Direct power outage! "Staircase!"

  Li Shang angrily kicked the elevator and went straight to the stairs.


  They went up to the sixth floor.

  from the top.

  There are also three floors. "Coming"

  A smirk appeared at the corner of Li Shang's mouth.

  he has been waiting

  It's time for the Ma family to fall apart!



  He felt a chill come over him.


  Instantly stopped.

  He stopped in the middle of the stairs with Zhang Sheng, Zhang Bao and other peculiar people.

  Everyone looked up.

  Four figures.

  Slowly walked out of the corridor—"The people of the Li family—"

  A chuckle.

  Ringing in everyone's ears.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter [-] The surname is Chen! Jiang Gu?


  Li Shang saw clearly.

  The figure in the middle.

  Wearing a black long shirt with a white underwear inside a suit, he was walking slowly up the stairs.

  Beside him, followed by a woman in a white kimono, the woman's long hair tied behind her, gently followed

  beside the man.

  And the other two figures.

  Because the stairwell is too dark

  They can't see at all.


  Just when Li Shang and others thought the four of them were leaving.

  A figure stopped in place.

  The three figures slowly moved forward.

  This figure blocked Li Shang and the others.

  By the light of the moon.

  Li Shang clearly saw the person standing in front of them.

  It was a woman in a blue shirt. She was dressed simply, her long hair fell on her shoulders, and she looked at Li Shang and others with her eyes.


  t assn

  "Master! n "Xiao Ling!"

  Kim Jung-jung and Xiaoqing shouted instantly!

  That Buddha light.

  Come straight to Ma Xiaoling!


  A sigil emerges!

  A cloud of white energy

  Instantly covered Ma Xiaoling.


  The Buddha's light slammed into this white energy! It bounced back directly!


  Fa Hai didn't expect the Buddha's light to bounce back, so he could only reach out to block it! He was directly hit by the Buddha's light and went backwards.

  ten steps. "Cough cough!"

  Fahai's voice is full of anger!

  He didn't expect that there would be someone who could make his Buddha's light bounce back!

  All eyes.

  They all looked at the door to the stairwell.

  Two figures.

  Slowly came out from inside.

  Wearing a black long gown and a white suit, he walked slowly, like an elegant nobleman.

  Wearing a white kimono, with long hair tied behind him, he followed the man gently.

  Jiang Gu.

  early spring. "The last name is Chen!!"

  Fa Hai stared at Jiang Gu, his eyes bursting with anger! Loud roar!

  Ma Xiaoling is at this moment.

  I instantly remembered

  The moment Xiaoqing met Jiang Gu.

  Called Young Master Chen directly!


  he is

  Ma Xiaoling slowly turned her head and looked at Jiang Gu in disbelief.

  She looked at Jiang Gu.

  In those beautiful eyes.

  There seem to be countless emotions.



  There are countless complex emotions


  And some reddish ones?

  If we assume

  eight hundred years ago

  Jiang Gu appeared.

  then he

  Jiang Gu stood still.

  He still looked gentle.

  Plain without a trace of turbulence.

  He looked forward quietly.

  Not a word.

  In the darkness of the stairwell behind the two of them.

  A figure stood there quietly, watching all this quietly. "I found you "I!m" is that you beat me seriously!" "Today" I'm going to tear you into pieces!"

  Fahai let out a monstrous roar!

  Countless black mists emerged.

  His eyes are full of resentment!


  He was filled with endless Buddha light!

  The black air pervades the Buddha's light

  Intertwined into a golden and black appearance! "Weird you" Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu, completely forgetting that she was in crisis.

  She knew that Jiang Gu saved her.


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