Crazy, Killing, Ruthless


  It is the ultimate dark recovery!


  Countless people are in despair.


  A gentle voice echoed between heaven and earth: "Long time no see, old friend."

  Countless people looked at Bai Wu's figure not far away.

  in that building.

  A man in a long white coat walked out slowly and stood on the edge of the building, standing with the other in the white mist.

  Figures look at each other.


  who is it?

  Many people have a question in their hearts.

  The whole world.

  All of them could not move at all under this terrifying repressed breath.

  The man in white

  Who is it? "Retreat." "Otherwise" "Death."

  The figure under the white fog said coldly and ruthlessly.

  The man in white shook his head slightly, but his eyes were not too surprised.

  "Your words are more cold and ruthless than two thousand years ago." But I know this is not your intention. ""I'll stop you. "

  he said softly.

  Then. "Whoo-"

  He opened his mouth lightly!

  Two fangs emerge!

  Bloody eyes.

  Reflecting the bloody full moon!

  An unparalleled air of terror!

  Immediately agitated!

  At the moment when the man in white transformed himself! There was a violent impact!

  This scene--

  It made countless people's eyes widen.

  This is especially true for Ma Xiaoling, Uncle Qiu and others below.


  A zombie king?

  [If you don't believe me, I stayed up all night and updated five chapters. Keke is indeed a bit less.

  However, for the time being today, we will start with five shifts, and if we guarantee the bottom seven shifts, we will reduce everyone by two shifts, plus one shift in front of them, for a total of

  The third shift will be added later! This plot will definitely be written wonderfully and coolly, so it will be written slowly


Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 125 Golden Dragon! The second form of zombies!

  【1 more】

  This Zombie King.

  Also the Zombie King [-] years ago?

  listen to their conversation


  The two met [-] years ago.

  Two zombie kings.

  Across the void.

  Looking at each other from a distance.


  Without any hesitation!

  two figures

  Move at the same time!

  The white fog in the sky suddenly rushed forward~forward!

  The white figure turned into a white afterimage and rushed forward!

  In the middle of the building near the white man

  The terrifying impact made layers of terrifying fluctuations appear in the entire mid-air! Concussive distortions appeared!

  Under the white fog--

  The two figures launched an endless offensive in an instant! "Roar!"

  A roar! The violent power instantly punched a huge hole in the air!

  Terrifying power surges in the air!

  Countless violent breaths permeate!


  An unprecedented horror showdown unfolded!


  Ma Xiaoling and the others stared at this duel.

  The shock in their hearts can be imagined.

  In this world, there is actually a zombie king!" Could it be a general who has never appeared before?" "Or the fourth zombie king?"

  Uncle Qiu no longer dared to guess.

  But at this moment, the appearance of this zombie king has turned things around!

  The appearance of this second zombie king produced the first catastrophe.

  If it weren't for the appearance of this unknown zombie king.

  The whole world will be reduced to Prajna hell!

  no matter who

  As long as they can save the catastrophe, they don't care who they are.

  people who were desperate

  Seeing a burst of hope now!

  "It's ironic, I never thought that the one who saved the first catastrophe - turned out to be a zombie king."

  Uncle Qiu smiled bitterly.

  this battle.

  All eyes are on!


  No one can see this battle clearly!


  under the bloody sky

  More and more violent power, more and more arrogant breath, let the whole void collapse!

  In that hazy white fog—

  Countless people watched this scene nervously.

  This battle has touched the hearts of countless people

  life and death in the world

  All at this moment!


  The entire sky seemed to burst! There were terrifying cracks in the space! Beneath the cracks

  One after another terrifying void collapsed, filled with terrifying breath and power!

  Countless people watched this scene in amazement.

  this moment.

  Shake the world!

  The whole earth shook!

  Those high-rise buildings have collapsed even more! The air is filled with horror! Let the people of the whole Xiangjiang

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