The two of them looked at the battlefield in the distance!

  Above the capital of Qi State.

  Countless figures flew out of the capital! There was a terrifying demonic energy on the body!

  when it emerges!

  These figures instantly turned into monsters in mid-air! Towards Qin Jun on the ground and Fang Xian Taoist priest in mid-air

  Attack launched!

  And the most interesting.

  It's in the middle of that monster.

  The ten figures were on fire.

  ten figures

  Eye pupils are fiery orange!

  corners of the mouth.

  Has two fangs!.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 144 The time of despair! The blue-shirted woman who fell from the sky!

  【2/7】"Monster corpse, reappeared

  "This is a monster corpse I've never seen before, the color of their pupils is fiery orange, bright red

  "With the appearance of these ten demon corpses, the situation on the battlefield has undergone tremendous changes." The conduct of these demon corpses is no less than that of those big demons!"

  The top of Wangwu Mountain.

  Ma Xiaoling quietly read the records.

  When she saw this record, she couldn't help thinking of a zombie with ice blue eyes!

  I just don't know what connection these zombies have with these monster corpses two thousand years ago!

  She read quietly.

  "These monster corpses are very strange. They just appeared, and in a short period of time, there are hundreds of Fang Xiandao's corpses.

  The Taoist Died"

  "The demons launched a fierce attack again, pouring out from the capital of the King of Naqi, and the entire battlefield turned into a


  in record.

  Ma Linger's description of this battle is very detailed.

  Hundreds of monsters are the bait of Qi State, the purpose is to let the Qin army besiege these monsters, the remaining monsters, then

  After the Qin army completely entered the battlefield, it appeared on the battlefield! Surround the entire battlefield!

  this battle.

  There are no less than thousands of monsters, surrounding the entire battlefield! These monsters are huge and their monsters are soaring.

  A single palm can kill hundreds of Qin troops!

  Even those Taoist priests from Fangxiandao 810

  Not enough to resist!

  And those Taoist Fangxian Taoist priests who are virtuous were entangled by the ten demon corpses and couldn't move!

  a time.

  The entire battlefield was directly reduced to hell.

  The demons are so powerful that they slaughter Qin's [-] army like stepping on ants to death.

  Ruthlessly slaughtering these Taoist priests of Qin Jun and Fang Xiandao!

  Thousands of years, even nearly [-] years of great demons, the Taoism is extremely high, and these Taoist priests are a little difficult to deal with a hundred heads

  What's more, there are ten monster corpses of unknown origin!

  Countless Qin troops were trampled into minced meat.

  Blood flowed across the battlefield.

  The demons wantonly kill those Qin soldiers!" This battle is a life-and-death battle."

  "I have heard the desperate cry of countless Daqin soldiers, and the despair of countless Fangxian Taoist priests.

  a murder"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the record quietly.

  through this record.

  There seemed to be a vast battlefield in front of her eyes.

  On that battlefield, the demons that covered the sky and the sun slaughtered [-] Qin soldiers, and countless Taoists and spells rushed to the place.

  Some monsters, but to no avail.

  Countless people were buried here.

  Huge battlefield.

  Instantly became hell on earth. "This is the trick of the monster! The trick of the monster! We are all fooled!" How can there be such a strange monster! I can't deal with it?!" "It's over!"

  In front of the capital of King Qi.

  Thousands of Taoist priests in midair and on the ground are in a state of embarrassment, their mana is nearly exhausted

  But these demons are fighting more and more bravely.

  On the ground, the Qin army soldiers had no resistance at all in the face of these demons, even with Wang Ben's command,

  But he was facing demons, not the army, and those formations were useless to these demons!

  The Taoist priest is in the air.

  There are Taoists of all sects and tribes here.

  It can be said that there are a lot of famous Fang Xiandao gathered together!

  But their way.

  In front of demons, it seems not worth mentioning at all!

  Despair enveloped the entire battlefield.

  There are still more than [-] soldiers left in the [-] Qin army, but these remaining ones may not be able to hold on to the next wave of demons.


  Huge battlefield.

  surrounded by monsters.

  Layer by layer, move closer to the inside!

  Whether it is

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Neither priests nor soldiers can escape from here!

  "Could it be that the brave Da Qin army is going to be defeated here?" Wang Ben wore black armor and held a giant sword.

  If it were a hundred monsters, he could still command the attack, but there are thousands of monsters here, and there are ten strange monsters.

  Respect monster corpse.

  This battle is very crucial.

  It is the last battle of Da Qin's unification of Kyushu!

  Countless people are watching this battle.

  Although Da Qin was unstoppable and destroyed the other five countries, there are still many people in the other five countries.


  Once the state of Qi (cd ce) cannot be captured

  Next, Daqin will face the encirclement and suppression of various parties, as well as countless civil strife, and the unification of Qi is a very crucial part.

  Step, if this step is taken right, then Daqin can quickly stabilize the political situation!

  There are [-] Qin warriors here!

  They were all fought with blood! Representing the elite of Daqin!

  But now

  But it was mercilessly slaughtered by demons.

  Those Taoists who are reliable in his opinion.

  Now it has become a Chinese meal.

  If he is defeated in this battle, Qi State will surely carry out a counter-offensive, plus the northern Xiongnu and southern barbarians on the border of Daqin,

  And the civil strife "Damn!" "Are you going to lose this battle?"

  He watched the soldiers around him who were fighting bloody battles being slaughtered by monsters, and the grief and anger in his heart made him roar angrily.



  Let him attack.

  these monsters

  After entering the battlefield, there were only dozens of casualties!

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