Hun Yaozun did not know when a sword appeared in his hand!




  In an instant!

  These people's chests burst a blood hole in an instant!


  just a few seconds

  The nearly [-] cursed people who surrounded Ma Xiaoling and the three of them instantly fell to the ground.

  Blood flowed straight.


  Under Ma Xiaoling's eyes, these figures stood up again.

  Not dead.


  This is a curse on these people.

  Even if they commit suicide, even Wang Changyue's level of self-destruction cannot kill themselves!" Feng."

  Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling said at the same time.

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at Jiang Gu.

  Then I took out a Dao Talisman directly from the makeup box!

  One point out.

  A golden light appeared in front of countless figures' foreheads!

  After searching for the lost records of the Ma family last time, her Taoism has made great progress.


  All these people were sealed with golden light.

  Ma Xiaoling just breathed a sigh of relief.

  She picked up her sunglasses and looked at these figures.

  It was found that almost all of these figures were occupied by blood mist! No matter where it was, it was full of blood


  these people--

  Can't be spared after going crazy!


  She just took a few glances.

  these figures

  It started to move!

  Under Ma Xiaoling's eyes wearing sunglasses, she saw that the blood mist was eroding the golden light on the foreheads of these figures!

  in a short period of time.

  Almost swallowed it!

  "These blood fogs are so weird! These people are ordinary people, but these blood fogs make them immortal,

  Even if they were sealed, the blood mist would swallow those seals.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was solemn.

  Kill and kill.

  The seal can't be sealed again!

  There is only one way to meet these people.

  That is.



  She was about to tell Jiang Gu and Hun Yaozun to leave quickly.

  But I saw Jiang Gu's fingers gesturing in the void!

  A trail of golden traces streaked like a meteor, leaving a trail under the void.



  Jiang Gu pointed at these cursed figures!

  The golden light is pouring out!

  In an instant.

  The figures were unable to move again. "Their blood fog will still be there." Ma Xiaoling wanted to remind Jiang Gu.

  But she found out.

  The blood mist in these figures couldn't swallow Jiang Gu's golden light!

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were a little surprised, she looked at Jiang Gu with astonishment on her cheeks, and smiled after a while: "It seems that I have

  [-] yuan a day, please be right. "

  She said, walking forward first.

  Jiang Gu followed slowly behind him.

  In front.

  The blood mist became more and more powerful.

  Ma Xiaoling walked in front.

  From time to time there will be those cursed figures, but they are all fixed by Jiang Gu. "Kill me" Kill us!" "I don't want to suffer like this anymore

  Keep going up.

  Painful mourning could be heard from time to time.

  These people were tortured to the point of madness, desperate for death, but unfortunately they were eroded and cursed by the blood mist.

  Ma Xiaoling naturally knows that this drop of blood has something to do with the second zombie king. "Just a drop of blood can cause such a curse."

  She can't imagine.

  The second zombie king

  How tyrannical it is.

  But more so.

  The quicker she wanted to retrieve the lost records of the Ma family.


  The three finally came to the middle of the mountain after the painful wailing and the attack of the cursed people.

  Behind the mountain.

  It's the monsters of those gatekeepers.

  Just walked up here.

  Ma Xiaoling was disturbed by the discovery.

  blood fog here

  Much richer than below!

  If the foot of the mountain is a faint blood mist! It's all bloody here!

  Go up!

  The more intense!

  Wang Changyue said that these monsters came out of the forbidden area after the demise of the Quanzhen Sect. "Strange" Why didn't I see any demonic aura?"

  Ma Xiaoling said softly.


  It's just that her voice just fell!

  At the end of the stairs, and in the woods on both sides of the stairs, one after another strange figures, crazy and fast.


  In an instant!

  At the top of the stairs, countless figures looked at Ma Xiaoling and others coldly!

  These ones

  All are people!

  But behind them.

  But a monster appeared!

  There is no shortage of them. Once the big demon!

  Gu Diao, Ao Yin, Hook Snake, S Mystery, Fox Demon, Tiger, and countless monsters appeared in the white mist and looked at Ma Xiao.

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