Nuwa's eyes looked outside Tongtian Pavilion.

  The general stood beside her gently.

  The two felt the awakening of the dragon.

  That is variable.

  The minds of Nuwa and generals.

  It reminds me of two thousand years ago.

  ———————— That day.

  The sleeping Nuwa wakes up.

  The general in the cave opened his eyes.

  two people.

  They all sensed the dragon's impending death.

  The general came out of the cave.

  Nuwa came to the world again.

  The two came to the far side of the circling mountain peak.

  The sky is full of darkness, and the entire sky seems to be stained with a black sea, full of depression and strange atmosphere.

  Outside the mountain where the dragon is hovering.

  The demons formed by countless grievances slowly gathered.

  They are waiting.

  Even the seriously injured and dying dragons are still feared by them.

  They are waiting for the gathering of countless big monsters, waiting for the arrival of countless monsters and monsters! Completely once.

  Kill the dragon! In the eyes of the two.

  I saw hundreds of thousands of demons gather.

  The monsters in a radius of [-] miles have completely descended! The majestic and vast army of monsters assembled and swept away suddenly! The golden dragon.

  completely surrounded.

  The eyes of the two.

  He looked at the two people beside the huge head of the golden dragon.

  A woman in a blue shirt, under the endless gathering of demons, she slept soundly.

  All right, he is holding a long sword and standing beside Shenlong.

  in the air.

  There is still the fighting spirit of him and the dragon! A strong corpse aura.

  Let the demons that come close.

  They all looked at him apprehensively.

  Every monster knows that.

  It was he who seriously injured the dragon! Nuwa and the generals also knew.

  "Looks like there's a lot less luck."

  The general said, no emotion in his eyes.

  "The fate is so, the sorrow of the world."

  Nuwa shook her head.

  No one can save the dragon.

  The one standing in the middle of the demon.

  He is the most powerful monster in the world.

  Just hum! Bang! The man in the black long robe, flicked his sleeve robe! The long sword in his hand! Straight to the ground! He stared at the approaching demons around him.

  It exuded a terrifying and mighty aura.


  One word.

  Echoing the Sky Palace! ———————— [Also ha! I’m sorry everyone! There is an update, please wait a moment, the author is checking] Feilu reminds you: the three things of reading are collected and pushed

Chapter 219 The Zombie King of Dark Resurrection!Killing...begin!


  Shenlong's internal memory world.

  Ma Xiaoling nervously looked at the scene in front of her.

  Countless monsters gathered.

  The sky is dark and oppressive.

  An army of hundreds of thousands of demons assembled.

  The mighty and dense crowd came in.

  Completely surround the golden dragon! But.

  In this oppressive world! Under the siege of hundreds of thousands of monsters! That black long-sleeved figure.

  The biggest monster in the world! But he is holding a long sword! It shakes the ground! The tip of the sword pierces the ground!

  Hundreds of thousands of demons.

  Stop instantly.

  Golden dragon all around.

  In all directions, like a wave of darkness, it covers the entire sky! Slowly gathering.

  Depression can crush the golden dragon! But under this word.

  these monsters.

  All stopped! Ma Xiaoling looked at this scene with her beautiful eyes, she could feel her heart beating faster and faster.

  The golden dragon's divine sense looked at the man in the black dress.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes also looked at the man in the black long skirt.

  He stood in front of the golden dragon.

  The long clothes are fluttering with the strong wind! The long hair is even more floating in the wind.

  The long sword in his hand stabbed to the ground.

  He stood alone in the dark.

  Standing among hundreds of thousands of demons.

  Just like the last right path in the 323 world.

  guard everything.


  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were full of astonishment.

  She is forever.

  Unable to remove the man in the black long skirt.

  It overlaps with the second zombie king in the second robbery.

  One is a cold-blooded and ruthless monster.

  One is the divine mansion that guards the right path.

  after all.

  The dragon represents the right way! Once it dies.

  The righteous path collapses! It contains the purest power in the world and can kill all demons! It is the source of the righteous path in the world! Once it dies.

  The righteous path of the world will decay.

  The demon is about to flourish.

  But now.

  The biggest monster in the world, but let these monsters recede.

  Nobody will believe it.

  The golden dragon doesn't believe it, the hundreds of thousands of demons don't believe it, the generals don't believe it, Nu Wa doesn't believe Ma Xiaoling, and neither does it.

  "Do you believe that he is the second zombie king that appeared in the second robbery?"

  Ma Xiaoling has forgotten any expression.

  In her heart, she could not overlap the two.

  "I believe."

  Jiang Gu said gently.


  Ma Xiaoling was puzzled.

  "No reason."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly, "Because he is"

  Boom - in the picture! Hundreds of thousands of demons in the world stopped.

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