Zhou Lin

Chapter 17 Welcome to Kill

Luxury goods are luxury goods for a reason.

For example, Ms. Angel in front of me has been jumping up and down on the bed and shouting for more than an hour, but she doesn't show any signs of fatigue. Not only that, her lines are often new and rich, instead of just repeating a few common clichés.

It can be seen that even if we put aside the hard conditions such as body and appearance, she is worthy of the title of "luxury product" in terms of physical strength, voice, and ability to adapt to situations.

In short, Angel used extremely strong execution ability to complete the task given to her by Jack.

However, nothing unusual happened...

For more than an hour, no one rushed in through the door or window, and no one knocked on the door to complain.

The commotion lasted until about three o'clock in the morning. Jack felt that it was almost over, so he said: "Okay, stop it, Angel."

When Angel heard this, she also acted out in a second. She immediately stopped shouting, slumped down on the bed, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh - what? Is it over?" After Angel asked this question, he also laughed, "Uh... you know, I didn't mean that."

Jack simply refused to answer the question and said directly: "Now, there is one more thing I want you to do for me."

"Ah?" Angel was stunned after hearing this, and immediately lost his mind, "Then... you have to wait for me to take a shower first."

"It's not necessary." Jack was really convinced by this industry conscience who never strayed from his profession. He shook his head and said, "What I want you to do is very simple...First of all, please let out a scream of fear. Call."

Angel was also very cooperative. After hearing the request, he hesitated for a second or two and then shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Then what?" After she finished shouting, she asked in a normal voice.

"Then, please wait a few more minutes..." Jack replied, "You can take advantage of this time to make your clothes and appearance a bit messy, making it look like... as if you were in a hurry in a short time. Put it on. Then, you can pick up your things, leave this hotel as quickly as possible, go wherever you need to go...and forget what happened tonight forever."

"Heh..." Angel followed his instructions and started to mess up her clothes and hair, adding with a slightly tired expression, "I'm afraid it's hard to forget this kind of memory... sweetheart."

"Then at least don't mention it to anyone." Jack said.

"What will happen if I mention it? Will you come after me?" Angel asked.

"If I kill you, you won't be able to see the next sunrise." Jack replied, "What you should worry about is not me, but the person who hired you..." He paused for a few seconds and said in a deep voice. , "If you tell the truth about tonight's experience, some people you should never have anything to do with may come to you. They may kill you, or they may interrogate you, and they may treat you badly. Do a lot of terrible things with the people around you that are beyond your imagination..."

Hearing this, Angel didn't show any fear.

Because people like her rarely think about the future. She doesn't even want to think about what will happen tomorrow.

For women in her profession, the "future" is always bleak; holding out hope for the future is like chasing a mirage in the desert. No matter how close they think they are to their destination, they will eventually become disillusioned. Return to the starting point and taste deeper despair and pain.

And what about the "past"? It's hard to look back; even the best memories are bittersweet to them, because those memories will eventually end in a period full of regret or a tragic turn.

Therefore, all these women can have is "now".

They numb themselves with their extravagant life, sink into the eternal night of materialistic desires, and eventually... go to wither.

This is their destined fate.

Angel... has already seen through this. Although she is still afraid of immediate dangers and has the awareness to protect herself when encountering problems, if you talk to her about "the future" or "tomorrow", the less professional part of her heart will "Self" will only feel... so why not die?

"Ha...really?" After a wry smile, Angel twisted her charming figure and took two steps forward, walked up to Jack, and said in a flirtatious tone, "Then when the time comes...you will come to save me. me?"

Before she finished speaking, the muzzle of a pistol was pressed between her eyebrows.

"It's time for you to go." Jack's expression still looked so cold, like a machine without emotions.

He seemed to want to tell the other party with his actions that he could only kill people, not save them.

Upon seeing this, Angel took two steps back, cast a somewhat angry look at Jack, and then didn't say anything, just picked up the bag and walked towards the door.

She put on her high heels in the aisle, and before going out, she turned around again, looked at Jack and said, "So, you still don't want to tell me your name, right?"

Jack looked at her coldly and didn't respond.

"Humph!" Angel squeaked and took a rose from the flower basket next to her. "Then I'll call you 'Mr. Rose.'" After that, she slammed the door and left.

Although Angel seemed a little angry when she left, she still did as Jack said; she neither called the police nor asked for anyone's help, she just ran to a nearby parking lot as quickly as possible and got into her car. , sailing into the darkness before dawn.

Meanwhile, inside the hotel room.

Jack was still waiting, still standing motionless in the corner away from all doors and windows.

For more than an hour before, he had been using his excellent hearing to monitor the surroundings despite Angel's passionate shouting.

