Zhou Lin

Chapter 66 Eight o'clock in the morning

Maple Leaf County is not a very suitable place to live; if you ask people from other counties what their impression of Maple Leaf County is, the answer you will get is basically... it's very far away and very cold.

If a zombie virus breaks out in this world one day, Maple Leaf County may be a good place to go. After all, there are many areas there that are too cold for zombies to get through, and there are enough fish to eat there.

But in today's globally integrated world, there are not many people willing to move to Maple Leaf County from other regions. As a result, this land of nearly 10 million square kilometers has a permanent population of less than 100 million.

Large land and sparsely populated areas have their advantages, but they also have their own problems; take a bank robbery, for example. If you set the scene of the crime in a less densely populated city or town, the advantage is... …When the siren goes off, there will be fewer police officers coming to deal with you, and the downside is… because there are fewer cars on the road, it will be difficult to get away from the police.

For an experienced veteran like Yan Wushang, he would take advantage of the advantages, and he would find ways to overcome the disadvantages.

After conducting multiple investigations in advance and formulating a careful plan, he finally targeted a Federal Savings Bank located in downtown Kitchener.

The day of action was a Friday in the autumn of 2218, and the date happened to be the 13th.

Yan Wushang and his team planned to launch an operation on the afternoon of this "Black Friday"...

However, the story about this day has to start in the morning.


That morning, at eight o'clock sharp, in a police station in Kitchener.

When Detective Robinson walked into the interrogation room, the man sitting inside didn't even look at him.

The detective immediately murmured in his heart: This is probably a hard nut to crack.

Of course, Robinson is not an easy man... Even though he has not received any relevant professional training, he has firmly become the number one interrogation expert in the bureau based on his years of experience in handling cases.


After arriving at the table, Robinson patted his gun on the table without saying a word. Then, he patted down an I-PEN and a pack of cigarettes that he had smoked several times.

After putting all these things down, he took off his coat, hung it on the back of the chair, and took a seat.

"I can't smoke, thank you." Just a second before Robinson was about to speak, the man sitting opposite him with his hands cuffed to the back of the chair suddenly said this.

Hearing this, Robinson was stunned for two seconds, swallowed back the "Would you like a cigarette" that was already on his lips, and said instead: "Being smart is not a lovable quality."

"I'm not here to have a good relationship with you, Liam." The man looked up at the detective and replied.

At this moment, Robinson's expression changed.

Yes, his name is indeed Liam - his full name is Liam William Robinson; the question is... how did the man in front of him, who was a stranger to him, know his name before he even started to introduce himself? ?

"Do we know each other?" After a few seconds, the detective regained his composure because he quickly thought of an explanation - this person might have been arrested by him before.

This is a very reasonable guess: Robinson is already a veteran policeman. He has handled/responsible for no less than a hundred cases, and he has personally arrested countless criminals...from street gangsters to gang bosses to unscrupulous liars. , to professional killers... It is naturally impossible for Robinson to remember every prisoner's face; but those guys who were caught might still remember him.

"At least we have known each other in the other three parallel universes." The man replied, "Here... we will probably know each other soon."

"Hmph..." If it were any other police officer, he would almost slam the table and fall out after hearing such words, but Robinson was different. He didn't get angry, he just sneered and continued, "Why are you doing this? Mr. Song... ...I know that you are just trying to anger me, pretend to be crazy, or delay time by saying such inexplicable nonsense..." He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, put it in his mouth, and lit it. Bian said, "But you and I both know that in your situation, you don't even have the right to hire a lawyer or make a phone call... If you mess up the interrogation, you will be the one who suffers in the end."

He took a puff of his cigarette and stared at the other person's face for a few seconds, not shying away from capturing the flaws in the "prisoner's" psychology.

"Fuck--" After a few seconds, Robinson blew smoke leisurely, "I'll tell you clearly... I can throw you back to the detention room now, and when the civilian staff has completed the procedures, I will If you hand it over to the people in the detention center, what happens after that will have nothing to do with me, and what will be the consequences of what I do?"

Robinson originally wanted to ask and answer this question, but just when he opened his mouth to say the second half of the sentence, the man he called "Mr. Song" rushed to answer: "Within a week, I will bring a I will appear in court for trial accompanied by a top-notch lawyer appointed by the federal government... and the prosecutor who prosecutes me will bring a document that says, 'I pushed someone away. The video footage of the scene of getting off the subway track, the testimonies of dozens of witnesses, and several family members and friends of the victims. If nothing else happens... I will be sentenced after a standard process of less than an hour. death penalty."

Robinson was stunned.

His shock was not because there was anything extraordinary about the reasoning in this paragraph, but... what the other party said was almost exactly the same as what he had conceived in his mind, no matter the wording, word order, or even the pauses.

"I don't know what tricks you are playing..." After another moment, Robinson's expression turned gloomy, "But you'd better not test my bottom line again."

"I don't have that plan." The man said again, "I have already tried it... more than once." He paused, "I have to say, you are a good policeman, Liam, but you are also a stubborn person. person, so this time I plan to give up the temptation and directly confront you. I hope you can understand and believe me."

"Oh?" Robinson raised his eyebrows and said, "Then I'd like to hear it..." As he spoke, he unfolded the I-PEN on the table, swiped the screen a few times, and fixed a photo of a young man on On the screen, it was displayed in front of the other party's eyes, "...Why did you murder a young man who has nothing to do with you?"

"Do you know the butterfly effect?" The man once again avoided a direct answer and asked a rhetorical question.

"I know," Robinson replied, "but I don't understand what this has to do with your behavior."

"If I keep talking... you will understand." The man continued, "Oh, by the way, before that... my surname is not Song. The documents you found on me are forged; my real name is Xue Uncle', that's right... he's my uncle's uncle."

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