Just didn't take a few steps.

  Her body fell to the side.

  There is no foreshadowing.

  Her body fell down.

  ————————Ma Linger felt that her consciousness was gradually confused.

  She held Jiang Gu's hand tightly and slowly let go...

  But the residual consciousness made her not want to let go.

  in her vague consciousness.

  I saw endless grievances eroding.

  They swarmed towards the two men fiercely.

  The erosion of resentment.

  It should have made her negative emotions grow, but she is a descendant of the Ma family, and Taoism has already blocked her consciousness.

  The erosion of resentment.

  The power that blocked the Ma family clashed with this resentment! The reason why Ma Linger fell was because the mana in her body had been consumed too much.

  at the last moment of her consciousness.

  She saw the resentful demons coming from the sky.

  And at this last moment.

  Her hand, which was gradually loosening, was suddenly held tightly by someone.


  The hand pulled her gently.

  Strong arms gently hugged 04.

  The last moment of Malinger's confusion.

  She saw a pair of clear eyes.

  —————— Ma Xiaoling watched this scene quietly.

  Everything in front of me is so similar.

  The scenes of Wangwushan are intertwined with the scene in front of him.

  she saw.

  Ma Linger was gently hugged by the man in the black long skirt.

  And the resentment that was overwhelming and surging towards the second Zombie King all over the body.

  At the moment when he is about to approach the man and Malinger.

  Suddenly they all stopped.

  at this moment.

  They seem to feel endless terror.

  There seems to be a real demon.

  stand in front of them.

  In the endless black fog, under the forest cover.

  Ma Xiaoling through the picture of Shenlong's memory.

  Seeing the man's blurred cheeks, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared.



  The screen retreated in an instant! All the pictures were shrunk crazily! After shrinking to a certain extent! Om! The golden dragon hovering on the mountain peak.

  Opened his eyes.

  The picture in front of him turned into a bird's-eye view.

  There is a white fog in front of you, and under the white fog is a vast forest! In that wood.

  There was a faint black mist.

  Dragon's eyes.

  Staring intently below.

  He sees through those dark mists and trees.

  I saw that in the endless black fog.

  The man in the black gown, hugging a woman in a green shirt and drab veil, walked through countless darkness and trees, constantly walking towards this mountain peak.

  Anger around.

  All stopped.

  He moved forward slowly.

  Blurred face.

  But Ma Xiaoling can still see the pair of scarlet pupils through the screen! He is holding Ma Linger.

  Slowly approach the mountain.

  Malinger heard the sound of her heartbeat.

  The golden dragon actually felt the unease. The golden dragon quietly stared at this scene, hovering above the mountain peak and under the clouds.

  The huge head looked down on everything.


  The figure of the man kept getting bigger and bigger.


  It's getting closer! He walked out of the woods.

  came out of the woods.

  Outside the woods is a blue sky and white clouds.

  black long

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The man in Chang gently placed Ma Linger on the grass.

  He took out a talisman.

  Gently put it on Ma Linger's forehead.


  Qiang! The long sword around his waist is unsheathed! Shenlong's eyes narrowed.

  Boom - the heavy mountain, filled with endless dust, the huge body hovering on the mountain slowly emerged from the mountain.

  The huge body was gradually covered with soil due to the circling all the year round. At the moment when it slowly started to move, the picture began to tremble wildly, and the sound of countless earth and stones rolling down! Roar! The golden dragon screamed in the sky! Ma Xiaoling's eyes narrowed slightly! In the golden dragon's memory picture, a cold light appeared in the golden dragon's eyes in the distance! It saw it.

  In the distance! A black figure cuts through the sky! At the end of the sky! The long sword in his hand is surging with cold light! In an instant—suddenly stabbed at the huge head of the golden dragon! The sword is fierce! Like a surging ocean wave! Breaking through the sky and slamming into the golden dragon! The picture freezes at this moment! He shot! Ma Linger fell into a deep sleep.

  He used the power of the zombie king! The picture freezes.

  Then there was a rapid surge.

  The fight scene is not complete.

  Only some broken images can be seen.

  The incomplete picture is almost all fighting! After the incomplete picture is passed! The memory of the golden dragon is flowing at a normal speed again.

  Ma Xiaoling through the screen.

  I saw it.

  That long black figure standing under the sky, surrounded by clouds! He stood in the void.

  Opposite the golden dragon.


  "Still dissatisfied"

  He held a long sword.

  Point to the golden dragon.

  He asked the golden dragon lightly.

  Terrifying sword glow.

  Diffuse into the void.

  Ma Xiaoling felt the fear of the golden dragon, and also felt the weakness of the golden dragon. This is the memory of the golden dragon.

  In the picture of memory, it can naturally convey the emotions and some inner thoughts of the golden dragon.

  The picture is gradually blurred! Finally, when it is clear again.

  It is the picture of the golden dragon on the ground! Accompanied by a heavy body hitting the ground, the sound echoes for thousands of miles.

  The golden dragon's body of Baizhang fell to the ground.

  It looked weakly ahead.

  Ma Xiaoling felt that the golden dragon was seriously injured.

  It is extremely weak now! It is looking forward a little unwillingly.

  It doesn't want to surrender! In the perspective it sees.

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