Time rushed like flowing water, one minute followed another, fingers were broken one after another, a

total of six minutes passed, and when it was almost seven minutes, Yang Hao spoke again: "Brother Xue,


Xue Rengui was waiting for this sentence.

And what the people of Fanbang are most afraid of now is hearing this sentence

, the pain of their six fingers being broken just now is still in their hearts, where do they still have the courage to bear such pain,

where will there be any backbone?

Seeing that Xue Rengui was about to come forward, the Fanbang people were finally afraid, they were completely afraid, and hurriedly whined and shouted silently, tears flowed out,

Xue Rengui saw this, knew that the Fanbang people were afraid, and wanted to explain honestly, so he turned his head to look at Yang Hao, waiting for his meaning.

Yang Hao only opened his eyes at this time, looked at the Fanbang people, smiled slightly, the smile was still so bright, the Fanbang people

panicked when they saw Yang Hao's description, and they were scared and shouted, the meaning was obvious,

begging for mercy.

However, Yang Hao ignored his pleas for mercy, looked at Xue Rengui, and said, "Brother Xue, continue."

Xue Rengui smiled and nodded, just like just now, his movements were extremely skillful, and with a crisp click, the Fanbang people screamed silently.

After the Fanbang people calmed down, Yang Hao nodded with satisfaction, looked at him, and said, "I can give you another chance, but don't want to hide it, let alone bite your tongue and kill yourself, otherwise, I will make your life worse than death."

After that, Yang Hao motioned to Xue Rengui to take out the sackcloth in his mouth, and at the same time asked him to be careful not to let this Bang man bite his tongue and kill himself.

When the people of Fanbang heard Yang Hao's words, they nodded again and again, where would they still have the idea of wanting to slip.

Yang Hao wants this effect, and the last one is also to let the people of Fanbang know, no matter how disobedient you are, I won't even give you a chance to beg for mercy.

Yang Hao saw that he finally got acquainted, and asked, "Which country are you? Turkic or Tibetan? Also, who sent you to kill me? Or was it hired?"

After thinking for a long time just now, Yang Hao also faintly figured out why these people would come to kill him, but he still needs to confirm it.

After Yang Hao finished speaking, his eyes were staring at him, wanting to cause psychological pressure on him, otherwise, if he really wanted to lie, Yang Hao might not be able to see it.

When the Fanbang people heard this, they didn't dare to hesitate, and said in a hoarse voice: "I... I'm a Turk, as for who hired us

to kill you, I really don't know, only the leader of our tribe knows," "

Really, I didn't lie to you, I only know, we received an order from the leader a few days ago, come here and wait for the opportunity, if you leave Chang'an City, just, I will kill you, that's all I know, this lord, please, let me go!".

After listening to the Turkic man's words, Yang Hao nodded secretly, but it was the same as he thought, but, in this way

, he was not sure whether these people were hired by the family for money, Yang Hao could also see that the Turkic people were not lying, but Yang Hao was not good at judging whether he had concealed who hired them,

so he threatened: "Do you think I am easy to deceive? If you don't say it, it's hard for me to make you want to die, and I'm not that patient. The

Turks were frightened by Yang Hao's intimidation, and they were about to cry, and with a crying voice, they said in a trembling voice: "This lord, I really didn't lie to you, what I just said is true

," the Turks said this, seeing that Yang Hao still didn't believe it, so he said again:


This lord, think about it, our tribe belongs to the kind of business task that specializes in receiving and killing people, and there are rules in it, and I am just a small thug, this kind of confidential matter, how can our leader let me know, do you say?"

Yang Hao heard this, feeling that this was the reason, seeing that he couldn't ask anything anymore, he was a little disappointed in his heart, and sighed secretly,

and then looked at Xue Rengui and made a look

Xue Rengui understood in seconds, his hand fell, and a human head immediately flew to Steward Lin's feet, and the frightened Steward Lin shouted.

Steward Lin glared at Xue Rengui, not knowing if he was intentional or intentional.

Xue Rengui waved his hand, looking like I really didn't mean it.

Yang Hao didn't pay attention to the two of them, pondered for a while, asked the family to prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then brushed and wrote two letters, after sealing the letters, he looked at one of the family members, and said:

"You take these two letters back, this one is given to my father, and the other one, let my father take it to Lu Guogong, and let Lu Guogong personally take it to His Majesty, understand?"

Understood, young master.

Yang Hao snorted and said, "Go ahead, be careful on the road."

After the family left, Yang Hao looked at the rest of the people and said, "Let's go, continue to hurry." "

Near noon, in the box on the second floor of Hegui Restaurant

, at this time,

the representatives of the seven great families gathered together again.

At this time, Wang Kun looked at Li Kai and asked, "Brother Kai, it's almost noon, why hasn't there been news from your people yet?"

Li Kai heard this, his face was a little unsightly, not to Wang Kun, but to his subordinates who had not heard from him so far, and was dissatisfied, looked at Wang Kun and said:

"Brother Kun, don't worry, just wait,

there should be news back soon."

Wang Kun nodded slightly after hearing this, and didn't say anything more.

In this way, several people waited in silence.

After almost a quarter of an hour, there was a knock at the door, and

Li Kai immediately shouted,

"Come in."

One person pushed the door in, his face was a little unsightly

, and several people turned their heads to see his face, and they couldn't help but chuckle in their hearts, and

faintly felt a little bad.

After the man came in, he wanted to walk to Li Kai's side and say something, but was interrupted by Li Kai waving his hand: "If you have anything to say, just say it, there are no outsiders here."

When the guards heard this, they immediately stood still, bent down and arched their hands: "Master, it's not good, Mo Zha sent someone to send the news back, saying that it was a failure, not only that, but there are hundreds of them, and now only three people are dead, and he also said, and ......said, "The

guards said this, and some did not dare to say any more, for fear that the next words would anger Li Kai."

When Li Kai heard that the attack on Yang Hao failed, his face suddenly darkened, and when he saw that the guards were still struggling, he shouted angrily: "If there is a fart, what else can't be said?"

Master, Mo Za also said that this time we did not explain the situation in advance, and did not say that Yang Hao had strong martial arts around him, which made them suffer heavy losses, so he asked us to compensate, otherwise, otherwise he would expose this matter.

After the guard finished speaking, cold sweat flowed from his forehead, and he didn't dare to wipe it, he lowered his head, and didn't dare to look at Li Kai's expression at the moment.

Li Kai was furious when he heard this, and slapped the table.

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