Ma Xiaoling was slightly taken aback.

  "It's not that these things happened in a small area. There are no such things in many other places. These materials were passed on to me by my friends in foreign countries."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "They conquered demons abroad. During the first calamity, many ghosts appeared in many places in foreign countries. They set out to eradicate those monsters and found these things."

  The uncle said slowly.

  these data.

  It's all from foreign friends.

  "During their investigation, they found the reason, and it's probably because of this Dracula."

  Uncle took out a photo.

  in the photo.

  It was a man with long curly hair, dressed in aristocratic attire, standing quietly.

  The photos are in black and white and have a certain sense of age.

  Jiang Gu's eyes looked at the man in this photo, and his eyes fluctuated slightly.

  In those chaotic medieval times, he crossed the sea and went to Europe, when Europe was the era of the Middle Ages.

  That era was full of cruelty, darkness, and chaos.

  He traveled across Europe and met a young boy.

  Then he slept in Europe for a while, and when he woke up he met the little boy he used to be.

  The little boy at that time had already become a war lord.

  That is Dracula, who is now feared all over Europe.

  The Dark Supreme of the Dark Ages single-handedly created a huge vampire empire.

  "You don't know him, do you?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  "I have seen."

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  Uncle Qiu, Ma Xiaoling's expressions are a little complicated.

  She thought she had approached that layer of fog.

  But finally found out.

  It was just the fog that Jiang Gu dissipated. Even if she had seen those pictures and witnessed the passage of eight hundred years from the dream created by Tang Benjing, she could not imagine how vast that time was.

  Jiang Gu, who has lived for nearly a thousand years.

  There seemed to be traces left in this world that she would never be able to explore.

  "The catastrophe is coming."

  Nino suddenly turned his head and said deeply to the crowd: "I feel that catastrophe is coming."

  "Nino, don't talk nonsense."

  Jin Weiwei quickly said softly, she didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear of scaring Nino.

  "It's Nino"

  Uncle Qiu opened his eyes wide, unable to believe it.

  He had come to see Nino, but he didn't expect to suddenly become a man in his twenties.

  "Yes! Uncle, please help me find out what's going on."

  Kim is also a little worried about the future.

  "No, I didn't talk nonsense, I felt a sense of unease."

  "I don't know why I feel it, but I feel that the catastrophe is not far away."

  Nino said solemnly.


  Jiang Gu's eyes looked towards the sky above.

  in his deep eyes.

  He passed through countless clouds, and his eyes stared straight at the vast universe beyond the sky! The dark and sinking consciousness that floated in countless years and Li Qian was slowly gathering.

  A breath.

  It is also slowly taking shape.

  "what is this"

  Nino looked at Jiang Gu, he felt something, but he could only feel vaguely, not real.

  "One from thousands of years ago."

  "Exile self-consciousness and sink into the god's mansion of the vast universe."

  Jiang Gu said with a slight smile.

  A name was said.

  "Nvwa Qin."

  —————— And in that vast universe.

  Countless broken consciousnesses.

  Finally, they are gradually coming together.

  A wave of volatility.

  Slowly surging towards the blue planet.

  [I have a headache recently, I don't know why, and my waist is also very sore. I wanted to talk about the tenth watch tonight, but I had to cut it once. Tomorrow will be temporarily set at the 7th watch, and it will be before twelve o'clock later, pay attention, twelve Before clicking, post all the chapters! I'm really sorry, I have a headache, I'll go to bed first, good night everyone] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 184 Jiang Gu: He Is My Enemy [1/7]

  Tongtian Pavilion.

  "Are you coming back?"

  "It's a lot earlier."

  The general murmured to himself.

  He looked at the sky, and there were vast stars in his eyes.

  in those eyes.

  He saw an illusory body slowly taking shape.

  "No, the dragon energy is too weak"

  "The strength of the reception is not enough, and it is difficult for her to return."

  The general frowned slightly.

  Weakness of dragon energy.

  It's because the dragon of the west ran away.

  Otherwise it won't be so.

  "We are finally about to meet again. I have learned a lot during these years, and he has taught me a lot. I hope it can change your view of the world."

  The general said softly.

  He and Nu Wa have been together for tens of millions of years, wandering in those long lonely years.

  For countless years, he has been ignorantly following behind Nu Wa.

  After Nuwa's self-imposed exile, he fell into a deep sleep.

  He occasionally talks and chats with Nu Wa, but more often he is silent.

  In those silent years, he often walked ignorantly between heaven and earth.

  until one day.

  He met a handsome young man.

  and a woman in a blue shirt.

  Only then did he begin to understand the world.

  Gradually, he developed a feeling for this world.

  "Hope it."

  He shook his head slightly and closed his eyes.

  ———————— "Nuwa"

  Ding-Dang looked stunned.

  Ma Xiaoling glanced at Jiang Gu in astonishment.

  She also did not understand the meaning of Jiang Gu's words.

  after all.

  They only know that Nuwa is the legendary god who created human beings.

  "You mean, with Nuwa's return, the millennium catastrophe begins."

  Ma Dingdang asked in a deep voice.

  She had seen the Bible code.

  But she didn't know what caused the catastrophe.

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