"Wang De, quick, help me hold him down, I will go and get a pair of

scissors to ......" After Li Shimin finished ordering, he pretended to go back and find the scissors

!"Mom! it won't be true, right? Help...... I don't want to be a eunuch, I want to have a bunch of little monkeys with my goddess, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Jade Emperor, come and save your life......"

When Yang Hao heard this, he ran out of his legs, shouting for help as he ran!

Li Shimin laughed strangely, and walked slowly towards

Yang Hao! Yang Hao felt a little familiar when he heard this sentence, strangely, it was still a big man who said this to himself, and his heart was furious, and he just wanted to open the door and run out, but he was pulled by Wang De's father-in-law who ran up from behind!

",, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, Barbie Q", "

Princess, you don't let go of me, otherwise your position will be lost."

Yang Hao broke out in a cold sweat, turned his head to look at Wang De and reminded in a whisper

, "Young Master Yang, there is no way, the emperor's order cannot be violated."

Wang De smiled helplessly! Wang De

was also bitter in his heart, Li Shimin said that if he was replaced, he would be replaced, what could he do

......!" Wang De, let him go!"

"Hey, you kid, come back, really, I'm joking with you, I still have a lot of things to discuss with you, such as the problem of movable type printing", "

As for it, scared like this, a big man, just this little guts?"

"Your Majesty, can this be like this? Killing people is not too much, you want to click the minister's brother, the minister naturally wants to run, the minister can die, but the minister's brother can't die."

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Yang Hao stopped, turned around and said with a wry smile!

"Ahem...... Okay, let's get down to business, do you know that the officials of the family impeached you in the court today, saying that your white paper was poisonous, and the specific reason is that I don't say that you know, and I also asked me to cut your title",

"You kid don't know, how much effort did it take me to persuade the officials of the family to stop dwelling on this matter, otherwise, hehe......."

Li Shimin walked back to the chair and sat down, and said! He also learned the words he learned from his daughter Princess Changle, hehe

! It's just that Li Shimin deliberately said these words, which is amazing

, first, Li Shimin said this because he wanted to clearly tell Yang Hao that the people of the family want to deal with you and let him be on guard, and second, Li Shimin

didn't want a capable person like Yang Hao to get too close to the Seven Great Families

Third, Li Shimin also wants to tell Yang Hao that I am on your side and have helped you, and at the same time sell Yang Hao a good one!

" Thank you Your Majesty, the minister doesn't know where to offend

the family, let the people of the family deliberately frame the minister like this", "The last time it happened, it was because the children of the family wanted to bully the minister's sister and bully the minister's family, and the minister had no choice but to teach the other party a lesson","

This time, the family obviously deliberately framed the minister, I believe Your Majesty, you also know that if there was no Royal Highness Princess Changle to protect the minister, the minister might still be locked up in the prison of the Criminal Department",

"The old men of the family obviously don't want the minister to live a stable and idle life, hum ......."

Yang Hao said the back, Huo Da snorted heavily

, he could also guess what Li Shimin said just now, so this will have to show that the relationship between himself and the family is not harmonious, and he is very dissatisfied with the family!"

"Well, it's good that you kid know, don't say it's you, sometimes I can't suppress these families, but they are very united, and they will get together whenever something happens."

There are some things, I don't want to say, you can also inquire, there are nearly eighty percent

of the people in the court who are from the seven families, and they have a firm grasp of the books, resulting in fewer and fewer people reading for the children of the poor family", "Some of them are also used by them or spend a lot of money to collect them, I want to reuse some officials of the children of the poor family, but I can't find anyone to use them, so I have to use the people of their families in the same cycle, no, the court will fall into a state of no one to manage and paralyzed","

As a result, their energy above the court is getting bigger and bigger, and their influence on the scholars is getting deeper and deeper, so that they are more and more arrogant and unscrupulous",

"Huh...... As soon as I mentioned this, I felt a headache and a headache in my head."

Li Shimin glanced at Yang Hao, looked in the direction of the outside of the palace gate, as if he could see the scenery outside, and leisurely talked about the affairs of the seven great families

, and in the end, he couldn't help but let out a long breath, rubbing his temples with his right hand!

Seeing this, Wang De hurriedly stepped forward, walked behind Li Shimin, and helped him knead his temples!"

Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much, now that you have this movable type printing, and then let the craftsmen create more woodblocks, as well as movable fonts, if there are many workers, thousands of books will come out casually after being printed in a day, or even more than that",

"Therefore, why worry that there will be no scholars from poor families in the future? Moreover, Your Majesty, you can also promote the imperial examination, once every two or three years, select talents from them, and recruit talents, once every two or three years, after a few years, I believe that the family will no longer pose any threat."

Yang Hao looked at Li Shimin,

smiled and analyzed and suggested! According to Yang

Hao's understanding, the imperial examination has not yet been implemented nationwide

, but according to the historical records of his previous life, Li Shimin will promote the implementation of the imperial examination system throughout the country in a few years

Li Shimin was very surprised that Yang Hao could think of this when he heard Yang Hao talk about the imperial examination, and couldn't help but look at Yang Hao twice!

