Whether it is golden light, or that terrifying energy, or the formation!

  After being shaken by the energy emitted by Jin Future.

  Break it all down!

  The dozen or so figures surrounding her took a few steps back because the formation was broken.

  *~ Damn! n

  "It's so terrifying before you're born! If you're born, it's okay!"

  Jin Mirai saw the man's face looking annoyed. "What the hell do you want!"

  Jin Miwei gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to say!

  "Seal her!"

  The man said again!


  Fifteen figures, all of them were men! After hearing the words of the man in the middle, I took out a



  Hand prints!

  A golden light like a chain emerges!

  The power of confinement floats in the air!


  These golden light chains keep coming together! After connecting together, they become a huge net!

  Dense chains!

  Filled with golden light!

  In an instant, he slammed down towards Jin Miku!

  At that moment when the golden light pressed down (good money Zhao)!" The dragon god ordered, Lei Gong Zhenzi borrowed the method, fight!"

  A light drink is coming!


  Heaven and Earth!

  A group of Lei Ling made a sensation! Boom towards the golden light chain!

  The violent thunder force broke the golden light chain in an instant! "Pfft!"

  The fifteen figures retreated directly! The man in the middle shouted coldly!


  He was also a little shocked in his heart!

  This is fifteen of them working together at the same time!

  It was broken by a method!

  The way of this man!

  How terrifying? "Stop it."

  The end of the street.

  A beautiful, white-skinned woman in a short skirt walked in slowly.

  beside her.

  An elegant man in a black shirt walked in quietly.

  [Good night ~ ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation tickets ~ and monthly tickets ~ of course, the most important thing is to ask for a wave of monthly tickets ~]

  【Thank you very much for your support~Good night everyone~】.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 159 Block Xiangjiang! Hunt down Ma Xiaoling!

  【1 more】

  "Who is Your Excellency, and why did you intervene for no reason?" "This is a zombie! And she is pregnant!"

  The man in the middle looked at the person who came and said. "Send Wei Yuxuan of the Wei family in Xia Laoshan!"

  these people.

  They are all from Laoshan.

  The Laoshan faction.

  It is very close to the Quanzhen Dao.

  "Ma Xiaoling."

  Relatively speaking.

  Ma Xiaoling's words were much simpler. "Heirs of the Ma family? Exorcism dragon clan?" Wei Yuxuan was shocked!

  He didn't expect that he would meet Ma Xiaoling here! But then he figured out the way of Quanzhen before.

  Fellow Daoist said that Ma Xiaoling seems to be sheltering zombies! "Are you trying to shelter her?" Wei Yuxuan asked.

  Jin Weiwei saw Ma Xiaoling's arrival.

  He quickly walked to Ma Xiaoling's side.

  She was in a panic, and it all happened too fast from beginning to end.

  "I'll handle it." Ma Xiaoling said lightly, "Is there anything else? If there is nothing, let's go."

  She didn't want to have too much interaction with these people.


  These people even want her Ma family inheritance. "You!" Wei Yuxuan was very annoyed, he wanted to do it immediately, but he was also very afraid of Ma Xiaoling!

  To know

  Fifteen people just joined forces, but Ma Xiaoling broke it by herself!

  It can be seen from here

  The Taoism of the two 280s is fundamentally different!

  "Do you know that she is pregnant now? There is still a magic star in her stomach? Your Ma family has indeed become a magic way.

  It's ridiculous that the descendants of the Lu family still speak for you!"

  "It seems that you Ma family are now completely against our Taoism!"

  Wei Yuxuan frowned, "It seems that your Ma family is exactly the same as what the records say, and it was two thousand years ago.

  The demon corpse is involved, and even fights against everyone in our Taoist school for the sake of the demon corpse!" "I wanted to give you a chance, but if you don't eat or drink a toast, don't blame us for being rude!"

  "Surround them!"

  Wei Yuxuan said in a deep voice.

  He has just sent the message out.

  Soon other descendants or sects of Taoism came here.

  Fifteen people directly surrounded Ma Xiaoling and the three of them.

  As long as they drag people from all sects of Taoism, they can force Ma Xiaoling to hand over the inheritance of the Ma family!

  See yourself surrounded.

  Ma Xiaoling's expression did not change much, as always, she was calm.

  "Go away." Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

  A talisman appeared in her hand.


  Nobody pays attention to her.

  Still dead (cf fd) Surround her with death!

  Obviously, none of these people will retreat!" The Dragon God ordered, and the Water God Yin Ji borrowed the method to fight!"

  A light drink came out!

  This talisman instantly turned into a mist of water in the sky, like the Wang Hai, constantly rushing towards the whole body!

  The air froze instantly!

  The fifteen people just wanted to leave, but they were instantly shrouded and frozen by the water! They couldn't move at all!

  "Let's go."

  Ma Xiaoling said to Jin Weiwei and Jiang Gu.

  The three of them left here directly.

  She didn't think hard.

  What Wei Yuxuan said was right. It was indeed the fact that her Ma family had no reason to be in the first place.

  Is wrong.

  Leaving this street, she took Jin Weiwei and Jiang Gu towards Uncle Qiu's residence.

  on the way.

  Ma Xiaoling recalled the last paragraph of Wei Yuxuan's words in her mind.

  two thousand years ago

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