Uncle Qiu looked at Jin Weiwei solemnly.

  "Zombies and zombies cannot have children. Zombies themselves are beyond the three realms and six realms, and they are the ultimate evil.

  The existence of yin, the children born are fierce and evil stars, and birth will bring ominous and bad luck. "You can see that even if it has not been born, it has already controlled the future to suck human blood." "Once it is born, it may be a catastrophe."

  Uncle Qiu's voice was solemn, looking at Jin Weiwei.

  Kim Miku was stunned from the beginning.

  turned into a little joy.

  Then it turned into astonishment. "If so" then my child

  Jin Future's eyes looked straight ahead and fell into a sluggishness.

  The surprise came too quickly.

  But also go fast.

  she will face.

  is the cruel truth.

  Once the magic star is born, it will cause a huge catastrophe. "Anyway, you need to cultivate here for a while."

  *Now the people of Taoism are coming towards Xiangjiang, once the magic star in your body is found to emit breath,

  I'm afraid it's going to be a life-and-death crisis.

  [Unexpectedly, I updated another chapter, Keke go to bed first, good night everyone~].

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 153 The gear of destiny begins to turn! Destiny appears!


  Ask Uncle to tell Ma Xiaoling and the future.

  Because of the first robbery.

  The people of Taoism gathered in Xiangjiang, and now the whole Taoism has been quarreling, and they want the Ma family to hand over the biography of Taoism.

  Admittedly, the Ma family is no longer worthy of the inheritance of Taoism.

  And all the sects and sects in China are coming towards Xiangjiang.

  Among them, the most prosperous Beiquan Zhendao, Nanjiao, Laoshan, the most prosperous except the Ma family and the Mao family.

  Taoism, martial arts, and Lushan are the most prosperous sects of Taoism.

  It's the big families.

  Various factions poured into Hong Kong.

  That is to say, what Uncle Qiu reminded Ma Xiaoling before, be careful, these people's purpose is very


  Seize the excuse to deal with the Ma family.

  Especially after what happened just now, I am afraid that those Taoist sects and families who were hesitant will also

  Standing on the side of Quanzhen Dao. "Quanzhen Dao." Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, "Quanzhen Dao has already perished, they can't do it at best.

  It is a false name. "

  The Quanzhen Dao on Wangwu Mountain.

  There is only one Wang Changyue left.

  This all-true legend.

  The core disciples and the Taoist heritage were already there three or four hundred years ago, when the blood was chaotic, all of them were lost.

  Once destroyed, even if there are remnants, at most they are outside disciples.

  It can be said

  Today's Quanzhen Dao is only covered with a layer of Quanzhen Dao's skin, which has long since lost its inheritance.

  "What happened to Wang Changyue later?" Uncle Qiu was a little curious.

  Ma Xiaoling only said that they were leaving. There was not much mention about Wang Changyue and the people at the foot of the mountain.

  and. "He guards the supernatural power at the Taoist temple, and the souls of those who are swallowed by that drop of zombie blood cannot enter the hell to be reincarnated." Ma Xiaoling said.

  She remembers when she left.

  Wang Changyue sat alone in the center of the Taoist temple, her back was downcast and full of grief.

  "Later, he said that if he was repented, he would like to spend the rest of his time looking at this three or four hundred years later.


  Uncle Qiu heard the words and sighed: "A drop of blood, a drop of blood from two thousand years, a drop of the blood of a zombie king

  It has caused such a huge injustice for a long time.”

  "Even your Ma family ancestors, I'm afraid you can't think of this step, she sealed this drop of blood, but

  I don't know why it leaked some breath. A" Three or four hundred years ago, maybe something happened, most likely, the second zombie king once visited

  There. "

  Uncle begged to have some guesses.

  But it's just speculation.

  this matter

  Even Wang Changyue didn't know.

  "Yeah! This is the debt of our Ma family. I don't know how to pay it back." Ma Xiaoling pouted.


  A drop of zombie blood.

  As a result, the entire mountain peak was tortured by the inability to survive and die. This is a huge

  Great injustice cause and effect.

  Taoism pays the most attention to karma.

  Among them, retribution of injustice and sin is the sin done, including the smashing of ghosts, which are all sins.

  It is the ruthless way of heaven and destiny. "This period of cause and effect is also ended by your Ma family. Although there are sins, it is not unforgivable.

  Maybe this time is the robbery of the Ma family. "Uncle Qiu said in a deep voice.

  "Then what am I going to do about the robbery of the Ma family, and what kind of injustice Jin Weiwei is on the sidelines, my head is blurred.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu both turned their attention to Jin Weiwei.

  "If it is a magic star, according to the records, it must not be left, otherwise, the chaos of the common people will be caused by

  From here. n "And I suspect that the second catastrophe has already begun."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The first kalpa is closely related to us. It is all about the people and things that happen to us. We may be the first

  The person who should be robbed in the robbery and the second robbery.

  "The birth of this magic star may not be a good result."

  Ask uncle to sigh slightly.

  "In the future, I know that this matter may be cruel to you, but we will not force you." The life and death of this child is up to you to choose. "

  Beg Uncle to look at Jin Future.

  If it were more than ten years ago, he would have killed Jin Weiwei and Mo Xing without hesitation.

  But now he

  Can't do it.

  Kim Miku lay in bed.

  Listen to Uncle Qiu's words.

  Although she didn't understand, she also felt the seriousness of the matter.

  She had experienced the first calamity herself.

  "Uncle please, what do you mean, if my child is born, it will also cause huge killings, even with that

  Is it the same as the Zombie King?"

  Jin Mirai looked at Uncle Qiu, and her pupils had a hint of hope.

  she hopes

  Can say no from the mouth of the uncle.

  "Killing evil is inevitable, this is only the early stage of pregnancy, it has already controlled you to kill so many people once

  born. "But whether it can reach the level of the zombie king, I don't know." "Tianyou is the second generation of zombies, and its abilities are already very terrifying, but the two zombie kings that appeared in the first robbery,

  It is ten thousand times that of Kuang Tianyou, no, maybe one hundred thousand times, more than one million times.

  "Although it can't be reached, it is also one of the disaster stars." "But we have experienced so many disasters, and we don't care about this one."

  Although uncle begged to be open-minded.

  But his heart was also heavy.

  No one knows what Guangxing is like.

  even he

  It doesn't necessarily feel like it can be suppressed.

  "*~ I see."

  Jin Milai lay on the bed, his eyes a little empty.

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