This horn is mottled and full of traces of ancient times!" Wuwuwuwu——

  The low sound of the horn is like a monstrous ocean wave that swept the heavens and the earth, whirling between the heavens and the earth!

  The ghost soldiers emerging from the cracks

  At the moment when the horn was heard, it rushed across the sky and came towards Yuming Thirteen!


  The van was parked not far from Central Park. "Why don't you drive?" Uncle Qiu asked, looking at the moonlight and seeing the car stopped. "Please uncle, it's not that I don't want to open it, it's that I can't open it."

  Kim Jong-jung said bitterly.

  Please look forward.

  I saw that outside the Central Park, the densely packed buildings under the high-rise buildings are all zombies of the fifth generation!

  one thousand?

  Five thousand?

  Ten thousand?

  There are no clear people!

  Like the Kuroshio, it emerges around the high-rise buildings in the Central Primitive Park of Xiangjiang, densely occupying all the places.

  There are streets, majestic, and people don't dare to approach them at all.

  Ma Xiaoling got out of the van.

  Staring at the dense fifth-generation zombies in front of her, a few surprises appeared in her indifferent expression.

  So many fifth-generation zombies

  How did Luo Xia reincarnate?

  Uncle Qiu, Miyuki Zhongshan, Jin Zhengzhong, Jin Weiwei, and Kuang Tianyou all got off the van.

  Chuchun, Sadako and Luo Kaiping appeared strangely beside everyone.

  Everyone stood side by side.

  Ahead is a vast tide of zombies.

  the gap between the two

  Simply hopeless.

  "It seems that the life and death of this battle are unknown." Uncle Qiu saw the vast sea of ​​corpses in front of him, but he could see it."

  It's a pity, if you give me a little more time, maybe I can summon the Taoist family to fight together. "If the major Daoist families take action together, there may be a chance of winning."

  Uncle Qiu was full of helplessness.

  This catastrophe happened too suddenly.

  Although he has also told the Taoists, Taoists are almost all over China and want to be in a short period of time.

  Aggregation is simply impossible. "who said it!"

  A light shout came from a distance! "My Yuan family is here!"

  Everyone looked into the distance.

  A man in a blue suit rushed in from a distance and came to Uncle Qiu in an instant.

  "Uncle Qiu, long time no see." "The descendants of the Yuan family?" Uncle Qiu was taken aback. "And the descendants of my Wang family!" Another light drink!" In this case, my Zhang family is naturally indispensable."

  Two figures dared to come from a distance.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  When Uncle Qiu looked, there was a man in a tunic suit in the distance, walking towards here with several men.

  On the other side, a man in a long robe walked slowly, like a man in the [-]s, followed by a few people behind him.

  man. "My Lu family is here too."

  A soft and melodious voice sounded, and a fashionably dressed, young and energetic woman walked by from a distance


  Yuan family, from the Yuan Tiangang family.

  The Wang family came from the Wang Chongyang family.

  The Zhang family is the true descendant of Taoism, the family of Zhang Tianshi.

  The Lu family came from the Lu Dongbin clan.

  These are all Daoist families! "Why are you all here?" Uncle Qiu was slightly taken aback. "Since the catastrophe in the world, we received news from Uncle Qiu, so we rushed to Xiangjiang to ask what it was.

  When, unexpectedly, it happened. "The descendant of the Yuan family is a middle-aged man, he looked at Uncle Qiu, ten


  "We gathered here to ask Uncle for advice and the records you found here." The descendants of the Wang family were wearing

  Mountain suit, smiling slightly. "Xiao Ling! Long time no see!"

  The Zhang family man looked at Ma Xiaoling and smiled.

  Ma Xiaoling nodded lightly. "Xiaoling! Do you still remember me!" The Lu family woman looked at Ma Xiaoling and said with a smile.

  "Long time no see, you have grown up a lot!" Ma Xiaoling showed a sincere smile when she saw the girl from the Lu family.

  These are the major families of Taoism.

  Ma Xiaoling naturally knows some.

  It's just that these families are all over China, and they rarely meet each other. "Let's solve the immediate crisis first."

  Ask uncle to sigh slightly.

  Although these families came, only a few people came, and there were tens of thousands of zombies in front of them! This time

  Crisis still makes people feel heavy inside! "Good!"

  Seeking uncle is that these families have a certain position.

  As a descendant of the Mao family, he is admirable both in Taoism and his background.

  Nanmao and Beima have been handed down from ancient times to the present day.

  It has a certain status in Taoism. "We must break this zombie tide, and then it is possible to prevent the reincarnation of Luohu from the funeral." "Now that 930 is running out, we must hurry up."

  Uncle Qiu glanced at the full moon in the sky.

  The blood on the corners of the full moon

  It has gradually diffused, extending towards the full moon.

  "Uncle begging, our family members who stayed in Xiangjiang are all guarding the same place, and I'm afraid they won't be able to make it in a short time.

  We can only charge ourselves. "The descendant of the Wang family said in a deep voice.

  This time he brought five people, all from the Wang family.


  Uncle Qiu and the others stopped not far from the zombie tide, not very close.

  But as the number of people around Uncle Qiu increased! Those fifth-generation zombies also discovered the existence of Uncle Qiu and others

  Roaring and rushing towards Uncle Qiu and the others!



  The whole earth trembled slightly!

  Countless fifth-generation zombies rushed over quickly!

  Everyone present looked solemn!

  Under such a terrifying zombie tide, even if it is a super weak fifth-generation zombie, the chances of everyone surviving are not high.


  Boundless, dense, like a tide—

  Under the moonlight.

  These fifth-generation zombies surrounded everyone in an instant! "Arrangement" shouted the descendants of the Wang family!

  It's just that his voice hasn't fallen yet!

  a roar

  from them!


  a terrifying breath

  Spread out in an instant!

  Ice blue pupils appeared under the night.

  A pair of fangs.

  Emergence of heaven and earth!.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 118 Luo Xia ten thousand years ago! Desperate people!

  【8 more】"Zombie?!"

  Wang, Zhang, Yuan, Lu family and others all looked at Zhongshan Meixue beside Chuchun in amazement.

  The growl.

  From Zhongshan Miyuki.

  Now she is standing under the moonlight.

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