According to what he heard, in the guest rooms adjacent to his room, except for the one downstairs, which was unoccupied, the other tenants had all put their ears to the wall or the floor, eavesdropping. There was even a guy who used up half a box of tissues just listening to Kir's moans.

Judging from the breathing and heartbeat of these people, as well as their reactions of listening with gusto and having no intention of complaining, we can infer that they are undoubtedly just ordinary residents.

Therefore, Jack was basically certain that the person who was going to deal with him tonight was not conducting surveillance very close to his room, but chose to wait and see what happened further away.

That's understandable, after all...he's Jack Anderson.

Ten years ago, there was a time when Jack was hired by an employer with a federal official background to assassinate the other party's political opponents. After the matter was settled, the other party wanted to kill Jack to eliminate future troubles, so he used his authority to betray Jack's whereabouts and sent a team of federal special police to kill Jack.

As a result, when the team used military-grade surveillance equipment to monitor Jack's movements in the room above Jack and prepared to blow up the ceiling to kill him... Jack used a modified pistol and relied on his own hearing to break through the room. He touched the ceiling and wiped out all twelve of the opponent's people.

This incident was all evidenced by surveillance video and officially recorded. Although this information was not disclosed to the public, the killer circle was also a place where hands and eyes were open to the sky. It didn’t take long for Jack’s colleagues to hear about it. about this.

Since then, there has been a rumor in the killer circle - "Don't listen to Jack Anderson's wall, otherwise your head may be blown out by a bullet coming through the wall."


Time passed quietly, and before I knew it, another hour passed.

Finally, Jack's waiting came to fruition - someone came.

"Two in the corridor, one outside the window..." Jack counted silently in his mind, "One meter ninety, eighty-five kilograms, one meter eighty-five, eighty-six kilograms..." Although the other party had tried to keep quiet, Moreover, the corridor was paved with carpets, but Jack still guessed the height and weight of the other party from the subtle footsteps. "The man outside the window is a master. Even though he is hanging on a sling, his heartbeat is very stable, and there is almost no Make some noise that ordinary people can catch...Although the two at the door are quite professional, they are just bait..."

Before those uninvited guests showed up, Jack had already analyzed 70% to 80% of the opponent's information and tactics, and was mentally prepared to deal with various situations.


Two seconds later, the door to the room was kicked open, and the tall man who went ahead rushed straight to the living room. The one who was slightly shorter than him quickly checked the closet next to the corridor, and then followed him.

What they hold in their hands are specially modified silenced guns, rather than ordinary firearms with silencers installed, so there is no problem of reduced accuracy and power.

With the skills and marksmanship of these two people, using such a weapon would be completely effective in a short-range firefight, even against opponents armed with submachine guns or shotguns.

However, the tall killer was shot in the head by a bullet the moment he stepped into the living room.

You know... when he kicked the door, he had already raised his gun and put his finger on the trigger; he was always ready to shoot any humanoid object that came into his sight, even if it was a corpse, he would Don't hesitate to add a few more shots first.

But despite this, he still received the meal without even firing a shot.

The man following the tall man also reacted quickly. When the brains of the man in front of him exploded into his face, he instinctively lowered his body, hid behind his companion's torso, and used his body as a human shield. to use; this is indeed a good idea, because their jackets and woolen sweaters are lined with body armor, even the dead can be used to temporarily resist for a while.

Unfortunately, what greeted him next was not a long-range shooting duel a few meters away, but a more sinister murderous intention.


A second later, with the sound of breaking wind, a lightning-like figure came from the corner of the living room.

Because he bent down to avoid it, the killer's sight was bound to be blocked. He could only tell from the shadows and footsteps on the ground that Jack was coming, but when he was about to take aim and attack, he heard another gunshot, and the same gunshot was heard. Seconds, the lights in the room...went out.

Jack's figure also disappeared in the suddenly darkened room.

However, it was still bright where the killer was standing, because there was still light coming from the corridor behind him.

The killer was not stupid either. He immediately pushed his companion's body forward, and then he threw himself into the corridor with a bending and turning tumbling motion, trying to retreat outside.

Unexpectedly, the moment he turned around, his ankle was grabbed by a hand.

He didn't have time to make any effective response to this change, so he followed in the footsteps of his companions...

In the half-second when he lost control of his body, a bullet accurately hit the back of his head, splattering his brains.

boom! Bang bang bang——

At the same moment, the window of the room was broken with a gun, followed by a sound of bodies smashing into the glass.

Without looking back, Jack knew it was the person outside the window who came in.

And he did start shooting without looking back, without adjusting his body posture at all... just by listening to the sound and identifying his position.

I saw Jack holding a gun in his right hand, the muzzle of the gun passed under his left armpit, and fired four bullets at his rear...

