with this palm

  To the Shadowmoon!

  this palm

  Full of destructive power!

  This destructive force seems to destroy everything! With terrifying power! It makes people feel that this palm is like

  It can destroy everything!

  The blue figure

  One shot is a devastating blow!

  Don't give Shadow Moon a chance!


  A low growl

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Under the horrified eyes of Crow, Chino, and Lan Dali.

  Yingyue's face as white as snow gently opened her small mouth.

  a pair of fangs

  in a dim hallway.

  emerge slowly.

  A pair of icy blue eyes.

  emerge in the dark.

  Bright like a diamond.

  Shine the world!

  Faced with a devastating slap!

  she stretched out her palm



  Blue mighty devastating force!

  Instantly blocked by Shadow Moon!

  But the shock of the explosion!

  Directly makes the whole building crumbling!

  Shadow Moon slowly took three steps back.

  this power

  Make it difficult for her to take it!

  The man wearing the mask in front of him doesn't seem to have much difference in strength compared to her! "Not good!"

  The peacock made a seal with both hands! A ball of golden light shot out! The building was fixed in an instant!

  The hallway is no longer a hallway

  All are broken!

  The fragments are suspended and fixed! "Ice blue eyed zombie?"

  Lan Dali looked at Shadow Moon, his eyes horrified. "Another zombie with ice blue eyes?" Kino looked at the scene in disbelief.

  Last time the woman appeared

  He was already frustrated.

  Another one now?

  "A zombie with ice blue eyes?" Jin Zhengzhong's eyes widened.

  Not just him.

  Ma Xiaoling was also very surprised.

  The ice blue eye pupil zombie does not exist in the records at all, but the appearance of Zhongshan Miyuki has subverted the records

  But now

  How come there is another one?

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't help but think

  When Miyuki Nakayama appeared, he was followed by the third zombie king!

  Is it.

  Is this shadow moon also related to the third zombie king?

  m* long shot together. "

  Lan Dali said directly.

  Chino and Crow looked at Lan Dali at the same time.

  Mr. Lan's strength

  Much taller than the two!

  But Mr. Lan, the zombie with icy blue eyes in front of him, can't even solve it? "Don't look at me." The three of us joined forces, and she was dead. "If you drag it on, I'm afraid that guy will come. "

  Lan Dali's face twitched. "Roar!

  The crow and Kino roared at the same time!

  I saw the crow's pupils gradually turned green!

  Two second-generation zombies?

  Ma Xiaoling and others were surprised at the same time!

  Shadow Moon's beautiful eyes are gentle.

  But there was also a hint of solemnity.

  Two second-generation zombies——

  Plus the man with the blue figure


  Simply impossible to deal with. "You go first."

  Shadow Moon said softly. "They gave it to me."

  The crow sounded in a low voice: "I want to leave now, but it's not that easy!"

  "I didn't kill you [-] years ago, and let my bloody curse fail." "Today (money) - let you be my gift for the success of my bloody curse!"

  He looked at Shadow Moon with anger in his heart.

  of course

  More is unwilling!

  Four hundred years ago, Shadow Moon could be pinched to death!

  But now the shadow moon

  But it left him completely powerless!

  If it weren't for Mr. Lan

  The crow looked at the shadow moon coldly!

  The situation on the scene.

  It got serious in an instant

  Cold and depressing breath.

  Make everyone behind Shadowmoon uncomfortable.

  Ma Xiaoling and Peacock both stood beside Yingyue.

  Ma Xiaoling can now easily deal with four generations of zombies, but it is somewhat difficult to deal with three generations of zombies.

  in the second generation of zombies

  Peacock's words don't need much, and its own way can only deal with four generations of zombies.


  For Shadowmoon

  very disadvantageous.



  in broken pieces.

  a crack.

  appeared slowly.

  A pool of white mist

  looming from the cracks.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 109 He is here!

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