But under the pressure of the zombie king!

  Everything dissipates!

  Nothing can resist!

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes saw the familiar figure through the scattered golden light fragments.

  A familiar figure.

  At this moment, Ma Xiaoling felt a strange feeling.


  Really the third zombie king.

  A zombie king that has survived eight hundred years ago.

  A zombie king wandering in history.

  No matter how lucky she is at the moment.

  All were crushed.

  She had to believe this fact.

  Jiang Gu.

  It's the Zombie King!

  The third zombie king that has never appeared!

  This scene.

  Full of shock! "Go ahead."

  Jiang Gu on the edge of the hospital rooftop said gently.

  The three big monsters behind him and Zhongshan Miyue slowly rushed towards the sky with the white mist!


  Completely clean up the chaos in Hong Kong!

  Jiang Gu's eyes stared at Benjing 390, who was kneeling on the ground below.

  "I feel your pain

  "rest in peace."

  he said softly.

  under his words.

  He played with five fingers in the void.

  in that white fog.

  All his movements are as graceful as a gentleman's.

  full of gentleness.


  as he played.

  The pupils of the zombies continue to dissipate, and the breath slowly dissipates





  Until all four and five generations of zombies!

  The pupils of all the zombies were dilated and completely lost their breath.

  They knelt down on the ground like pious servants, their cheeks no longer painful, and a calm was restored,

  Quietly left this world.

  Domoto Jing felt his blood continue to disappear.

  his power

  slowly disappearing. "Don't" "My child" hasn't been born yet

  His pale green pupils continued to recede, and he looked at Jiang Gu full of prayer.

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly.

  Point out.

  And Kim Miku below the hospital.

  Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

  under her horrified gaze

  A purple light loomed in her stomach.


  This group of purple light directly broke open her stomach and slowly walked towards Tang Benjing.


  A baby's cry.

  Echoes in this place where the dead are everywhere.

  【Seek a wave of support~】.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 173 Tang Benjing's ritual creature! A scholar eight hundred years ago!

  【3 more】

  Domoto Jing's arms.

  A new born baby, howling and crying constantly. "Don't cry" don't cry. "

  Tang Benjing's long hair was scattered, the madness in his eyes gradually dissipated, and the black pupils were restored.

  He looked at the baby in front of him tenderly.

  Showing a happy smile. "My child" is a human, not a zombie. ""He's human

  He laughed and looked at Jin Weiwei. "In the future, he is human."

  Jin Mirai fell on the spot, hearing Domoto Jing's words, seeing Domoto Jing so gentle and careful,

  Her tears kept pouring out.

  She staggered towards Domoto Jing.

  She looked at the little baby in Domoto Jing's arms, her eyes extremely gentle.

  Jin Mirai moved forward and hugged Domoto Jing tightly.

  The baby gradually stopped crying.

  The world seems to be gradually returning to peace.

  The baby's tender cheeks looked around.

  He saw corpses everywhere, saw a corpse kneeling on the ground, calm, and saw pain.

  bitter corpse


  born in a corpse.

  Domoto Jing felt that his own power was gradually disappearing.

  This is inevitable

  Rahu's blood is destroying itself.

  Started when he was crazy.

  It was doomed to his death.

  "Thank you

  god. "

  Domoto Jing looked at Jiang Gu on the roof of the hospital with piety and fear.


  "Did a lot of things wrong." "Maybe my whole life has been a mistake.

  "I have spent countless dark years and desperate years, until a light shines in." "He gave me the faith to live, and finally I met you too."

  He looked at Kim Miku.

  "I'm leaving"

  "Before leaving, I'll give you a present."

  He slowly closed his eyes.

  A strange wave.

  In an instant, it rushed towards everyone.

  Ma Xiaoling, Uncle Qiu, Jin Weiwei, and Jin Zhengzhong and Kuang Tianyou who came here all felt a sense of distress.


  under this drowsiness.

  Countless people slowly closed their eyes.

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