Jiang Gu in front of him.

  It seems to be a little different.

  She looked Jiang Gu up and down, but didn't find out what had changed.

  "But I haven't seen each other for a few days, how can it be considered a long time." Ma Xiaoling muttered, and then casually

  Asked: "Where have you been these days?" "To a place I should go."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly. "Mysterious and mysterious." Ma Xiaoling curled her lips and said, "I just wanted to find you, I found the first missing piece of the Ma family.

  The three parts are recorded, I want to invite you to go with me, the price is the same. "

  Ma Xiaoling said directly.

  Jiang Gu looked at Ma Xiaoling in front of him with deep eyes, and said gently, "Okay."

  "Then I'll go first if I don't have anything to do, and I'll notify you at 23 when I leave, this time I'm going to Wangwu Mountain,

  The itinerary is also very dangerous, you should consider whether to go or not these days.

  A happy smile appeared on Ma Xiaoling's casual face.

  After she said goodbye to Jiang Gu, she walked a lot more briskly.

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly and walked to the door at the end of the corridor.

  After the last time Hunrenpingshan found the record

  In fact, Ma Xiaoling only needs to give tens of thousands of yuan.

  But she directly gave Jiang Gu a check for [-] yuan.

  those days.

  Ma Xiaoling is subduing demons and exorcising demons all day long.


  The money is Ma Xiaoling's goodwill towards Jiang Gu.

  She just didn't want to express it. "Jiang Gujun!"

  Jiang Gu opened the door.

  When Chuchun saw Jiang Gu, his eyes were filled with joy that he couldn't hide, and he went straight forward and hugged Jiang Gu tightly.

  Jiang Gu touched Chuchun's head and said gently, "I'm back."

  Chuchun hugged Jiang Gu tightly.

  It seems that he is worried that Jiang Gu will disappear in the next second.

  She came out of the white mist

  I once felt a breath of Jianggu

  she doesn't want to think

  I just want to think that Jiang Gujun is safe and sound.

  She doesn't expect too much.

  I just want to be with Jiang Gu quietly.

  With him watching the vicissitudes of life, maybe one day Jiang Gu will leave, and she will be able to leave together.

  Not too many ideas.

  I don't want to have too many thoughts.

  not to mention--

  She is just a ghost after all.

  a few days later.

  Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Gu, and Hun Yaozun headed towards Ruowangwu Mountain.

  Hun Yaozun wanted to walk with Jiang Gu and the others.


  It was to find his lost memories.

  It felt like it had lost some important memories.

  So follow Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu on the road together.

  Come to the airport.

  The crowds at the airport are sparse.

  If this is normal, it is simply impossible.


  This is also because of the sequelae of the first catastrophe.

  The collapse of high-rise buildings and the disappearance of countless people are thought to be earthquakes.

  The occurrence of natural disasters.

  Many people do not want to go to other places, but stay in Xiangjiang quietly.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  There are few people at the airport.

  After getting on the plane.

  The plane still broadcast the news of the previous days.

  Among them are how many buildings have collapsed, how many people have been lost, and how many economies have been lost.

  Ma Xiaoling watched the TV station quietly.

  she remembered

  If it weren't for that golden light—

  I'm afraid the whole world will be in a panic...

  At least for a short time, the whole world will be in panic!

  After all what happened that day.

  Too scary and shocking.

  If that golden light did not restore everything.

  erase the world's memory

  Then even if the end of the world does not come, the whole world will look like the end of the world.

  Countless ruins stand, and everyone will spend every night and every day in panic.


  What is the difference between the end of the world. "Odd, did you see that golden light?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu who was sitting beside her. "I see." Jiang Gu nodded slightly.

  He came from that golden light.

  Saw countless pasts.

  "Then what do you think that golden light is?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  She was curious.

  Formation? Seal? Talisman? Or other unknown energy?" A seal." Jiang Gu said slowly with a slight smile.

  "Seal?" Ma Xiaoling was stunned, but then she looked at Jiang Gu and said with interest: "You know what?

  A lot? Are you familiar with the person who arranged the golden light? "Maybe." Jiang Gu's answer was simple.

  Maybe familiar.


  unfamiliar. "Who are you?" Ma Xiaoling asked again.

  Without any warning.

  Ma Xiaoling asked suddenly.

  She looked at Jiang Gu quietly.

  Waiting for Jiang Gu's answer.

  Jiang Gu looked forward gently.

  He didn't seem surprised to hear Ma Xiaoling's words. "It doesn't matter who I am, it matters who I am here."

  Jiang Gu laughed. "I'm here just to accompany you to find the person recorded by the Ma family."

  He looked ahead.

  Turned his head slightly.

  His deep eyes met Ma Xiaoling's. "Wangwushan has arrived."

  Ma 937 Xiaoling was looked at by Jiang Gu like this.

  He looked slightly stunned.

  She turned her head slowly, looked around, and seemed to carelessly said: "Mysterious, anyway,

  I don't want to know, just ask.

  She brought the topic back to the seal.


  The plane has landed.

  Her purpose with Jiang Gu and Hun Yaozun.

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