
  Seems to be his own delusion?



  It felt so strong...

  But she prefers it to be an illusion...

  If it really is that person who has returned.

  This world may not need Nuwa to destroy...

  will be destroyed by him!

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 3 The strange and terrifying flat mother! 【7/[-]】

  "Five brave men."

  Jiang Gu walked back from the balcony.

  Just everything.

  He sees it all...

  Ah Ping.

  One of the five warriors.

  And the black robe woman.

  It is black rain.

  Naturally, she would not be involved in a causal relationship with Aping for no reason.


  She has her own calculations.

  "Things are developing ... gradually beyond expectations."

  He whispered softly and looked at the candles on the table.


  The next day.

  Zhang Meiqian is very busy from morning to night!

  Yesterday, because I went to tailor A Ping to make clothes and wanted to give it to my mother as a gift... But she had no money, so she could only steal it, thinking that she would pay him back later.

  but didn't think...

  A Ping did not pursue her, but let her pay it back slowly.

  This disturbed her conscience.

  So early in the morning.

  She took out her precious things and sold them at a low price... just to collect [-] yuan and return them to Ping.

  at last.

  After selling my precious bags and lipsticks, I finally collected [-] yuan.


  She came to the gate of Jiajia Building, but was too late to walk up.

  "Hey, help me give this money to Brother Ping."

  She was hesitating.

  Just happened to see Kim Jung-joong.

  Kim Jong-jung is returning from outside.

  "Hey, aren't you Zhang Meiqian from yesterday?"

  "Come to repay Brother Ping's money?"

  Kim Jong-jung laughed.

  "Help me give it to him." Zhang Meiqian shoved the money to Jin Zhengzhong in embarrassment, and then left quickly.

  Jin Zhengzhong looked at the six hundred yuan helplessly and walked up the stairs.


  The moment he just walked up the stairs.

  But he felt a cold breath.


  "Why is it so cold?"

  He shuddered.

  In the moment he didn't notice.

  a figure.

  Suddenly passing by...


  Zhang Meiqian was walking in the alley.

  After returning the money from Ping, she felt a lot more at ease.

  Look at the clothes in your hands.

  She was very happy to think that her mother must be very happy to receive this dress!This novel was first published by "Dragon"


Don't be fooled by other fakes

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  She shuddered!

  There seems to be something terrifying...

  constantly approaching her.

  A gloomy breath.


  The dark alley, empty, and the silent cold wind blowing...

  Fear and anxiety began to spread.

  It's like hiding a ghost in an alley...

  watching you in the dark...

  The whole alley...

  It seems to be getting darker...

  Zhang Meiqian looked at everything around her in fear, her eyes full of unease.

  Looking at this alley, she became more and more frightened in her heart, and wanted to walk out quickly.


  She just took a few steps.

  Her pupils were wide open, and she seemed to see something extremely terrifying!

  in her eyes.

  In the dark night, on the other side of the alley...

  An old woman in an old man's clothes stood there.

  A faint light shone on the old woman's cheek, revealing a cheek with puffy eyes and a face full of dead spots.

  Her gray hair was a little messy, and her turbid eyes stared at Zhang Meiqian in the dark night.

  behind her.

  with light mist

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  old lady...

  Come step by step.

  She looked at Zhang Meiqian stubbornly.

  Zhang Meiqian wanted to shout loudly, but found that she couldn't do it at all!

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