"Oh, to engage in the imperial examination, you kid is thoughtful, and your ideas are also very good, I also wanted to promote the imperial examination system before, but I didn't have enough books", "Besides, you don't

know, there are many problems in wanting to implement the imperial examination now, as far as the people are concerned, now our people in the Tang Dynasty are not rich."

"Chang'an City or the surrounding areas are fine, but far away from Chang'an City, most people can't even solve the problem of food and clothing, and they don't have this condition to let them put down their farm tools to make a living and concentrate on studying."

Li Shimin slowly said that the imperial examination has caused all kinds of difficulties for some ordinary people, and if these problems are not solved, although the imperial examination will be carried out in a

useful way, it will obviously not be very useful! After hearing this, Yang Hao pondered for a while: "Your Majesty, in fact, it is not very difficult to solve these problems."

Li Shimin was puzzled and curious: "Well???simple?Why do you say this?

""Your Majesty, since the living conditions of the people are difficult now, we want more people to study, we need to reduce their living pressure, such as tax reductions", "

Secondly, we can start with the township examination, then the county examination, the state examination, and finally the qualified ones selected in various prefectures, and then go to Chang'an City to conduct the final imperial examination".

"In this way, it saves a lot of trouble in the middle, not to mention, it is also convenient for those who are far away

from the poor to take the exam locally, and for some really difficult poor scholars, the court can give some help", "For example, the other party has passed the exam in the township and county, and meets the requirements for the state and city exams, and there is no travel fee or the like, the court can give them help, which I believe will not cost the court how much money it is."

Of course, these are just personal suggestions, and it is up to Your Majesty to decide how to do it."

After Yang Hao finished saying this, Li Shimin slapped his thigh excitedly

, "Oh! Why didn't I think of this, okay, okay, Yang Hao, you are really a talent, this idea is good, very good" "No, no, no, you kid have to be crowned quickly, after the crowning, I must let you enter the court as an official, otherwise it will be a waste of a great talent, and I can't

miss ......."

Li Shimin said in annoyance at first, and finally stood up, pointed at Yang Hao and said,

"Ahem...... Your Majesty, can we still have a good chat? Don't let the minister be an official at every turn? The minister is really not a talent, Princess, uh...... Yes, the prince is a talent, and your majesty can reuse the prince."

As Yang Hao spoke, he caught a glimpse of Wang De standing behind Li Shimin holding back a smile with bad intentions, so he hurriedly pointed at Wang

De and said! Wang De, who was standing behind Li Shimin, had a black line on his face!

"Okay, you kid, as soon as you talk about this, you will find an excuse to excuse yourself", "

However, you kid tried his best to come up with this movable type printing and come up with the imperial examination, you want me to deal with the family, right?"

Li Shimin looked at Yang Hao, although his voice was calm, there was a majesty contained in it!

"Your Majesty, the minister really wants to deal with the family, but he wants to do something for the Tang Dynasty and your Majesty, and he definitely has no other thoughts, let alone dare to have this thought."

Li Shimin asked like this just now, which was tantamount to saying that he wanted to use him

Li Shimin to deal with the family, where would Yang Hao admit this, and quickly explained

!"Well, you kid don't have to worry about anything, it's too late for me to thank you, by the way, I heard that the wine brewed at your house is delicious?"

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he changed the topic and asked!

"Uh...... Your Majesty, it's okay, it's okay, it's normal, the third in the Tang Dynasty, Your Majesty, do you like to drink?"

Yang Hao also admired this Li Shimin, the first sentence also talked about the family, and the latter sentence brought to the topic of wine!

You are not modest, I used to be a general, naturally I like to drink, and I don't have any wine, hey, last time I brought you wine from Zhijie and Jingde, I lingered after drinking it, and I also named the wine you brewed, called Zhenguan Wine ......."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he looked at Yang Hao with a smile!

"Hey, Your Majesty, the minister will come over next time, uh...... No, the minister will send a hundred catties of Zhenguan wine tomorrow, and it just so happens that there are more than 100 catties at home."

Yang Hao waved his hand, and immediately said arrogantly

, in fact, there are still hundreds of catties of wine at home, not that Yang Hao is stingy, but after all, his wine is added

to food, although it is not much, not to mention that there is a ban on alcohol in Datang, the other party is Li Shimin, the emperor of Datang, he can't say in front of others, hey, Your Majesty, I have a lot of wine at home, if you don't drink enough, I can brew it at any time

In this way, even if Li Shimin does not trouble himself now, it will bring an unstable factor to himself

......!" Okay, you kid is refreshing, no wonder Zhijie and Jingde often praise you for your heroic atmosphere in front of me",

"Wang De, you old minion, you don't have any eyesight, hurry up and serve tea to Yang Hao, good tea."

