently, and then kissed Yang Hao's face! "Hao'er,

are you okay?

Yang Lingfeng and the others stepped forward at this time and looked at Yang Hao with concern!

"Dad, mother, aunts, I'm fine, I just went in and stayed for a few hours, and then Princess Changle went to pick me up." Yang Hao responded with a smile!

"Okay, it's okay, I'm worried about you for my mother, and the whole family is worried that you will be punished by the criminal law like last time."

Seeing that Yang Hao was fine, Mother Yang also smiled and said

, "Big brother, you haven't eaten yet, have you?

My sister Yang Xiaoyan also stepped forward and asked with a smile!

"Yes, look at me, I forgot about this stubble, Hao'er, let's go, let's go to eat first, after eating, you can take a hot bath and go to bad luck."

When Yang's mother heard her daughter's words, she patted her head lightly and pulled Yang Hao to the side room!

"Well, Hao'er, your mother is right, after eating, go to bad luck, I hope you don't go to prison in the future, okay, my father is just your son, but I can count on you to inherit the lineage, you can't have an accident."

Yang Lingfeng looked at his son and said earnestly

! Since what happened last time, Yang Lingfeng doesn't expect his son to have much success

now, as long as his son is doing well! What's more, now that his son is so good at making money, the family will no longer lack money to spend, just like that, it's good to be a rich man!

In this way, Yang Hao accompanied the family to finish dinner together, and then returned to his small courtyard!"

Yang Shao, are you okay?"

"Young Master, you're back"

As soon as Yang Hao entered the small courtyard, Xue Rengui and Lin Zhong's housekeeper stepped forward and asked with concern

! Obviously, the two of them have been waiting here for a long time!

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Yang Hao smiled and responded

!"Eh, dog, didn't Ben Shao give you a look before he was arrested? Let you go out to report to Princess Changle, why didn't

you go?" When Yang Hao walked to the pavilion, he remembered this, turned his head to look at Steward Lin on the side, and asked, "Ah, young master, you gave me a look, didn't you let me stay in the house and don't go to the Qinglou to find Xiaohong for the time being?"

Steward Lin turned around and asked Yang Hao puzzled!

"Groove groove......

You dog thing, it turns out that you nodded at the time because you thought that Ben Shao asked you not to go to the Qinglou, and you thought that you understood Ben Shao's eyes, the two of us have the same mind, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it......" "You dog thing, no, no, Ben Shao really can't help it, you quickly

pout Ben Shao's ass ......" "Yes, pout a little higher......"

"Hey! Look at Ben Shao's shadowless legs".

With a soft bang, Steward Lin was kicked by Yang Hao and rushed straight in front of

him!"Oh, I'll go!Comfortable, unbelievably comfortable!This is the feeling, this is the taste", "

Young Master, your shadowless legs are really perfect for training, and the blue is better than the blue."

After being kicked, Steward Lin walked back while touching his buttocks, and praised with a cheap smile

! "Hmph! next time I dare to misunderstand the meaning of Ben Shao, Ben Shao kicked you and the chrysanthemums are all over the mountain."

Yang Hao pretended to be evil and looked at Steward Lin fiercely and said

, "Yang Shao, I am familiar with this trick, let me come next time." Xue Rengui laughed and coaxed on the side!

"Okay, I'll give it to Brother Xue next time", "Okay

, I'll go take a hot bath first, you all go back, you should eat, you should sleep, just don't go to the Qinglou."

Yang Hao waved his hand and said, after speaking, he glared at Steward Lin, the old pervert!

[It's another night of staying up late to code words, and I sprinkled 6200 words, I don't know how long I can stay up all night and last, tired like a dog, sleeping, it's 5 o'clock in the morning, it's dawn.] Tomorrow continue to get up early to move bricks to make money... 】

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