"Since this happened, there have always been mysterious deaths of company employees on this floor, and the latter floor has

  All are empty and become dead layers"

  You Zhijie said to the three of them.

  The elevator door opens.

  What caught my eye was the dark floor.

  There was no one on this floor.

  All lights are off.

  It looks very spooky.

  Walking out of the elevator door, Ma Xiaoling opened the makeup box and took out a pair of sunglasses. "Strange" Yin Qi is normal?"

  Ma Xiaoling glanced around and found nothing unusual.

  "I'll take you there to see where the employees of the company died." You Zhijie looked at the gloomy floor and thought about the company

  The death of the employee, but still gritted his teeth and took the three to the place where the company employee died. "A total of four staff members died." "All died in the same position."

  You Zhijie said softly.

  He brought the three to a position.

  The location is a bit messy and it looks like no one has cleaned it up for a long time.

  Ma Xiaoling is wearing sunglasses looking at this position

  normal yin




  Ma Xiaoling took off her sunglasses and put them back on.

  Still no response.

  "They died here, and they all died directly, without any warning, very strange."

  Zhijie shuddered as he looked at the seat.

  Ma Xiaoling did not answer him.

  Instead, a talisman was cast at a point between the two fingers.

  A 5.1 rays of light exploded at this position in an instant.

  But there was no response. "Are these people healthy?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  She tried twice without any response, so she wanted to ask about the bodies of these four people first. "No, everything is fine." You Zhijie shook his head.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu. "Weird, what did you see?"

  Jiang Gu looked at the computer with deep eyes and said slowly, "Computer."

  Ma Xiaoling was taken aback, "Computer?" "In the middle, turn on the computer."

  Standing in front of the computer, Kim Jong-jung flipped the switch. "Ha ha ha ha"

  A cold and eerie laughter emerged.

  in front of the computer screen.

  A pair of weird eyes.

  In a flash.

  Those eyes.

  Staring at the three of them.

  gloomy and gloomy

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter ninety-sixth chapter four hundred before... [8/8]


  Also with some doubts.


  This weirdness comes and goes quickly.


  Both You Zhijie and Jin Zhengzhong were taken aback.

  Ma Xiaoling didn't make any movement. She looked at the computer and put on her sunglasses again.

  A whiff of resentment.

  disappeared in an instant.

  "Master!" Kim Jong-jung suddenly thought of something and said loudly, "I think about it, the news recently said

  All over the world, many people die inexplicably in front of a computer. "

  "And the weirdest thing is that these people are all men, and Xiangjiang seems to have sent someone to investigate this matter" Computer. "Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself.

  It was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

  To know.

  Generally speaking, ghosts are mostly attached to computers.


  This computer is not attached.

  There is just a sense of resentment.

  And the source of this grievance is unknown. "This order, your company will cost a lot."

  Ma Xiaoling said to You Zhijie.

  You Zhijie smiled: "As long as it can be solved, money is not a problem." "Very good."

  Ma Xiaoling nodded, her beautiful eyes looked at 23's computer. "I'll investigate what's going on, and then count the money with you."

  She posted a sticker on the computer.

  Then he left here with Jiang Gu and Jin Zhengzhong.

  On the way back to Jiajia Building.

  Ma Xiaoling asked Xiang Jianggu, "Weird, how do you know that grievance is in the computer?"

  She just wore sunglasses.

  No resentment was found in the computer.

  Jiang Gu smiled warmly: "The grievance does not exist in the computer, but in some illusory online, open it.

  This computer will be involved.

  Ma Xiaoling was taken aback: "Line?"

  She seemed to think of something: "Could it be a network cable?"

  If it can transmit data.

  Only a network cable can do it.

  So Ma Xiaoling was able to get through at one point, and immediately thought of this possibility. "Using the Internet to kill people."

  this means.

  Ma Xiaoling had never seen it at all.

  She rubbed her forehead, "This is another problem."

  after all

  Now there is only one computer clue.

  After the computer is turned on.

  The clue is cut off.

  How to find this ghost? How to stop the ghost from continuing to kill?

  Ma Xiaoling had no clue.

  It was the first time she felt so passive.

  No matter how scary the ghosts were

  Will appear in front of her, can fight.

  But now the ghost.

  Can't hit at all.

  Not even a trace.

  How to subdue it? "Odd, what can you do?" Ma Xiaoling asked. "Master, I don't know if Jiang Gu can do anything, but I have a solution." Jin Zhengzhong suddenly said. "Do you have a solution?"

  Ma Xiaoling's tactful voice was full of disbelief. "It's not me, it's someone else. n

  Ding dong.

  The doorbell rang. "Come on!" Kuang Fusheng's voice sounded.


  The door opens directly.

  just opened.

  Kuang Fusheng saw Jin Zhengzhong smiling. "I don't know why, seeing you laughing so cheaply, I don't think there will be anything good."

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