"he came"

  Ma Xiaoling felt a touch of familiarity.

  That was the real second zombie king she saw from the white fog in the second robbery! She couldn't see the face of the man with black long clothes.

  But can feel it.

  The extreme coldness and madness! And the cold blood of those eyes in the blurry face! The black sky was suppressed.

  Hundreds of thousands of troops were surrounded by mighty forces! He slowly raised his head.

  The long sword in his hand was gently pulled from the ground.

  The sound of the sword piercing the soil gently echoed here.

  Countless monsters.

  At this moment, everything is extremely silent! The mighty army of hundreds of thousands of demons! The densely packed crowds surround this place like a tide! The sky and the earth are extremely oppressive! But at this moment! No demon dares to speak. How terrifying this is. If the previous corpse aura made all the monsters jealous, then the current corpse aura is enough to make all the monsters tremble! His corpse aura is enough to cover the aura of all the monsters! The whole space! The bottom was crushed! The figure stood in the darkness.

  At this moment, he seemed to have merged into the endless darkness.

  the whole world.

  Silence! ———————— Tongtian Pavilion.

  "He's really scary."

  "That was the first time I felt someone could put me in real mortal danger."

  The general said slowly.

  He raised the wine bottle in his hand and took a sip.

  He could barely forget.

  that day.

  Be a ghost in the sky.

  When passing by him and Nuwa, and heading towards the man.

  When darkness enveloped the earth.

  A being far beyond darkness.


  He felt uneasy.

  That kind of power he had never felt before.

  Very similar to him.

  But they are not homologous.

  He looked at the Tongtian Pavilion in front of him, and seemed to recall the unease in his heart that day.

  —————— The generals and Nuwa stand on the top of the mountain.

  Next to him is a monster in the sky.

  The two felt the pressure of the surrounding air.

  The space seems to be collapsing.

  "There is such a horrible thing in the world."

  There was a hint of surprise in Nu Wa's eyes.

  "Is it born of the resentment of the world, or is it the revelation of God to me?"

  Nuwa watched the scene in front of her quietly.

  She felt a sense of despair.

  That's not from her.

  but from this land.

  her at the moment.

  In the heart of that hesitation and disappointment wandered endlessly.

  She wants the world to be reborn from this.

  But she also wanted to give the world a chance.

  But now she is.

  I felt a force that could destroy the world.


  "God has made a decision."

  "I give you a chance, but this chance is."

  Nuwa looked at the dark sky.

  The figure standing.

  her at the moment.

  A decision was made.

  Clang! Om! The sound of the long sword vibrating echoed in this silent world! In an instant—a mighty terrifying force! An instant eruption! A terrifying wave swept the whole world in an instant! "Death—"

  A soft drink - after that terrifying force erupted! Echoed the whole world! In the dark world.

  The man was still standing in the center.

  But the long sword in his hand,

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Countless grievances are entangled! Then——at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Anger around him.

  In an instant, it seemed to be directly annihilated into ashes by some terrifying force! The demons closest to him began to spread outwards continuously! All those demons are constantly dissipating at this moment! Whether it is resentment or demonic energy! It no longer exists! Om! Jiang Chen and Nuwa stand on the top of the mountain! Suddenly.

  The general roared lowly! Bloody eyes appeared! He appeared in front of Nuwa in an instant! He stretched out his hand! And Nuwa also shot at this moment! At the moment when the two of them shot at the same time! Swipe across the front of the two! An afterimage disappeared directly from the front of the two! Then.

  All the demons beside the minister and Nuwa turned into clouds! The minister and Nuwa stood on the top of the mountain.

  "Are you OK"

  Nu Wa looked at the generals worriedly.

  The arm of the general.

  At this moment, a terrifying scar appeared.

  The skin that could not be cut by the sharpest thing on the earth was dripping with blood at this moment.

  Nuwa is very clear.

  Just now if not the generals shot.

  0 Both of them may not be able to escape this disaster.

  The general shook his head.

  His indifferent eyes looked at the man standing in the dark world in the distance.

  at this moment.

  Hundreds of thousands of demons between heaven and earth annihilated the surrounding demons at a very fast speed and wanted to escape.

  However, they found that the strange power that did not know where they came from directly annihilated them! Not a single demon could escape! A radius of [-] miles! All the demons were annihilated! The sky that had just been dark and suppressed, now there is only darkness! One hundred thousand demons have all died out! Don't leave a trace in this world! Om.

  The man's eyes.

  Look slowly.

  The generals and Nuwa standing in the distance

  ————————In the picture of the inner world of Shenlong.

  Ma Xiaoling saw this scene.

  I just felt a chill! A chill shrouded her back.


  Countless monsters.

  Disappeared inexplicably.

  And the man was standing in the dark sky.

  There is no action whatsoever.

  He just stood there quietly.

  But these monsters are all dead! They disappeared without a sound! Ma Xiaoling didn't even see him make a move! This is the most icy feeling! But.

  at the last moment of the screen.

  She finally saw it.

  There was an afterimage on the man's body.

  This afterimage is holding a long sword.

  Immediately back to the man.


  She seemed to realize something.

  The speed of this man has exceeded what she can see! It has even exceeded hundreds of times, thousands of times! She saw the picture.

  The eyes of a man in black long skirts.

  Quietly looked towards a mountain peak.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes followed the top.

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