Those Taoist guys are completely obstructing her. Once she appears, let alone dealing with zombies, I am afraid she will not.

  How long will it be surrounded by these Taoist traditions - Cheng Sheng.

  Huge chaos occurred in Xiangjiang.

  Police stations, Taoist descendants, zombies, this kind of thing happened in many streets, almost to set up a Xiangjiang Street

  All above!

  The only comfort is.

  The prosperous urban area was guarded by Taoist descendants, and those zombies could not cause trouble.

  Taoists also began to counterattack.

  They found that these zombies did not suck blood completely, but left blood essence, which the corpses could carry out.

  evil Dead.

  In order to prevent the zombies from increasing again.

  The Taoists deliberately blocked the streets.

  The Daoist descendants who came this time have hundreds of sects, and they are accompanied by many people from the same sect, especially

  When the information of Xiangjiang was reported to the inland, all the inheritors of Daomen flew to the inland in a short period of time.

  Xiangjiang, Xiangjiang was in blockade, and Taoist support arrived soon.

  Among them are.

  Zhao Ling, the patriarch of Quanzhen Dao, Wei Qi, the head of Laoshan Sect, heads of Maoshan Sect and Lushan Sect

  , These are the true Taoist practitioners.

  Follow these people out.

  Guard one side.

  Instantly surround the zombies.


  After these people surrounded the zombies.

  They didn't find out that there were still people missing.

  But neither Taoism nor zombies.

  The goals are the same.

  Find Moxing's mother!

  Find the trail of the magic star!

  And in the hospital.

  Ma Xiaoling and Uncle Qiu are constantly improving the formation.

  Jin Mirai in the ward has begun to gradually go crazy with hunger.

  The power of the magic star in the body is gradually weakening, but the breath of the magic star is more and more terrifying!

  Like a beast ready to break free!

  crazy spread out

  Just three days.

  Riots continued in the streets.

  Countless people died in this riot.

  Countless grievances.

  Cohesion between heaven and earth.

  inside the hospital.

  The breath of the magic star continued to diffuse out.

  From the hospital, he slowly looked at him.

  Under the dark night.

  Riots in the streets!

  Each Taoist gate guards an area! Now they are encircling and suppressing zombies!

  Just these four and five generations of zombies!!

  These Taoist inheritances are also difficult to deal with!

  Although the situation is that Taoists are encircling and suppressing zombies, they can only be seriously injured, not killed!

  Hong Kong.

  In trouble again.

  In the dark night sky.

  in the distant stars.

  In the vast cosmic starry sky, countless stars moved towards a faint light.

  After the stars gather.

  A weak consciousness.

  Slowly emerged in the vast universe.

  A pair of soft eyes slowly opened in the vast universe.

  when she opened it.

  what she saw

  Is caught in the chaos of Hong Kong. "Why after countless years have passed, the inferiority of human beings is difficult to change after all" Is it true that I am wrong?" "Perhaps, two thousand years ago, I should have followed

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  He, let this dirty world come back together. "

  "I just don't know what happened to him and his generals in the past two thousand years."

  A weak voice sounded slowly in the vast universe.

  As the sound emerges

  A vast consciousness returned to the blue planet.


  In an instant.

  There was a slight fluctuation in the sky!

  as volatility emerges.

  Countless eyes condensed above the sky.

  "She has come back."

  Lan Dali, Hei Yu, Huang Zi, and Baihu looked towards the sky.

  in a European-style building.

  The generals and the red tide also looked towards the sky. "Master, you're back." Crimson Tide said softly.

  "Have you finally come back?"

  The general stared at the sky, his eyes filled with endless softness.

  "I thought I should go and meet him for real

  "For two thousand years, we are all sleeping." He is as crazy as ever, and I still can't see his appearance and thoughts. "

  "I hope he won't be like he was two thousand years ago."

  The general sighed softly, as if recalling a period of time.

  those years.

  Whistling again.

  "Yes." Crimson Tide nodded, and she turned to leave.

  …for flowers…

  "Red Tide."

  The general looked at Hong Chao, and said softly: "Do you have your own look?" "Maybe." Hong Chao nodded.

  Her face was as black as the universe, and a white and delicate cheek emerged, watery and tender.

  "Why choose her?" The general was puzzled. "Because of her, I was very impressed."

  "She's been waiting through the years."

  Hong Tide was a little confused and replied slowly.

  "She's still alive?"

  Red Tide nodded.


  She turned away.



  Jiang Gu's eyes lifted slightly.

  Looking at the vast universe.

  He sensed a condensed sense of consciousness.

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