Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 114 Before the funeral ceremony! The chaos of the world!

  【4 more】

  The police are all out!

  Just when they were about to make a move.

  A cold voice sounded. "Wait a moment……

  A woman in a black suit and a short skirt slowly appeared at the door of the police station.

  "I can do business with you-


  Chaos broke out all over the streets of Xiangjiang! After countless corpses were attacked, they got up and attacked frantically.

  Hit the normal residents around!

  Countless residents fell into panic!

  No one at all understands what's going on!

  It all started so fast!

  It is also developing fast!

  Almost less than ten minutes

  The whole Xiangjiang was completely plunged into chaos!

  Inside the Tongtian Pavilion.

  Yuming Shisan and Domoto still stand at the highest point.

  Domoto Jing looked at the chaos in front of him, with a hint of madness in his eyes: "Today the whole world will be for me.

  Tremble! Everyone will know my name!" "I will be approved by God! I will be qualified for his approval!"

  Yuming Thirteen listened to Tang Benjing's words, and the expression wrapped under the black robe was extremely indifferent.

  In his opinion

  This Tang Benjing is a lunatic.

  Still a very naive lunatic.

  But this is better for him, and can better control this Domoto Jing!

  If it wasn't for the blood of the Heavenly Brave flowing in Domoto Jing, he would not have chosen Domoto Jing anyway. "The world is ready to start being yours. m" This will be your zombie country. "

  Yuming Thirteen said lightly.

  Wherever the two of them looked, they were almost zombies.

  Watch the birth of countless zombies.

  Domoto Jing opened his hands and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha!" "I will be the king of the zombie kingdom!"

  His eyes revealed endless madness!" Let's go and get ready to begin.

  Yuming Thirteen glanced at the moonlight.

  moonlight tonight

  very round.

  Just like it was thousands of years ago. "Missed [-] -- a day that can't be missed again."

  A cold smile appeared on the corner of Yuming Thirteen's mouth.

  Figures of two people.

  disappeared in place.

  in the middle of the Hong Kong.

  This is an original park.

  Extend in all directions.

  Surrounded by high-rise buildings.

  Central Park.

  Yuming Thirteen stood at the very center, beside Tang Benjing.

  In front, there is an altar set up by a white formation! There are dense formations around the altar! "Ignite the Holy Fire" prepare to welcome the coming of the mysterious yin. "

  Yuming Thirteen waved his hand.

  The four corners of the altar are filled with flames! Surrounding the altar!

  The Qi of Mysterious Yin Between Heaven and Earth

  Slowly gather here.

  And the grievances on the Xiangjiang River.

  It began to permeate the city--

  Countless people felt a gloomy and cold aura coming from the air, and these gloomy auras slowly converged towards the

  Go to the center of Xiangjiang!

  maas am

  Jiajia Building! "It's now!"

  When Uncle Qiu saw the grievances gathering, his eyes flashed with golden light, and he said directly: "This grievance and profound yin aura converge.

  The place where they meet is where they set up the altar!" "If you want to stop this catastrophe," you must find Luo Xia directly!"

  I beg you to be [-]% sure right now

  This is Luo Xia's funeral ceremony!" You must be careful

  "The door of Prajna's hell will open, once surrendered to Luo Ye's command, and after waiting for ten thousand years, it will be restored from Prajna

  Out of the gates of hell. "This is a catastrophe in the human world." "It is also the first catastrophe in the human world.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  . "

  Please uncle's voice is solemn.

  He looked at Ma Xiaoling, Kuang Tianyou and others cautiously.

  "This catastrophe should have been planned for a long time, but unfortunately we haven't found any traces at all.

  I should have thought that when the hero appeared, it should be the time when the catastrophe began. "Unfortunately, of the five heroes now, I have only found one, Aping. In this catastrophe, we must

  Gather the power of five stars, otherwise you may not be able to survive. "But no matter what, we're going to give it a shot!"

  He was unprecedentedly dignified.

  in front of you.

  Ma Xiaoling, Jin Weiwei, Jin Zhengzhong, and Kuang Tianyou all looked at (cd dh) begging uncle with a solemn expression.

  No one thought of it.

  This catastrophe came so suddenly and so quickly.

  It's so close that you don't even understand what's going on.

  a catastrophe

  "Now!" appeared quietly

  Please point your uncle's finger to the ground! This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  Countless ghosts roar!

  A crack appeared!

  A Ping's figure slowly emerged from the crack. "Empty brave man." Uncle Qiu looked at A Ping and said in a deep voice, "The catastrophe has already begun, you know that the other four brave


  A Ping was stunned for a while, his eyes looked at everyone, it seemed that he had just returned from the underworld, and his mind was temporarily unclear.


  After half a sound.

  He finally regained his senses, and when he heard Uncle Qiu's question, he shook his head directly: "I can't find the other four

  It is very possible that the stars exist, and they have already faced unforeseen events.

  "We five-star heroes all have telepathy between endless reincarnations, so that we cannot forget ourselves

  comrades-in-arms, but now I can't sense their breath.

  Aping told everyone.

  He just received it an hour ago.

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