several corpses. "It's demonic!"


  far away.

  Several figures appeared behind Jin Weiwei, and his eyes looked at Jin Weiwei coldly.

  "Three Three Zeros"" did not expect that there would be so many demons in Xiangjiang, guarded by the Ma family and the Mao family.

  Corpse chaos. "The Ma family and the Mao family are lonely."

  Jin Mirai looked behind him.

  Several men in black shirts, holding a few talismans, looked at her coldly. "who are you?"

  There is some fear in Jin Mi's heart.

  She just became a zombie, and she doesn't even know what special powers she has and has never sucked human blood.

  He has always been by Kuang Tianyou and others' side, but now in such a situation, he is a little helpless. "Bold monster corpse! See my Quanzhen Sect disciple and capture it before you can!" a man said coldly. "What are you talking about - what is Quanzhen religion?" Jin Weiwei asked inexplicably.



  These men didn't give her a chance to react at all!

  In an instant!

  Five talismans emerged from the hands of five men!

  Five golden lights appeared in the air, and rushed towards Jin Wei in an instant! The terrifying and mighty power instantly made Jin Wei

  Come and feel an extreme danger!" Roar!

  She opened her fangs, and gray pupils appeared!


  These golden lights are filled with terrifying energy!

  Coming in the next second.

  about to hit her!

  This golden light has a strong lethality! Although Jin Miku is a fourth-generation zombie! But these people are extremely ruthless.

  ! Almost in the blink of an eye, this golden light hit Jin Miwei!


  Jin Mirai's body flew upside down! "Take her away! This zombie is really durable!" A talisman appeared in a man's hand again!

  The appearance of this sign.

  Make Jin Miku feel the extreme crisis!

  The five talismans hit her just now, and she has already suffered a lot of injuries!

  Now he's down on the ground, unable to move.


  The man has no intention of showing mercy at all! As a successor of the Quanzhen Sect, in the face of these monsters, it is natural to cut the weeds



  This is a zombie!

  To know.

  Now the world is not as rampant as it used to be.

  The prestige of Quanzhen Sect kept falling, and it was even suppressed by Nanmao and Beima.

  If you can conquer zombies.

  It will definitely increase the huge prestige!

  Just at the moment when the golden light is about to hit the future!

  A figure appeared in front of Jin Mirai!

  At the moment when this figure emerges!

  That golden light hit the figure directly!


  There is no movement! "How is that possible?"

  The five Quanzhen Sect men stared at everything in front of them. "leave here."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The voice of the visitor was a little cold.

  This is a woman in a blue long coat, with long flowing hair and a pair of eyes that are full of water

  cold. "Where are you Fang Yaohan?"

  "This Nanmao Beima actually made you monsters run rampant! I think this Nanmao Beima is just like that!"

  The Quanzhen Sect man in the center said coldly.

  Now in the whole of China, demons are very rare. The more Taoist people, the fewer demons.

  But now the Xiangjiang, guarded by Nanmao and Beima.

  Not only did the first calamity break out, but there were also countless demons. If this was taken out, it would be enough to make Nan Mao Bei Ma

  The majesty is swept away, and it is no longer brilliant! Especially in the first calamity, the generation of dragons of the Ma family actually helped the dying dragon

  The Zombie King of the World!

  They came this time.

  It is also related to this!

  And not only their Quanzhen Sect, but also countless Taoist descendants have come.

  It is necessary to let the Ma family discuss! "The future? Zhongshan Meixue?"


  A voice sounded.

  I saw an empty street, a fashionable woman in a white cotton jacket and a short skirt passed by with a makeup box

  Here, I happened to see Jin Miyuki and Nakayama Miyuki who were being besieged by five people. "Another Yaozhi?" The man in the middle turned his head and saw Ma Xiaoling.

  "Evil?" "I am a descendant of the Ma family, who are you?"

  Ma Xiaoling felt the unkindness of the five people. "Do you know this demon and this demon corpse?" "Do you know that I am Zhao Chengyan of Quanzhen Sect!"

  The man in the middle had an indescribable indifference on his face.

  "The two of them are my goals, it's not your turn to intervene."

  When Ma Xiaoling saw this scene, she also knew that the identities of Jin Weiwei and Zhongshan Meixue had been discovered, and she immediately fainted.

  said. "Your goal?" Zhao Chengyan frowned. "Yes, I can only accept it." Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  "Ridiculous! You just want to cover up these two demons?! I didn't expect that the dignified Ma family will exorcise demons from generation to generation.

  The family, at this moment, will become the accomplice of the demon! It seems that we have come here right now! w" Your Ma family is not worthy of being called an exorcist family!

  Zhao Chengyan seemed to feel that he had caught the Ma family's handle, and there was a hint of a smile on his indifferent expression.

  Ma Xiaoling heard Zhao Chengyan's words.

  Then I knew what Uncle Qiu said before, let me pay attention.

  The first catastrophe.

  Majia Shenlong helps the Zombie King.

  Even if the four Taoists didn't tell the story, there were countless Xuanguang talismans watching the scene that day.

  In the catastrophe, there are also many Taoist descendants who have not been able to enter from the outside world, but they can see it clearly.

  The Ma family has a dragon, which is highly respected in Taoism. It is the most prosperous sect of Taoism, even Quanzhen.

  Teaching is not as good as the horse family!


  Naturally, it is because the Ma family has a complete inheritance.

  The catastrophe 3.3 [-] years ago, the Taoist inheritance has gone through a fault, and the formulas and Taoism of countless practices two thousand years ago

  The law has disappeared in the long river of history, but the Ma family has not been affected! Or it has been affected.

  It's not big, and some records are normally lost.

  In particular, Taoism has also experienced several huge disasters, which has led to its gradual decline.

  Only the Ma family is still thriving!

  There have long been countless Taoist sects that want the Ma family to hand over the practice formulas and Taoism techniques.

  It's just that the Ma family has been keeping upright and warding off evil spirits for many years, subduing demons and eliminating demons, and is highly respected.

  They have no chance at all!


  in the first catastrophe.

  Shenlong appeared to help the Zombie King!

  everyone thinks

  This is the Ma family helping the zombie king!

  [I didn't expect it, I updated another chapter].

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