She saw it instantly

  The old man was filled with a blood mist.

  This blood mist permeated all over the old man's body, like blood, slowly flowing in the old man's body

  And the strange aura that Ma Xiaoling sensed just now.

  It is from this blood fog.

  Ma Xiaoling took off her sunglasses, looked at the old man who persuaded her to leave, and said slowly, "Old man, we are here.

  The second time I came, was to go to this mountain, which has what we want. "I'm an exorcist, maybe I can deal with the things on the mountain, maybe I can solve your pain."

  She came this time.

  Even if there is a big weirdness on this mountain

  all move forward!

  Hearing her words, the old man suddenly laughed wildly: "Do you know who I am?"

  Ma Xiaoling was slightly taken aback.

  She had seen a picture.

  people in portraits

  It seems to be constantly overlapping with the old man in front of him.

  A portrait appeared in her hands.

  this picture.

  It was given to her by her uncle.

  She unfolded slowly.

  In the portrait is an old man wearing a Taoist robe and immortal style. The old man is full of fairy spirit, like a man.

  The master who is about to gain the Dao Feixian, his eyes reveal a kind of wisdom that has accumulated over the years.

  m "For a long time, I am Wang Changyue."

  In a word.

  The portrait on Ma Xiaoling's hand almost fell to the ground.

  Wang Changyue.

  The descendants of Taoism in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. At that time, Taoism declined. The Taoist inheritance was exhausted, and Taoism gradually declined.

  At that time, a figure stood up.

  Wang Changyue of Quanzhen Sect!

  Whether in the historical records or in Taoist records, Wang Changyue is a member of the Longmen sect, a branch of the Quanzhen sect in Taoism.

  important representative.

  Quanzhen was very prosperous for a time around the 13th century.

  One of the most famous people, Qiu Chuji, founded the Longmen School, which spread widely in the Yuan Dynasty.

  But after Qiu Chuji's death, Taoist Tibetans were destroyed, and a large number of Taoist classics were completely lost. The North was represented by this faction.

  Taoism began to decline.

  Until the 17th century, Wang Changyue re-reformed this faction and kept it prosperous for a period of time.

  The ancestor of Taoist ZTE!

  He is also the person who attained the Tao (Wang Haohao) in the declining Taoist tradition.


  How could he?

  become what it looks like?

  According to the records of Quanzhen Sect, he has already attained Taoism and gone into seclusion. "Senior, you are not taught by Quanzhen."

  Ma Xiaoling's tone had a hint of respect.

  This is a legendary figure.

  Although she Ma Xiaoling does not admire her.

  But respecting teachers and teaching is also one of the inheritance of the Ma family. "Quanzhen Religion hahahaha! Quanzhen Religion has long since been destroyed! w" One drop of blood is just because of one drop of blood! So ridiculous! So absurd. "

  The old man laughed loudly, and there was indescribable sadness and pain in his laughter.

  A drop of blood? "Senior, what do you mean by a drop of blood?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked solemn.

  She vaguely felt.

  This has a great connection with the lost records of the Ma family she was looking for!

  Wang Changyue laughed sadly, his grey robe and sleeves pointed to Wangwu Mountain in the distance. "On this mountain." "There is a drop of blood!".

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Latest Chapter Chapter 134 Two thousand years later, someone will retrieve this drop of blood!

  [4/9] "A drop of cursed blood from two thousand years ago!" "A drop of blood ruined our Quanzhen religion! Ruined Wangwushan."

  Wang Changyue felt sad in her heart, and her words were full of pain.

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned when she heard this.

  A drop of blood for two thousand years?

  Is this the same as a tear left by the ancestors of the Ma family?

  Ma Xiaoling remembered.

  When Uncle Qiu handed her the portrait, he once said that the ancestor of ZTE in Quanzhen Sect was recorded as

  After attaining the Tao and returning to seclusion, many legends say that the ancestor of the Taoist rejuvenation moved to Wangwu Mountain in Quanzhen Sect.

  After seclusion, his whereabouts are unknown.

  Many people are skeptical.

  He still stayed on Wangwu Mountain.

  Right now

  Is this actually true?

  Jiang Gu quietly looked at Wang Changyue in front of him.

  The blood mist in Wang Changyue's body

  There is a sense of familiarity with him.

  "Hurry up and leave, Wang Changyue seemed to have lost all her strength after laughing, and said weakly.

  Dao: "Don't let anyone get close to this mountain, don't let anyone get close to this mountain again.

  He repeated this sentence twice. "Senior, I am a descendant of the Ma family of the Exorcism Dragon Clan, I am here to find something, maybe, we

  Can break this curse. "Ma Xiaoling said solemnly.

  She had too many questions in her heart.

  What the hell happened to Wangwushan?

  this drop of blood

  what exactly is it?

  "Exorcism Dragon Clan?" Wang Changyue heard Ma Xiaoling's words, her eyes filled with hopelessness and hopelessness.


  Exorcism Dragon.

  It is a branch that is still prosperous in a declining Taoist family!

  The He Mao family has become the most prosperous line of Taoism!

  If the exorcism dragon clan" I can't believe that the descendants of the exorcism dragon clan would come here, I thought, this place has been forgotten


  Wang Changyue smiled lonely. "Come with me."

  He brought Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Gu, and Hun Yaozun to the foot of the mountain.

  There is a simple wooden house with stone tables and chairs in front of the wooden house.

  He sat down on a stone chair.

  After waiting for the three of Ma Xiaoling to take their seats.

  He said slowly: "This matter is very long, but it is also very short."

  "Four hundred years ago, the Taoist school was down and out. I found a container in the forbidden area of ​​Quanzhen Sect. Inside the container,

  Contains a very strange and terrifying energy.

  "This mass of energy cannot be taken away in the forbidden area. The container was left by Qin Chao, and the energy inside is

  It can make the practice extremely fast!" What I thought at the time was Tianxing Taoism! After I practiced, I would slay demons and eliminate demons. So far, Taoism will flourish again."

  "But I never thought. What is in this container, and why can it emit such a vast


  Wang Changyue mentioned that past event.

  There is unspeakable sadness.

  It should have been magnificent and full of legends.

  But in his eyes.

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