Nino nodded, "Actually, I found a lot of things in it, because the first catastrophe and the second catastrophe are actually from the same

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  "Two thousand years ago, the first catastrophe occurred in Kunlun. I checked Kunlun carefully. After the first catastrophe, Kunlun no longer exists."

  "In Kunlun, countless demon corpses emerged from Kyushu, the world was dark, the earth was turbulent, and the major exorcism families, Taoists, began to encircle Kunlun."

  "The birth of a war, the people of Kyushu are in despair, countless demon corpses are in chaos among the people, the whole Daqin is in chaos, and countless people died in that catastrophe."

  Nino slowly took out the records he had recorded.

  Looking at the words inside, I slowly continued to read.

  "The major exorcism families have been destroying demon corpses since Kyushu, but these demon corpses, after the chaos, slowly condensed towards Kunlun."

  "After the first batch of exorcism families arrived in Kunlun, there were [-] or [-] people, and they were extremely well behaved, but when they went to the periphery of Kunlun, a darkness enveloped them."

  "Five or sixty thousand people,,, not a single survivor."

  "There is no specific statement about who killed it, but the Bible code states that the first catastrophe has not yet begun, because the real catastrophe has not yet appeared."

  Nino said solemnly.

  "However, after the death of these [-] or [-] people, the Bible code clearly indicated that the person who suffered the first catastrophe appeared, a zombie king."

  "Afterwards, the demon corpses gathered, and the zombie king led countless demon corpses to sweep across Kyushu, beheading countless exorcism families, and approaching Xianyang."

  "The major exorcism families in Xianyang are in chaos"

  "The demon corpse is unstoppable, and it is approaching Xianyang. Countless people die. Wrongful spirits roam the land of Kyushu. Countless demons surrender, and they go straight to Xianyang with the zombie king."

  "And the purpose of the zombie king is to slaughter the city."

  "This battle."

  "There are countless deaths and injuries in the major exorcism families, and the exorcism has fallen from the peak to the lowest point."

  Nino turned to the last page.

  Looking at the crowd, he shared his findings.

  "Actually, what's strange to me is that the first robbery should have been a success."

  "That is to say, after the demise of the major exorcism families and the death of countless Taoist families, no one in this world has threatened the zombie king."

  "He is enough to destroy the world."

  "But in the records, the first robbery finally disappeared, and the disappearance was inexplicable."

  Everyone was quietly listening to Nino's words.

  Hear Nino's analysis.

  Ma Xiaoling, Ma Dingdang and Qiu Shu all recalled two thousand years ago.

  This is the dark age of the Exorcist family.

  It was also the beginning of the decline of Taoism.

  Countless Taoist records and countless exorcism family records have recorded this incident.

  However, in the records, it is not as clear as Nino said.

  Especially at the end of the record.

  It's just that this first robbery is over.

  How to end.

  No one mentioned it at all, and no one recorded it.

  That is to say.

  No one knows how this catastrophe ended.

  And according to the situation in the whole world, no one can stop that zombie king from destroying the whole world.

  But why did the Zombie King not destroy the world in the end? Nino looked at everyone looking at him, he quickly shook his head and said.

  "Actually, I don't know either, because there is no record in the Bible code."

  "There is only one sentence in it."

  "The calamity arises, the revival ends, and the years of heaven and earth are reborn."

  [Cough, cough, ten minutes, there is one chapter left, about 12:[-]:[-]: Sent, late, cough!] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 190 The strangeness of the first and second robbery! 【7/7】

  The calamity arises, the resurrection and the extinction, and the years of heaven and earth are thus reborn.

  No one understands what this sentence means.

  "This is the end of the first catastrophe. Since then, in the two thousand years, the catastrophe in the world is small, and there is no huge catastrophe."

  Nino continued.

  "Until, the death of Rahu two months ago."

  "The catastrophe of Rahu originated ten thousand years ago, but the Bible code does not indicate that it was a catastrophe that destroyed the world."

  Kim Miku asked inexplicably, "Why?"

  Ma Xiaoling and others also have some doubts, especially Uncle Qiu.

  Uncle Qiu said directly: "In the records I have read before, the catastrophe [-] years ago is called the first catastrophe of mankind. Once Rahu succeeds, his strength will be unstoppable."

  Nino said slowly: "Unless, someone can stop him."

  Ma Dingdang seemed to know something, "Nino, you mean that [-] years ago, Rahu couldn't destroy the world, because even if the five heroes failed, there were still people who could resist him."

  Nino nodded.

  "I understand."

  Ding-Dang Ma nodded, "What can be called a catastrophe means that no one can stop it, and it will be called a catastrophe by the Bible code."

  Speaking of it here.

  Everyone wakes up.

  What can be called catastrophe is because there is no one in this world who can stop it! But thousands of years ago, someone was able to stop Rahu.

  Even after ten thousand years, there are still people who can stop Rahu.

  "Then it means that the zombie king that appeared in the first robbery, no one can stop it."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  This sentence.

  has already been explained.

  The second Zombie King has no enemies at all in this world! ———————— Tongtian Pavilion.

  The general closed his eyes.

  between heaven and earth.

  The three rays of light slowly condensed, and finally at this moment, they completely condensed into a five-color stone.

  "You have exiled yourself for so long, you should return."

  The minister gently placed the five-color stone on the bed in the room where he was.

  The red tide stood quietly beside him.

  She watched the minister gradually put the five-colored stone on the bed, and she suddenly asked, "True Ancestor, do you want to destroy the world?"

  After the minister put the five-color stone in completely, Fang slowly turned his head.

  Hearing Hong Tide's words, he smiled and said, "I don't want to."

  "So I gave him the Qi of Xuanyin."

  "If it really goes that far, maybe only he can stop me and Nuwa."

  The minister looked very candid.

  He looked at Red Tide's face and smiled: "You seem to have a lot of problems"

  Red Tide nodded, "Red Tide remembers that two thousand years ago, you didn't seem to be Zongzu's opponent."

  She remembered that two thousand years ago, Zongzu had a battle with True Ancestor.

  It's just that the true ancestor at that time didn't seem to be the opponent of Zongzu at all.

  Nodding the car, "Two thousand years ago, my strength was very ignorant, and I didn't even open my intelligence. I didn't know what was emotion, what was love, and what was hate, so I didn't fight for anyone."

  "Actually, it means that I have no faith, and I have no goals, so I am not his opponent, but I am only half way behind him."

  "Until sixty years ago, when I came out of this world, I gradually understood my goals, my emotions, and who I fought for."

  The general said slowly.

  Two thousand years ago, he was definitely not Jiang Shou.

  "But his strength is also very erratic, sometimes weak and prosperous, but his current heyday is far more terrifying than two thousand years ago."

  "I'm looking forward to his real power after awakening."


  The general's eyes flickered slightly.

  "I beat him because I won the second form."

  "In my battle with him, the Qi of Shenlong and Xuanyin made up for his inability to awaken the second form."

  "I'm half a step behind him again, this time, it's because of the mysterious yin."

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  "It's just that after that battle, I realized something."

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