When Li Shimin heard that there were 100 catties of Zhenguan wine, he almost didn't come out, and immediately laughed and praised

Yang Hao! At the same time, he pretended to scold Wang De, and hurriedly served tea to Yang Hao

It seems that for Li Shimin, the charm of fine wine is relatively great, and even movable type printing, a great work that benefits scholars, is not as attractive as a hundred catties ............of

fine wine! In this way, Yang Hao has been chatting with Li Shimin about various topics, about how to get movable type printing next, about promoting the imperial examination system, about the family, about fine wine, about making Yang Hao an official, and so on

Yang Hao's mouth was dry, and he drank five or six cups of tea

! And Wang De on the side was also a little surprised, you must know that he has served by Li Shimin's side for so many years, and it is rare to see Li Shimin chatting with a person for so long, and still chatting so freely

! It was not until the curfew was approaching that Li Shimin let Yang Hao leave the palace!

The next morning!

The eldest grandson Wuji's house ushered in an uninvited guest, when the eldest grandson Wuji saw that the person who came was him, he couldn't help but feel surprised

, after that, the two talked in the study for half an hour

, and after the person left, the eldest grandson Wuji had a gloomy face, and took the eldest son and eldest grandson Chong hurriedly rushed to the palace!

In the side hall of Ganlu Palace

, at this time there are

Li Shimin, the eldest grandson Wuji, and the eldest grandson Chong, Li Shimin is a little strange, I don't know why the eldest grandson Wuji took the eldest grandson into the palace today!

"Chong'er, I've been busy with something lately, and I haven't entered the palace much, but I haven't seen you for a long time, and your aunt was still talking about you a few days ago that you haven't entered the palace to visit her for a long time."

Li Shimin sat on the first seat, looked at the eldest grandson below and asked with a smile!

, "Back to Your Majesty, the ministers have been on duty in the Ministry of Rites recently, and things are relatively busy these days, so I don't have much time to go into the palace, bothering the queen mother, and waiting for the ministers to go to see the queen mother."

The eldest grandson Chong looked at Li Shimin and said humbly and politely

! It can be seen that the eldest grandson Chong is full of aristocratic temperament in his gestures!

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction: "Well, I want to go over to visit and see your aunt, so that she will not always talk about it, and Guanyin attaches great importance to your nephew."

The eldest grandson Chong immediately responded: "Yes, Your Majesty, the ministers will go later."

Li Shimin: "How are you doing in the Ministry of Rites? Are you still used

to it?" Changsun Chong responded humbly: "Back to Your Majesty, it's okay, it's just that the minister has just taken up his post, and many places need to learn more from the seniors in the court."

Li Shimin encouraged: "Well, it's this principle, learn more, if you don't understand anything, ask the seniors of the Ministry of Rites, or you can go home and ask your father, your father is also familiar with the affairs of the Ministry of Rites."

The eldest grandson nodded in response: "Yes, Your Majesty, the ministers will be."

The eldest grandson Wuji on the side didn't interject, he sat quietly on the side, his expression was a little dazed, and he didn't know

what he was thinking!"Auxiliary, what are you thinking?"

Li Shimin moved his gaze to the eldest grandson Wuji, and when he saw him in a trance, he couldn't help asking!

"Your Majesty, it's nothing, minister...... The minister is thinking, Chong'er is not too young, he is already twenty this year, it should be the time to start a family, I don't know what His Majesty wants?"

Indeed, Chong'er has already reached the age of marriage, and it is time to get married",

"Auxiliary, I understand what you mean, and I also agree with this family affair very much, but...... Although it is said that the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, but you also know that Lizhi is the pearl of my palm, and I need to ask Lizhi about this girl, otherwise, if she is unhappy, I will suffer."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly and smiled!

"Your Majesty, you are joking, Chong'er and Princess Changle have been playing since childhood, and the relationship has always been very good, and I believe that Princess Changle should not object."

Li Shimin replied: "Well, I also know, but this kind of thing still needs to be asked about Liqian, don't worry, it just so happens that I will also talk to Guanyin."

Hearing Li Shimin say this, the eldest grandson Wuji couldn't say anything more, so he had to smile and nod

! And the eldest grandson Chong on the side, listening to the conversation between his father and Li Shimin, also knew that the two were talking about their marriage to their cousin Princess Changle, and wanted to say something, but they didn't dare to say it

! "Father, are you looking for a daughter?"

At this moment, as the words fell, a beautiful scenery appeared in the eyes of the three of them!

Lizhi has seen her uncle, she has seen her cousin."

After Princess Changle came in, she was slightly stunned when she saw the eldest grandson Wuji and the eldest grandson Chong sitting on the side, but she immediately reacted and hurriedly saluted

! "Beauty doesn't need to be polite

" "Cousin ......

" Eldest grandson Wuji and eldest grandson Chong also immediately smiled and looked at Princess Changle and responded!

"Father, do you have something to do with your daughter? If it's okay, your daughter will go out and be busy."

After Princess Changle said hello, she looked at Li Shimin and asked again!,

"Ahem...... Beauty, you ...... You sit down first, sit down and say, your uncle and cousin finally entered the palace together, no matter how busy you are, you can't just leave, it's not like words."

Li Shimin didn't know how to tell his daughter about her marriage with Changsun Chong, so he could only cough lightly and let Princess Changle sit down first!

[I fell asleep in the middle of the code last night, and I hurriedly made up for it after getting up this morning, and it was not good if I didn't save the manuscript. Looks like it's time to save some drafts. 】

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