He just didn't take a few steps

  A large group of resentment suddenly attacked him!


  Kim Jong-jung opened his eyes.

  The body is about to fall!

  But when he was about to fall.

  His body stood up strangely again, looking at Jiang Gu with resentment in his eyes.

  Dark corridor.

  Resentful like Wang Hai

  The five figures attacked each other frantically. Jin Zhengzhong stood in the middle of the corridor and looked at Jiang Gu coldly.

  Jiang Gu stood on the spot gently, holding Ma Xiaoling gently in one hand.

  Ma Xiaoling's angry eyes

  Instantly turned into a daze.

  Then slowly closed.

  "Hahahahaha." "You're the only one left—"

  An eerie voice echoed in the corridor.

  The Wraith of the Great Bloody Curse

  Been looking here.

  For these uninvited guests

  Of course she is going to kill!



  The moment her voice fell.

  Jiang Gu's eyes turned to the corner of the wall. "you

  Wraith made a horrified voice

  she sees clearly

  In the dark corridor, the man in the black gown stood gently on the spot, gently hugging a woman, he deeply

  His eyes were looking at himself.

  Those eyes.

  As deep as the abyss!

  Straight down on her!


  Found yourself?

  A chill made this crazy ghost figure disappear in an instant.

  In Jiang Gu's eyes.

  I saw a woman in a white robe and fled in a panic.

  It was Sadako Fujiwara.

  Under Jiang Gu's eyes

  She fled back to her own world in a panic

  Jiang Gu did not arrest her.

  The whole building is Fujiwara Sadako's fat, and she can return to her own world at any time.

  At his current speed law.

  It must be increased by another [-]% in order to catch this Fujiwara Sadako. "Hahahahaha-"

  gloomy laughter

  It seemed that Sadako was laughing at Jianggu and didn't catch her.

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly.

  His deep eyes looked at the resentment in the corridor.


  He reached out and grabbed it. "Xiao Ling, can you hear me?"

  Uncle begged to take out the Heart Sutra eagerly here.

  But there is no sound coming from there


  Hidden begging uncle's signal. "Damn it, I can't see anything! These grievances are too scary!" "It's over! It seems that the grievances have found Sister Xiaoling and the others!"

  Kuang Fusheng looked at the floor map of the computer, there were a few white dots in it, and he was in the corridor.

  Both he and Uncle Qiu knew that Ma Xiaoling had visited the mana monk in Ligaoye.

  But the white spot that was getting closer to them

  Obviously not human, emerging at an extremely fast speed. "No, why did you leave?" Uncle Qiu saw the white dot disappear. "Is it a virtual image?" Kuang Fusheng couldn't understand.

  Now is the time to be angry

  Sister Xiaoling, Jiang Gu, and others must have fallen into their sanity. If Sadako made a move at this moment, then everyone would

  all to die!


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Why did Sadako leave?

  "Is there something wrong with your computer?" Uncle Qiu rolled his eyes at Kuang Fusheng, this kid is always old-fashioned

  Here, watching him want to beat him up.

  "Hey, hey, why is the computer so prone to problems! Maybe it's Sister Xiaoling and the others who are fine, Sadako hurts


  Kuang Fusheng also gave a blank look to Uncle Qiu.

  The two stared at each other. "Well

  Ma Xiaoling's voice suddenly sounded.

  It seems to have just fallen into a coma. "The signal is restored! Great!" Uncle Qiu heard Ma Xiaoling's voice and breathed a sigh of relief. "What's going on, what do we do"

  Peacock stood there, feeling the pain in his body.

  And his four disciples were wailing on the ground.

  They had just lost their minds and felt no pain whatsoever. "us"

  Ma Xiaoling slowly came back to her senses.

  She opened her eyes.

  I saw the ceiling of the hallway.

  and also

  Jiang Gu's cheeks.

  She saw Jiang Gu's delicate and elegant face, and her expression turned slightly red.

  She just found out.

  He was actually gently embraced by Jiang Gu's arms.

  She swallowed down her throat.

  ….for flowers·0

  Then stood up immediately. "you you you."

  She looked at Jiang Gu and bit her lip, but she soon realized that she was still in the resentment corridor.

  She quickly looked around.

  But found

  That intense resentment

  It's all gone now!

  Although there are still traces of resentment arising

  But these grievances have no effect on them now. "We have just been eroded by resentment, thank you for your help."

  Peacock glanced at Ma Xiaoling, walked over, and bowed slightly.

  Ma Xiaoling was too lazy to explain.

  She looked around and said, "Damn, these grievances have begun to gather again, we must

  The grievances should be resolved before they accumulate to the level just now, otherwise we will attack each other again. "


  She contacted Uncle Qiu directly.

  Uncle Qiu heard Ma Xiaoling's voice over there, and responded quickly: "This building is divided into five floors, you

  We are now on the second floor, the resentment on the fourth and fifth floors is very strong, and the resentment should be there.

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