The ghost soldiers around are extremely vicious

  In the rear, Kuang Tianyou was entangled by more than a dozen ghost soldiers.

  In the third generation, these ghost soldiers were almost all around the fourth rank, holding Kuang Tianyou down.

  The four descendants of the family were scattered among the ghost soldiers, and the Wang family brought by the descendants of the Wang family had already been beheaded by the ghost soldiers

  Killing, only the descendants of the Wang family are left to support.

  Kim Jong-jung, Kim Miku, Chuchun, and Sadako form a circle behind them. Chuchun and Sadako are restricted everywhere.

  It's not that they can't deal with these ghost soldiers, but that they still have to take care of Kim Jong-jung and Kim Miku.

  Her beautiful eyes slowly looked towards the sky

  The end of the sky.

  There are countless ghost soldiers flocking here. "Xiaoling" moonlight. "

  Uncle Qiu's voice was low and weak, and it seemed that he was ten years old at this moment.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the peak of the sky.

  White full moon.

  At this moment, it was covered with a layer of blood

  whole sky

  Also turned into blood. "The burial moon is about to begin."" Prajna hell will emerge in the world

  Once he succeeds, no one in the world will be able to deal with him. "

  Begging uncle's eyes to despair. "Is there no hope for this catastrophe in the world?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Uncle Qiu who had lost hope, and for a while, she was also a little dazed!

  The bloody full moon reflects the sky.

  The air of mysterious yin enveloped the earth.

  The ghost soldiers who were attacking everyone slowly retreated to the altar, and then stood directly around the altar.


  Tens of thousands of ghost soldiers

  Enclose the altar!

  Nakayama Miyuki fell to the ground.

  She felt the weakness coming from her body.

  She looked behind her.

  I saw Uncle Qiu's desperate eyes.

  There are a few traces of blood on the corner of Ma Xiaoling's mouth. At this moment, Ma Xiaoling seems to be backlashed, and she has been unable to cast spells in a short time.


  Kuang Tianyou, Jin Zhengzhong, and Jin Weiwei were all in a state of embarrassment, and bloodstains appeared on their bodies.

  The four descendants of the family are no longer in glory, and their clothes are mixed with blood.

  Chuchun and Sadako were pretty good, but their grievances also dissipated a lot.

  this battle.

  They lost before they even started.

  Even ghost soldiers can't deal with it.

  How to deal with Luo Lian?" It's twelve o'clock, and the funeral month is about to begin."

  Uncle Qiu gritted his teeth.

  Everyone present.

  They all looked at the sky.

  The bloody full moon on the sky hangs in the ferocious bloody sky.

  The Qi of Xuanyin is pouring out like the nine-day Milky Way


  About to start

  Nakayama Miyuki watched this scene.

  A talisman appeared in her hand.

  Look at this talisman.

  in her mind

  Recalling that before Zong Zu left, he gave her a talisman.


  This catastrophe cannot be stopped.

  Burn this talisman.


  A flame ignited.

  in flames

  Burned slowly.

  A weird wave

  surging in this world.

  Fragrant mountain peaks.

  The mountain covered with golden runes is shaking wildly!

  It seems that there is a behemoth about to break free from the chains and emerge into the world!


  Halfway ahead of the mountain peak.

  A strange wave.

  The heavy stone door

  Open slowly.

  In an instant.

  Half of the mountain stopped shaking.


  As this stone door opens

  The world is quiet

  [The last chapter is still missing, I should be able to make it up today~ Thank you for your support, thank you very much! This book

  The rhythm of the book is a little slower than other Feilo books, and sometimes the author writes and writes the paragraphs and does not write well

  Maybe everyone is a bit messy, the author will pay attention to it later, thank you for your support!].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 120

  【1 more】

  Heavy stone door opens

  Countless golden lights pervade! The talisman suppresses! But with the opening of the stone gate, these talismans and golden light seem to be lost.





  heavy footsteps

  Echoing half of the mountain peaks.

  It's like there is a terrifying beast that keeps walking up the ground.

  The golden light was getting dimmer and the surrounding talismans gradually dissipated, leaving only darkness.

  The blood-red moon reflected the earth.

  Threads of white mist slowly poured out from the stone door.

  Xiangjiang Central Park.

  Blood filled the earth, and the mysterious yin qi gushed down from the sky.

  Ma Xiaoling and others were surrounded by zombie tide

  With the fall of Nakayama Miyuki, these zombie tides instantly returned to their original appearance.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu arranged a formation, surrounded the center, and blocked the attacks of these zombie waves in a short time.

  All around the altar.

  Layers of ghost soldiers held halberds, exuding a gloomy aura, guarding the altar.

  Ma Xiaoling and her party suffered a lot of injuries.

  After Luo Mian's ghost soldiers are revived.

  They lost the initiative.

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