
guy who spoke just now was a little taller, and he looked at Yang Hao puzzled, and said loudly: "This adult, you must find out, we, we didn't poison the food."

Yang Hao sneered and said, "Did I say that you poisoned the food?

After Yang Hao finished speaking, he looked at the other guy and said, "You, don't you want to say something?"

The guy who had been at a loss looked at Yang Hao tremblingly when he heard this, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at him, knowing that the matter was big, he quickly got up and knelt down, and replied with a trembling voice:

" My lord, I, I don't know anything, I'm just a guy, I don't know how to poison or anything, and I ask you to check it out.

Yang Hao nodded when he heard this, and said, "Okay, I believe in you, you can go down." The

shorter man heard this, and thought that he had heard it wrong, raised his head and looked at Yang Hao blankly, Xue

Rengui said,

"Didn't you hear clearly? You can go out." Only

then did the shorter guy make sure that he had heard correctly, so he hurriedly kowtowed to Yang Hao a few times, got up and ran out.

Yang Hao shook his head helplessly when he saw him like this, people living at the bottom are like this, trembling, walking on thin ice

, kowtowing to himself even though he didn't make a mistake,

this humble psychology has been deeply imprinted in his heart and cannot be changed.

After the short man went out, Yang Hao turned his gaze to the tall man, and said in a calm voice: "Recruit it truthfully, who sent you to poison it, so that you can suffer less, otherwise, I don't mind letting you live rather than die." When

the tall man heard this, his body trembled, but he still quibbled: "My lord, the villain is wronged, please ask the adult to find out."

Yang Hao frowned, he had lost his patience, why do these people always like to play some cleverness, and if they don't suffer a little, they won't be honest

, sighed lightly, and said: "I'll give you another chance, explain honestly, otherwise,

you won't have a chance to explain if you want to."

After hearing this, the

man still lay on the ground and shouted that he was wronged.

Yang Hao looked at Xue Rengui and said, "Brother Xue, pull it out, according to yesterday's method, all ten fingers will be broken."

Xue Rengui didn't say a word when he heard this, and pulled his husband and walked out.

It wasn't long before there was a silent whimper outside, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps and swords clashing against armor.

I saw Cheng Chumo being the first to rush in, looked at Yang Hao worriedly and asked, "Yang Hao boy, are you okay?"

Yang Hao raised his eyes and looked at the door of the tent, and saw that the five of them were here, and said with a smile: "Brother Cheng, I'm fine, fortunately, my housekeeper is careful enough to let me wait to escape

," "

Come, let's sit down first, wait for Brother Xue."

Seeing that Yang Hao was fine, a few people were relieved and each found a place to sit down.

After a while, Xue Rengui came in with a man like a dead dog, threw it on the ground, and said, "Yang Shao, he is honest, you can ask questions."

Yang Hao nodded, looked at the guy who was lying on the ground with all ten fingers broken, and asked, "Say, who sent you to poison

me?" Hearing this, the guy looked up at Yang Hao with great effort, and said in a hoarse and weak voice: "My lord, if I tell the truth, can you let me go?"

Yang Hao's eyes were indifferent, and he said: " You're not qualified to bargain with me, and even if you don't, I can guess who sent you.

After hearing this, the man was desperate, knowing that he would die today, he wanted to be stubborn, but thinking of the pain when his finger was broken just now, he shuddered, even if he wanted to commit suicide now, he couldn't kill himself by biting his tongue

, and after a while of silence, the man said truthfully: "My lord, I don't know who wants to kill you, I just received ten times of money, and a masked man asked me to poison you today last night,

it's as simple as that."

Yang Hao didn't know whether to be angry or funny when he heard this, is his life worth a mere ten yuan?

Yang Hao then asked: "Do you dare to come and murder me for this mere ten yuan?"

After hearing this, the man grinned and sneered: " My lord, in your eyes, ten times the money may not be much, but in my case, it is a very big fortune, I am a husband for a salary of 150 wen a month, my lord, you say, can I not be tempted?"

The man closed his eyes and waited for the end of his life.

When Yang Hao heard this, he glanced at him with complicated eyes, and shook his head, no matter what the other party's reason was, he would not let go of a

person who wanted to kill him, this kind of person, who would kill people for money, had no conscience,

so his eyes signaled to Xue Rengui and let him drag him out and end it.

The rest of the people didn't say a word the whole time, watching and listening quietly.

After Xue Rengui dragged the man out, Cheng Chumo said: "Yang Hao, in this way, you can't find out who is behind it, his grandmother's, these people are really insidious."

Yang Hao was not annoyed, and said calmly: "This is normal, who would be so stupid and casually reveal their identity

," "

Brother Cheng, Brother Wei Chi, and the three captains, I will have to trouble you more in the future, strengthen patrols." The

five of them nodded their heads when they heard this, indicating that there was no problem.

After that, a few people discussed the matter of strengthening patrols, and after discussion, with Yang Hao's tent as a dot, within a radius of one mile, without permission, idle people, etc., are not allowed to approach

, and Cheng Chumo and Wei Chi Baolin's Praetorian Guards are mainly responsible for protecting Yang Hao's security, and everything else is ignored, Lin Mu's

six thousand soldiers continue to be stationed on the periphery of the cast iron base,

and there are also security issues in the patrol cast iron base.

At the same time, in the side hall of the Ganlu Hall

of the palace, Li Shimin took an investigation report, and just after reading it, he ordered: "Wang De, send someone to call the king of Hejian into the


Wang De retreated.

Li Shimin stood up, walked to a window, looked at the scenery outside, and muttered, "Zhao Jun Li family, then let's take you first." Two

quarters of

an hour later, the king of the river came in and saluted, "Your Majesty."

Li Shimin turned around, nodded, took out the investigation report, and said, "Don't be polite, you can take a look at this first."

Li Xiaogong was puzzled, walked forward to take it, opened it and began to look at

it, after a while, Li Xiaogong, who knew Li Shimin's thoughts, opened his mouth and asked: "Your Majesty, what do you mean? Let the ministers arrest the people on this list?"

Li Shimin nodded and said: "Yes, wait for the evidence of these officials' usual crimes, I will also give it to you, since you have a chance,

let's clear some of the family's forces first."

Li Xiaogong heard this, nodded in agreement, and said: "Your Majesty, rest assured, this matter is handed over to the minister, this time the minister will arrest him and arrest one or twenty family officials, and strictly investigate and interrogate

," "Anyway, Yang Hao has helped our royal family a lot now

," "Now to build a cast iron base, it will allow our Tang army to march and fight in the future, not afraid of no armor and weapons, but also let the people use agricultural tools,"

"This time the family did this, it was nothing more than Yang Hao going to cast iron and mixing their interests.

Li Shimin nodded when he heard this, and said: "It's not just Yang Hao, the family hasn't done this once or twice, but whoever touches their interests

, they can't tolerate it," "

Are they really unable to clean them up, and when I am the emperor, I can't do it?"

Li Shimin said angrily in a sullen voice, since there was printing technology and white paper, Li Shimin is now more hardened than before.

Before the words fell, Gonggong Wang De walked in, holding a letter in his hand, and said, "Your Majesty, this is a secret letter sent back by Captain Cheng Cheng in an urgent manner. "

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