Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Author: ink

Travel through the zombie world...become a Zombie King!

From the Qin Dynasty to the present day...

This world has left his countless legends...

He has been sleeping for countless years, waiting for the day when he truly wakes up!

at last……

One day two thousand years later.

In Xiangjiang, Ma Xiaoling obtained the records of the Ma family that have been lost for two thousand years.

On record...

Legends emerge about him...

And the zombie king who has been sleeping for two thousand years...

in the darkness.

Opened his eyes.

Chapter 1 comes from records two thousand years ago!

  Qin Dynasty.

  The moonlight reflects the mountain peaks and jungles.

  Dressed in a light green gauze, a woman seemed to be looking for something in the dim world...

  "Where is the devil!"

  "Show up quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me, Ma Linger, for being rude!"

  The moonlight shrouded down.

  The beautiful eyes of the woman who claimed to be Ma Linger stared into the dark night, but could not find any trace.


  a figure.

  Emerge from the dark.

  Scarlet pupils... stared at Ma Linger.

  under the moonlight.

  in the dark.

  Ma Linger didn't know.


  nineteen nine.

  Hong Kong.

  in a mountain peak.

  "Uncle please, is there really any trace of the zombie king here?"

  "I don't think there's anything here."

  A curly-haired woman wearing white boots is closing her eyes and seems to be sensing something...

  After a moment.

  She opened her eyes helplessly.

  Beside her, followed by an old man, dressed in simple clothes, holding a compass in his hand.

  Hearing the woman's words, Uncle Qiu rolled her eyes at her and said, "It's hard to find records that have been handed down from generation to generation by your Ma family ancestors. It is very likely that there are records of lost exorcism techniques, which may help you conquer the zombie king. General, you have a little patience."

  The woman pouted softly: "But we have been looking for more than a month."



  Uncle Qiu seemed to sense something and stepped forward!

  "The hexagram is fifty meters away!"

  As soon as the woman heard it, she hurried to the south.

  The east belongs to Zhen, the south belongs to Li, the west belongs to Dui, the north belongs to Kan, the southeast belongs to Xun, the southwest belongs to Kun, the northwest belongs to Gan, and the northeast belongs to Gen.

  Fifty meters to the south.

  It is a low cliff.


  The woman threw a spell in her hand!


  The spell sticks to the cliff and explodes directly on the rock!

  The powerful energy made the cliff tremble a few times!

  The rock exploded, the gravel rolled down... A hole slowly appeared in the explosion.

  "I found it! I found it!" The woman was overjoyed!

  "You're not old." Uncle Qiu dared to come from a distance and smiled proudly, but then his expression became solemn: "Xiao Ling, be careful, this place is very strange."

  "Just now, I obviously didn't feel any sense, but in an instant, the hexagram changed, and a trace of energy belonging to your Ma family emerged from the face..."

  "What hexagram?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  "It's messy..." Uncle Qiu looked at the entrance of the hole, "This is not good."

  "I found this, and I can only go in."

  In the record of the horse family...

  Some of the records were lost in the long river of time, and this lost record seems to be buried somewhere.

  a few months ago.

  There was a little bit of vision here, which happened to be known by Uncle Qiu.

  According to the records of the Ma family... Uncle Qiu suspects that this is probably related to the lost records of the Ma family!


  Ma Xiaoling just stepped into the entrance of the cave.

  The lights in the cave flashed in an instant.


  It's a huge cave.

  in the cave...

  It is the densely packed Qin Dynasty Xiaozhuan.

  "The Qin country is in chaos with demon corpses... I'm looking for demon corpses."

  "Inadvertently broke into a huge group of tombs, suddenly the sky and the earth were dark, in the darkness, the corpse qi shot into the sky, and the demon qi covered the sky and closed the moon...

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  But that's not a general. Could it be that there are people in this world that are as terrifying as generals? "

  "I don't know, I chased away, but suddenly lost his trace..."

  The handwriting is here... After some pause, the depth of the Qin Dynasty Xiaozhuan carved is obviously much deeper than before, and the person who wrote it seems to be thinking about something.

  "I found a fainted man in the distance. He fell silently there. This is a group of graves. How could he be here... I looked up at the moonlight that day, it was very bright, very bright."

  The writing stopped again.

  It seemed to pause for a long time, and the engraved handwriting became a little shallower.

  "Five years have passed in a blink of an eye..."

  "He left here. On the day he left, the sky was full of blood, and I felt uneasy, but..."

  "After that... the demon corpse rioted, darkness erupted, and Qin Chao fell into catastrophe."

  "He finally showed up..."

  "But I'd rather he didn't show up. He became very strange, very strange, like he didn't know me."

  The handwriting stopped here again.


  It is the Taoist record of the Ma family.

  It is densely packed, many of which Ma Xiaoling has never learned, and the Taoism that the Ma family has lost for thousands of years...

  "If the descendants of the Ma family come here."

  "You must remember..."


  "Kill him and the generals to release the curse tears..."

  Neither Ma Xiaoling nor Uncle Qiu looked at the Taoist records above.

  Instead, looking at these handwritings, he fell into contemplation.

  "Uncle Qiu, what happened a thousand years ago?" Ma Xiaoling touched the handwriting on the wall lightly.

  She seemed to feel the complicated emotions in her ancestor's heart when she wrote this.

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