
  Luo Hu instantly felt that the energy in the whole body expanded hundreds of times in an instant! I am afraid that the squeezing feeling is almost in the

  It crushed him into blood mist in an instant!

  In this moment of crisis!

  A drop of blood appeared on Luohu's finger.

  He picked it up with one hand, and the drop of blood poured into the surrounding spear! The spear was filled with a bloody mystery.

  Fog! The mysterious yin aura between heaven and earth sensed the blood-colored fog 23, and rushed out in an instant, fighting against the surrounding Luo Xia together.

  Squeeze the power. "Original blood essence" "This Luohu, was actually forced to this step?"

  Uncle Qiu's voice was startled, and he looked forward with a solemn expression.

  Disappearance of Ghost Soldiers

  Everything on the altar appeared in the eyes of everyone.

  The figure in the white fog stood still.

  He was like a bystander, quietly watching the scene in front of him.



  Luo Mian stood in front of the altar.

  The space around the body collapsed! The twisted space cracked open! The terrifying power made the whole

  The whole space is immersed in distortion!

  The long spear that was filled with blood mist all over Luohou was gradually twisted at this moment! "Damn it!"

  Luo Xia shouted angrily!

  The long spear that exudes a terrifying evil spirit is slowly shattering at this moment!

  increasingly terrifying power

  Gradually, a trace of cracks appeared in his body!


  It spreads out. "I am Mozu Rahou! Who can kill me?!"

  Luo Hu was unwilling to roar! At this moment, his aura exploded to the extreme!

  The black robe on his body ripped open in an instant!

  A source of power that belonged to him exploded! The squeezing feeling around his body finally faded a lot!

  He stood before the altar in blood-colored armor! The armor was full of blood!


  A long spear appeared in his hand!


  Holding a spear in one hand, he pointed at the figure in the white mist from afar!


  He stepped on the ground! The whole person was suspended in the air! Like a blood-colored light, it rushed to the heaven and the earth.

  Under the bloody sky!


  under that sky.

  Endless blood fills the air, and the endless blood light condenses on the spear! He is carrying the spear, and under the sky

  Surge and lean down! Point directly at the figure in the white mist!


  In the space he passed through, it exploded directly, and there was an extreme distortion!


  It's a fatal blow!

  Such a terrifying blow!

  Let everyone in the world feel the suppression of terror as if the sky is about to collapse! Let

  The whole world can't breathe!

  "It's so scary" this Luohu has gone completely crazy. "

  Uncle Qiu stared at the top of the sky, his heart beating wildly.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes looked at the figure in the white mist.

  Since the figure in the white mist appeared

  She never looked away again.

  in her mind

  I don't know why, a

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Thinking back to the slight pause when the figure just passed by her side.

  Zombie King two thousand years ago

  gave her a touch of familiarity

  She looked at the figure in the white mist with beautiful eyes.

  After feeling the fatal blow that shook the world again, a hint of worry appeared in her beautiful eyes.

  The figure in the white fog slowly stood on the spot.

  long gun

  like a galaxy falling

  In an instant.

  The terrifying and mighty aura caused the ground around the figure in the white mist to split into huge cracks!

  sloping down long gun

  Make the cracks in the ground more and more terrifying!

  This blow.

  Make everyone tremble!


  The blood-colored spear rushed to the white mist figure!

  countless white fog

  Back off at that moment!

  A figure in a black gown stood quietly on the ground.

  ten centimeters.

  three centimeters.

  one centimeter

  At the moment when the spear is about to arrive!

  Countless people just feel that their hearts are lifted


  He still hasn't made a move?


  at last.

  Figure shot.

  Under everyone's horrified eyes

  The figure's hand, at the moment when the spear arrived, one hand gently held the spear!


  The terrifying and mighty power is like a million mountains hitting the figure!

  but the figure

  Stand still! "This!"

  The descendants of the Wang family who fell to the ground exclaimed!

  Not just him.

  The pupils of everyone who saw this scene shrank slightly!

  This blow.

  Leap from under the sky! This terrifying force is intertwined with the impact of speed, and Luo Xia's own blood-

  Can be turned out to be this Zombie King.

  Easy to pick up!

  Luo Hu felt that his blood-colored spear was being held, and instantly stabbed with a force of millions!


  Still standing still.

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