In the records of Pangu's tomb, Pangu's tomb should exist between heaven and earth.

  But the bible cipher says "It shouldn't be said."

  "It should be said that the tomb of Pangu can only be opened in Zhuxian Town."

  Nino took the words and said solemnly.

  "Although I don't know what's going on, there may be the remnants of Pangu there."

  "According to the provisions of the Bible, the tomb of Pangu can be opened between heaven and earth, but the records at the back of the provisions of the Bible also state that the tomb of Pangu can only be opened in Zhuxian Town now."

  "So I think the tomb of Pangu has probably been touched by someone."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 232 The anxiety of tomorrow, the bondage of the Ma family!

  Pangu Tomb.

  After being moved, everyone understood what was said tomorrow.

  But so far people still can't believe it.

  Pangu, who created the world, turned out to be a zombie! Or a group of zombies! This is simply subverting everyone's world view! Especially.

  The worldview of those monastic and exorcist families.

  But it's true tomorrow.

  So can't imagine.

  How powerful is the Pangu family who created the world! Even a single thought can affect the entire world! But now.

  It is "impossible" that the tomb of Pangu was moved

  Wake up from weakness tomorrow.

  Just now Nino transmitted a lot of zombie blood to her, which made her recover gradually.

  Nino was also helpless.

  The things found in the Bible code can make Nino feel that the words spoken by the person in front of him are very likely to be true! "The tomb of Pangu existed when the world was opened up, even if it is our Pangu people. 04.

  It is also impossible to move the ancient tomb."

  "Have you found Pangu's tomb?"

  ask tomorrow.

  "Yes, in Zhuxian Town."

  Nino nodded.

  "Zhuxian Town"

  Confused tomorrow.

  She doesn't know this Zhuxian Town.

  Naturally, I don't know the story that happened in this Zhuxian Town.

  "But since we found it, let's go."

  Say it directly tomorrow.

  "But is it too late now?"

  Kim Miku asked.

  "Do not."

  Uncle Qiu shook his head, "It's really too late, but it's not too late, it's too late for the whole world."

  "The world can't wait."

  The uncle sighed.

  He took out the TV remote control.

  Turn on the TV.

  Then everyone saw the news broadcast on the TV.

  Just around the world.

  The long-disappeared zombies appear again! Whether it is East or West.

  "The general is crazy."

  The uncle said to the crowd.

  Watch the news on TV.

  Everyone just felt their hearts sink.

  Especially the moon.

  But she seemed to have thought of something.

  But she didn't say it.

  "By the way, it doesn't matter if you transmit zombie blood to me"

  Mingyue looked at Nino.

  "I-I'm fine!"

  Nino Shake "It seems that the Bible code has gone wrong, and everyone's going is different."

  Tomorrow's expression is very solemn.

  "You mean, Nino could have had other fates"

  Ding-Dang could hear the meaning of Tomorrow's words.

  "Before he was born, he was undernourished, which made it impossible to open the tomb of Pangu. In the end, he had to sacrifice some people to open the tomb of Pangu."

  "But the current record, although it is also malnourished, the difference is that the food Jin Weiwei took this time only caused him to fall into weakness, not death."

  Answered tomorrow.

  "The direction of each of you has changed."

  Everything has the same ending as recorded in the biblical code.

  But the process has changed.

  It has already begun to affect the final outcome.

  Tomorrow is even a little scary in my heart.

  She felt it.

  It seems that there is a hand that has been controlling the chessboard invisibly since that two thousand years ago.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It feels like you are playing chess with someone.

  You think you made the right move, you predicted his next move and predicted the ending.

  You start to be arrogant, complacent, and think everything is under control.

  But in the end you found out.

  Even if you predicted everything, his process has changed slightly.

  at last.

  All lose.

  Thinking about this thought made Tomorrow feel a little uneasy.

  She came with her responsibilities, and she was going to leave after she finished her responsibilities, but now, the world has gradually gotten out of control.

  So she has to step up too.

  "Then let's pack up and go!"

  Kim Miku said solemnly.

  When everyone heard this, they went back to the room.

  Ma Xiaoling watched everyone walk back to the room, she walked out of the living room and came to the balcony.

  "What's wrong, it looks like you're in a bad mood"

  Jingle Bell appeared behind her.

  "No, I was just thinking about something."

  Ma Xiaoling said slowly.

  "I'm thinking about the Pangu mentioned tomorrow"

  Ma Dingdang smiled and said, "Or, it's Jiang Gu who is thinking about your possibilities."

  There was a hint of dodge in Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  "Forget it, don't answer this question, I'm also a woman of the Ma family, I know what it means for a woman of the Ma family to answer this question."

  "The Ma family is like a bondage, an extremely tight bondage, so there can't be any loosening, because once loosened, your bondage will break apart in an instant."

  "To answer this question is to loosen... the bondage."

  "The women of our Ma family have always been like this, and they will never be able to face their feelings, because when we face them, we will think about them, and the bondage will break. Once it breaks, it can no longer be held back."

  "Ordinary people can still be wrapped in bandages, but ours are all torn apart. The ancestral teachings of the ancestors of the Ma family, so we can only do this."

  Ding-Dang was a little helpless.

  She looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  Eyes hurt a little.

  3 She is also a member of the Ma family, and she has also experienced the records of Ma Xiaoling during this period.

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