He felt that the world that sealed him had collapsed! "Let them go"

  "Let them go"

  Situ Fenren's face was extremely pale, and the corners of his mouth continued to bleed, but his eyes were staring at the man in front of him! His whole body.

  The violent fluctuations continue to destroy this mirror world! The whole mirror world seems to be divided into countless pictures, and these pictures are constantly intertwined with the real pictures.

  These violent forces! They are still destroying the entire mirror world! The mirror world seems to be cracked.

  But at the moment of cracking, the real world actually fills up! The world itself in the mirror is a reflection.

  But now.

  The reflection and the positive shadow are constantly intertwined and collided.

  Bang! "Jean"

  A voice sounded.

  "Little Ling!"


  Wang Zhenzhen let out a cry of joy.

  The collapsed world and the real world are constantly intertwined, and the room where Wang Zhenzhen is located is exactly Ma Xiaoling's room 340 in reality! ———————— Ma Xiaoling saw those strange ghosts emerging from the door.

  A talisman appeared in her hand.

  When you are about to move forward.


  She heard a crisp 'clack' sound! After the clack.

  "Master, look at it"

  Kim Jong-jung pointed to something.

  Ma Xiaoling looked around her body.

  Then I found the whole room, with cracks appearing one after another, and these cracks continued to expand, but these cracks were not connected to the darkness of nothingness, but to a world of reflections! Bang! Bang! Bang! The whole room seems to be collapsing! She saw that some names were directly reflected, very strange! Then.

  She saw a familiar figure! Zhenzhen and Kuang Fusheng! and Situ Fenren, but before she could wake up, Ma Xiaoling realized that she should not "stop it!"

  She said to Situ Fenren! The world in the mirror is broken but it is connected to the real world! If Situ Fenren continues to destroy the world in the mirror! Then the whole school will be completely reduced to the world in the mirror! This place has become a forbidden place It has become a blessed place for ghosts! Originally, this ghost still needs to attack through the mirror, but the mirror world and the real world are intertwined, so he can exist in the mirror world of the real world! "It's over."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the strange rooms around her.

  The room is back to normal.

  But not normal.

  Because there is a reflection in half of the place, for example, if it is written on the blackboard, half of it is normal, and the other half is like a reflection in a mirror.

  "Master, it seems that the world in the mirror has collapsed, can we surrender this ghost?"

  Kim Jong-jung looked around nervously.

  Ma Xiaoling glared at him.

  "Where did you learn from me?"

  "Now the real world is intertwined with the world in the mirror. Where we are standing now, there are countless pictures of the world in the mirror. He used to use the mirror to attack us, but now, he can attack us unscrupulously."

  "We are in a desperate situation."

  Ma Xiaoling said in a deep voice.

  Now, half of the real world is made up of the world in the mirror! And that... Specter, you don't need it at all

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Use the mirror as a medium! You can directly attack Ma Xiaoling and everyone! "Guess it right"


  "did not think of"

  "The world in the mirror has actually collapsed!"

  "We've been trapped for so long, and it's time to come out."

  Situ Fenren is not far away.

  The man laughed wildly.

  Very happy! After the world in the mirror cracked and came into contact with the real world, his seal was half broken! Now he can appear in the real world and return to the world in the mirror! These people can't help him at all!" This"

  Situ Fenren recovered from his anger.

  Watching the world break apart.

  He stared blankly at his hands.



  He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell weakly to the ground! "Uh"

  He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth blankly.

  A heartfelt feeling of weakness made him unable to move.

  "Master, why are the seven colors of gas slowly dissipating from his body?"

  Wearing sunglasses, Jin Zhengzhong saw a seven-colored light slowly dissipating from Situ Fenren's body.

  "That is the soul leaving the body and dying."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Situ Fenren, who was lying on the ground, with a solemn expression.

  I'm going to die, Situ Fenren just feels so weak, and it seems like he can't open his eyes.

  "Pull him up and stand behind me, you protect them, one less deduction from your salary."

  Ma Xiaoling said to Jin Zhengzhong lightly.

  Jin Zhengzhong quickly pulled Situ Fenren up and took Wang Zhenzhen, Kuang Fusheng, and the students to stand behind Ma Xiaoling.

  Ma Xiaoling held the magic wand and looked coldly at the man in front of her.

  "Dragon God's decree, Fengshen borrows the law, the enchantment of the sky, all laws must not be invaded!"

  She drank lightly.

  A sign is cast.


  A white light curtain emerged, instantly covering everyone including Ma Xiaoling.

  "bring it on"

  "Drag them into our mirror world, and accompany us to suffer here forever."

  The man showed a weird smile.

  At the moment when his voice fell.

  Countless ghosts came from all directions to the door, and the four walls of these ghosts looked at Ma Xiaoling and the others with resentment, as if they wanted to devour everyone.

  "Very strong resentment"

  Ma Xiaoling said solemnly.

  With such strong resentment, these resentful ghosts must have suffered enormous torture before they died.

  A few drops of sweat appeared on her palms.

  so many ghosts.

  under her induction.

  There are thousands of people.

  And the man standing there is even more strange, not only exuding resentment, but also strong corpse aura! Although other ghosts are contaminated with corpse aura, it is not serious! Om! Ma Xiaoling looked at the ghosts that were gradually approaching, The magic wand in her hand shook suddenly! She stepped on the ground! The figure disappeared in place in an instant! Holding the magic wand, she rushed directly into the group of ghosts! She launched a violent attack on these ghosts!

  The man is standing in the distance.


  He seemed to sense something, and his expression changed slightly.

  "Looks like I'm going to do it myself"

  "Otherwise there is not enough time"

  His eyes looked around him, showing a trace of fear.

  Look at Ma Xiaoling again.

  His eyes turned into ferocious beasts! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 200 Under Despair!Torture of a drop of blood!

  He seemed to be afraid of something.

  Ma Xiaoling also felt it.

  The attacks of these wronged souls are far more ferocious than before! Not only ferocious! The strength has also improved a lot! It is very strange! "Could it be because of the cracking of the world in the mirror?"

  Ma Xiaoling didn't have time to think about it! There were a few grievances silently appearing behind her all over her body! "Roar"

  These ghosts roared and killed her! The cold aura permeated her body! Numerous resentful ghosts rushed in! Bang! Suddenly! Ma Xiaoling felt a very dangerous aura! She hurriedly moved to the side to hide! At the moment when she hid behind her, a shady moment pierced her back! She turned back suddenly! She saw the world in the mirror intertwined with the real world! The man stabbed her with a sword in the world in the mirror! Those ghosts seem to have discovered this too! In an instant, Ma Xiaoling saw the reflection of the world in the mirror around her, and countless attacks appeared! Everywhere!

  The whole room is intertwined with the world in the mirror! Half of the pictures in the air are made up of the world in the mirror! Unless she can find a space full of the real world! But that doesn't exist.

  Even if there is a real world, the world in the mirror can still penetrate and attack her directly!

  Ma Xiaoling snorted softly! Countless flames intertwined and covered her body in an instant! Formed a formation! Keep her in it! Bang! Those ghosts attacked Ma Xiaoling and screamed in an instant! These flames, but samadhi It's really hot, these ghosts will be dissipated when they come into contact with them! "Broken Five,"

  A gloomy voice sounded! Ma Xiaoling instantly felt a huge oppression coming towards her! The energy of the world in the mirror was like sharp blades! The flames that were constantly attacking her body! A powerful oppression.

  In an instant, Ma Xiaoling's expression changed slightly! "Feng!"

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