When he fired the first shot, Jack was still in a half-crouched position with his back to the window, but by the time he fired the fourth shot, he had completed the posture change from turning around, straightening his arms, and facing the enemy.

After these four shots, the "brother master" who invaded from the window was basically disabled...

He was shot twice in the torso, and once in his arms and thighs. When he landed, he was bleeding profusely, and he could only roll to the side of the bed, relying on the cover of the bed to avoid Jack's pursuit gun.

There are three reasons why Brother Gao Shou did not die:

First, because he is approached from the outside via the zipline, it is difficult for Jack to accurately judge his height and size through hearing. In this way, when making a blind shot, Jack will naturally choose the one closer to the "center" He came to shoot at the range, so two shots hit the body armor.

Secondly, his skills were indeed good. When he heard the first gunshot, he instinctively changed his falling posture, leaning towards the direction of the bed and rolling towards the nearest "bunker".

Thirdly, Jack's four shots... were not fatal in the first place.

"Damn it! How is this possible?" After being shot and falling to the ground, the master brother was full of surprises. He thought he had the advantage and could catch Jack off guard, but he didn't expect that now he was hit and his footing was unstable. .

He didn't understand at all...why did things become like this?

All signs indicate that the target had sex with the "high-end goods" they delivered to their door, and had been poisoned and died in the process.

Of course, as professional killers, they will not relax their vigilance because of this appearance.

When they came, they had already made the assumption that "the target probably did not die from the 'Praying Mantis', but was dormant in the room, waiting." Their siege was also based on this assumption. .

If you think about it from the perspective of these killers——

Even if the target notices someone approaching in the corridor, it will not be easy to deal with the two people who came from the door, right?

Even if the target can handle the two people rushing in from the door, it is impossible to imagine that someone will break in through the window, right?

Even if the target had even thought of this, in terms of time, the people outside the window took action five seconds after hearing their companions kicking the door... With such a tight connection and two-direction raid, the target would have time to react. and cope with it?

However, from Jack's perspective, the actual situation is -

Yes, it's easy to deal with you.

I had known for a long time that there was someone outside the window, and I had also guessed the moment when you rushed in.

Of course I had time to react, I didn't even bother to activate my "power" on you.

"Wait!" Two seconds later, after a brief inner struggle, the master brother hurriedly shouted, "I surrender!"

It is not that difficult to choose between "die immediately" and "being held responsible by the organization afterwards".

At this moment, leaving aside the pain coming from his torso, Brother Gao Shou's usual gunman and his thigh were both shot, and the wound on his leg was bleeding... This kind of injury was enough to make him decide to give up resistance. .

"Who sent you here?" Jack didn't say any nonsense. After hearing the word "surrender", he just threw it back.

"We are just following orders, but we don't know who gave the orders." Brother Gao Shou replied.

"This answer is not enough for you to leave this room alive." When Jack said this, he was standing in the aisle at the door, leisurely changing the magazine.

The master brother thought for a few more seconds, and then said: "Qian Ming... we are Qian Ming's people." He paused, and his tone changed slightly, "If you are really 'Jack Anderson', you should know... I Not lying."

"There is only one kind of person in this world who can't lie..." Jack responded, "and you are not that kind of person."

As soon as he said this, the master brother who was still tearing up the sheets to bandage his thigh stopped even the movement of his hands... because he felt that he was about to die.

"However, for now, I believe your words." It wasn't until five seconds later that the second half of Jack's words came out.

He was gasping for air, but it scared the master brother so much that he couldn't finish reading it.

"I will call an ambulance for you, so..." Jack said, slowly retreating into the corridor, "...after that, please say hello to your colleagues for me."

Having said this, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Hey! Why are you making such a fuss?" At this moment, the male tenant living in the next room who had used half the box of tissues opened the door, leaned half of his body into the corridor, and complained in a He yelled at Jack, "It's so noisy in the middle of the night, and I can't let anyone sleep..."


When he was mid-sentence, Jack passed by him, and...without even looking at him, he casually shot him in the lower body.

Because everything happened so fast, this man with double standards for "noise" was stunned for two seconds. He looked down at his wound before he realized...


Two seconds later, he let out a long, hoarse, and miserable howl.

In the blink of an eye, blood spread from the wound on his leg and dripped all over the floor. The tenants in several nearby rooms were also attracted by his screams and opened the door to watch.

After causing such a commotion, the ambulance was already on the way...

Jack, on the other hand, took the elevator leisurely and arrived at the first floor of the hotel.

While the hotel staff were busy due to emergencies, he turned to the buffet restaurant that was not open yet and took away a few slices of freshly toasted toast and a carton of milk. While eating, he walked out of the hotel lobby.

When police sirens sounded from the distant street, Jack's figure had already stepped into the early morning mist.

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