Not just Blue Power.

  Even the crow and Kino found it.

  "is her?"

  The crow looked startled. "How could she not be dead?"

  Kino looked at the crow and asked in confusion, "Who?"

  The crow looked ahead with both eyes and replied slowly:

  "Shadow Moon" has notified Peacock in the future, and Peacock should have already blocked the Shikoku Building in the past. "

  Fusang Shikoku Airport.

  Ma Xiaoling, Kim Zhengzhong, and Jiang Gu walked out of the airport. "Waiting for you for a long time."

  A hearty laughter sounded.

  I saw You Zhijie standing in the distance, driving a car, waiting for the four of them.

  His branch company is all over the Fusang country, so Ma Xiaoling naturally wants to contact him. "Come on, get in the car."

  Ma Xiaoling came naturally to inform You Zhijie and ask You Zhijie to reimburse her.

  Ma Xiaoling and the four got into the car.

  In the car.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Jiang Gu sat in the co-pilot.

  His eyes stared straight ahead.

  He appears in every age.

  And for a while.

  It happened to be the time when the Tokugawa family went to war, and he happened to come to Fusang Kingdom at that time.

  He vaguely remembered.

  The Great Blood One Charm was launched at that time.

  And at that time. "Master, did you say that this Great Bloody Charm is very powerful?" Jin Zhengzhong asked puzzled. "Stinky boy!" What's more, it's very powerful! Once it succeeds, the whole world will be full of yin and yang! At that time, your yang will be possible

  Get sucked dry!"

  Uncle Qiu's voice came from the earphones, and he scolded Jin Zhengzhong directly. "Four hundred years ago, the renegade Crow of the Mana-Monk in Yegaoli cast this great bloody spell."

  "Fortunately at the last minute it seems to have failed for some reason, otherwise the world we have now would cease to exist.

  Well, this is no joke!"

  The uncle continued to speak there.

  Jin Zhengzhong replied with a sad face: "Uncle Qiu, you will be deaf if you scold me again."

  You Zhijie listened to Jin Zhengzhong's conversation and asked, "Do you mean the curse that you are talking about with the words of the blood of yourselves?

  Does the death of the employee have anything to do with it?"

  Ma Xiaoling nodded: "Almost so."

  She didn't want to talk to You Zhijie.

  The two worlds are completely different.

  There is absolutely no words to communicate with, what Ma Xiaoling knows and considers normal is for ordinary people.

  Words are a weird thing.

  You Zhijie nodded and said while driving, "Although I don't know what the Great Bloody Charm you are talking about

  But I've heard of this crow.

  m "Have you known crows for a long time?" Ma Xiaoling was taken aback. "Yes, there is a legend in Fusang that has been around for a long time." "It's a very poignant love story."

  "I heard that four hundred years ago, a mana monk from Gaoye wanted to make trouble, and he took refuge with a man who worked with him.

  Chaos lord. "" In order to rule the Fusang Kingdom, this Pan Master will sacrifice his daughter Yingyue, and Yingyue,

  In fact, there has always been a person who fell in love with each other. Although that person was a poor boy, Yueying liked him very much.

  "She quietly told Tiandi that she wanted Tiandi to tell the poor boy what he wanted and run away with him.

  You Zhijie sighed as he spoke.


  Don't know why.

  Jiang Gu, who was sitting beside him, coughed.

  You Zhijie didn't care and continued:

  "The shadowy moon resisted desperately from the back, and wanted to wait until the person she admired appeared, but she was just a weak woman,

  How could she resist, so she was finally tied up and caught to sacrifice to (Zhao Hao) the crow. "

  "The crow is about to sacrifice to the moon shadow, at this time the person that moon shadow loves finally arrives, and the two of them are together.

  Heart-to-heart defeated the crow and handed the crow to the Tokugawa family. In the end, the two of them lived happily in

  together. "Ah what a poignant love story. "

  You Zhijie continued to sigh. "Where is the poignant beauty?" Ma Xiaoling was puzzled.

  "One is a high-ranking daughter of a big name, and the other is a poor boy, and then the poor boy, in order to save Yueying, did not

  Isn't Gu everything very poignant?" You Zhijie replied. "Maybe. "

  Ma Xiaoling smiled slightly. "Mr. Jiang, what do you think?" You Zhijie asked Xiang Jianggu. "Maybe everyone likes poignant love stories." "So some history is naturally distorted."

  Jiang Gu smiled and replied.

  This sentence.

  Some inexplicable

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter, Chapter [-], Ma Xiaoling Corrupted by Resentment!


  You Zhijie couldn't understand. "You don't need to worry about this weirdo." Ma Xiaoling smiled, "But I summed up what he meant...

  What does m mean?" "Making up. "

  Ma Xiaoling's answer was very succinct.

  "My master meant Jiang Gu meant that this story was actually made up." Kim Jong-jung kindly said

  explained. ""

  You Zhijie's brain was a little confused. "We have arrived."

  Ma Xiaoling, wearing sunglasses, looked at a resentful building ahead and said slowly.

  You Zhijie's car stopped immediately.

  After walking down.

  A gloomy breath.

  in an instant

  In Ma Xiaoling's eyes

  The whole building is wrapped in green resentment. It seems that countless ghosts are roaring.


  But beyond this resentment.

  The four sigils that reach the sky directly block all these grievances inside, and the Buddha's light permeates the suppression!

  But even so.

  There is still terrifying resentment all around!" What a thick resentment."

  Ma Xiaoling was a little surprised.

  This resentment.

  Far more terrifying than the Hungry Shura in Jiajia Building. "The guy behind the scenes isn't easy." Ma Xiaoling took off her sunglasses with a calm expression.

  Hungry Asura only had such terrifying resentment after San Po Ri died.



  How resentful is the soul-sucking messenger of this bloody curse. "Master, if you don't see Peacock and the others, shouldn't they go in?"

  Jin Zhengzhong looked around, but found no trace of Peacock and others. "And my goddamn cousin is gone too. m

  "No one answered the phone, I just asked the people nearby and they said they seemed to see a group of monks and a

  A woman ran in. "

  Kim Jong-jung said anxiously. "Let's go, it's important to save people."

  Ma Xiaoling walked in first.

  Kim Jong-jung quickly followed.

  Jiang Gu walked in slowly. "Mr. Jiang, are you going in like this?" You Zhijie looked at Jiang Gu's empty hand. "That's enough."

  Jiang Gu's figure disappeared at the gate of the Shikoku Building.

  You Zhijie looked at the building.

  some time

  Some were hesitant to step in.

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