He frowned, but couldn't think of a reason.

  According to his ideas.

  Shenlong's body should contain the records of the fourth part of the Ma family, but Shenlong couldn't find Jiang Gu sitting quietly on the sofa.

  His seat was padded with a white cloth, and his deep eyes looked forward quietly.

  He was thinking too.

  The fourth part of the record of the Ma family.

  Since it is an inexplicable power, it is very possible.

  The fourth part of the loading is not in Shenlong.

  If it is no longer in the dragon's body.


  "Shenlong is the fourth part of the record."

  he said gently.

  As soon as this sentence comes out.

  Uncle Qiu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned to look at Jiang Gu, he said excitedly: "That's right! It should be like this!"

  "If there is no record in Shenlong's body! Then Shenlong may be recorded in the fourth part!"

  "Xiao Ling, you summon the dragon!"

  Uncle Qiu said to Ma Xiaoling.

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  Her hands are in print.

  The Dragon Ball of the Pure World has emerged! A golden dragon slowly emerges in the Dragon Ball of the Pure World! Hovering in the Dragon Ball of the Pure World! Then.

  A figure slowly emerged.

  "Xiao Ling, you drop a drop of blood on the Pure World Dragon Ball."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Uncle said.

  "Since Shenlong is the fourth part of the record, it must require the blood of the Ma family to open it!"

  "Only in this way can the fourth part of the record be preserved!"

  "Since it's about the third robbery, then there is naturally a very important record in it, that's why the ancestors of the Ma family came up with such a coup."

  Uncle is very excited.

  Ma Xiaoling flicked her fingertips, and a drop of blood appeared on her fingertips.

  A drop of blood dripped on the Jingshi Dragon Ball.


  A group of terrifying ripples fell into the Jingshi Dragon Ball in an instant! Countless blood mists circled around the crystal clear Jingshi Dragon Ball, and the golden dragon was gradually swallowed by the blood mist! A crack came from the Jingshi Dragon Ball from the inside. gushing out.

  The crack gradually widened.

  Inside is the void in the center, and the periphery is filled with golden light.


  "It's the passage to the dragon's body"

  The uncle was a little terrified.

  "You wait."

  he said.

  Take out some of the material and start flipping through it.

  After searching for a long time, he finally found what he was looking for.

  "Shenlong was born in chaos, nurtured in chaos, and its body is composed of a small world. In this small world, there is a touch of resentment from the monsters and monsters it has subdued."

  "This resentment exists between the heavens and the earth, and is contained in the Shenlong's body. The Shenlong will go to the underworld every few years and put these into the place of exile."

  Uncle Qiu looked at the crack in front of him and said slowly.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to understand something: "That is to say, this may be the small world of resentment leading to Shenlong's body, and the records of the Ma family may be in it."

  Uncle Qiu nodded, but he told Ma Xiaoling very solemnly: "But I think, after your Ma family conquered the dragon, the grievances here may never be relieved."

  "This may be the sin of your Ma family."

  The Ma family has since subdued demons and eliminated demons.

  Naturally, he has offended many demons.

  The grievances of these demons are sealed in here

  It is conceivable.

  Once Ma Xiaoling entered it, what a terrifying attack she would suffer.

  "Retribution for sin is retribution for sin."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the cracks in the golden light in front of her, and said slowly: "Since our Ma family can conquer them, we can naturally conquer them a second time."

  "I feel a lot of resentment, Xiaoling, be careful."

  The horse jingle exhorted.

  Jiang Gu on the sofa.

  Watch the crack emerge.

  He seemed to sense something, and there was a wave in his deep eyes.

  In the deepest part of the Shenlong's body, he felt an aura that belonged to him.

  Jiang Gu stood up slowly, the black gown made him look full of mystery, and he walked slowly to Ma Xiaoling's side.

  "Let's go."

  He said and entered directly.

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.


  "The price hasn't been negotiated yet!"

  It's just that Jiang Gu has already walked in, and Ma Xiaoling hastily followed.

  Enter with the two of them.

  Uncle Qiu said solemnly to Ma Dingdang: "The two of us have sealed this place together."

  "If the evil ghosts here appear outside, it will cause panic in the world."

  Ding-Dong nodded.

  The two directly arranged the formation and began to seal the passage.

  ————————In a vast and empty world.

  Jiang Gu stepped in.

  in an instant.

  In this empty space, countless innocent souls opened their eyes in an instant.

  [I don't say anything, I owe you fifteen more updates. I will update it today, and this account will be calculated slowly!! Yu] Feilu reminds you: the three things of reading are collected and pushed.

Chapter 211 That hand in the dark!Ma Xiaoling's heartbeat!

  in the endless darkness.

  These wicked souls opened their eyes in an instant.

  this moment.

  This place, which had been silent for a long time, began to vibrate again.

  "Is this the chaotic world?"

  Behind Jiang Gu, Ma Xiaoling walked out of the crack and saw the boundless darkness of nothingness in front of her. In the darkness of nothingness, Jiang Gu stood in front of her, and faint rays of light filled Jiang Gu's whole body.

  She stood behind that Jiang Gu.

  I felt a great sense of security.

  "I'll say yes first! I'll take credit this time, and make up for it next time."

  "Don't look at me, I have no business recently."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu and pouted.

  Recently because of the third kalpa.

  She spends a lot of time checking records.

  She looked at this vast and empty dark world.

  It is like a dark space, the space is filled with strange fluctuations, "two eight three"

  In that darkness, she saw many pupils slowly opening, looking fiercely at her and Jiang Gu.

  There is no road ahead or around.

  There seems to be no end in sight.

  in this endless void.

  Ma Xiaoling felt a sense of insignificance.

  It's like this vast world can devour itself at any time.

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