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  The hands began to knot continuously.

  Then he did strange things.

  This is how to open Pangu Tomb.

  A streak of white light.

  Under Nino's spellcasting, it continued to emerge.

  The hearts of the people gradually rose.

  As I said tomorrow, once the tomb of Pangu is opened, then the demons in the world will sense it! Even if it is not completely opened! It will be the same if it shows a little breath! So everyone is highly tense! A bunch of energy emerges.

  The pulling force slowly emerged.

  Everyone looked around nervously.

  Boom! Boom! Suddenly.

  All the energy dissipated in an instant, and there was a bounce! "Nino!"

  "What’s wrong with you"

  Jin Mirai quickly turned his head and saw Nino fell to the ground.

  Nino fell to the ground.

  He frowned, as if thinking about something.



  His face was full of confusion.


  "Nino, what's going on"

  Uncle Qiu asked worriedly and helped him take his pulse.

  "I couldn't sense Pangu's breath, and I was attacked."

  "Could it be that there is no Pangu breath here?"

  Nino asked in confusion.

  As soon as this sentence comes out.

  In an instant, everyone was stunned.

  If it is said that there is no Pangu atmosphere here.

  So that is to say.

  The key to the third kalpa may no longer exist.

  The third kalpa.

  Naturally it can't be solved.

  "Uncle, did you just ask for me?"

  Ma Xiaoling suddenly looked at Uncle Qiu and asked.

  "You said the family name was Ye"

  Uncle asked.

  Just now, Ma Xiaoling asked her uncle to ask for help.

  Is there a family with the surname Ye here?

  Because Madonna once saw the portrait in this family with the surname Ye.

  "No, I have a lot of people, but they all say that there is no one with the surname Ye in this town."

  "It's very strange that these guys, when they heard that I was going to ask the person with the surname Ye, looked at me as if they were looking at the god of plague. It was really unbearable!"

  There was a hint of anger in Uncle Qiu's tone.

  He asked a lot of people, but to no avail.

  "No, this is not Zhuxian Town."

  Nino suddenly sensed some breath.

  "I was around and sensed the breath of Pangu."

  "There's no trace of Pangu here, it's definitely not Zhuxian Town."

  Nino found the problem.


  It's not Zhuxian Town at all.

  "Where is the one that appeared at the town gate of Zhuxian Town... Is the plaque a lie?"

  Kim Miku asked in confusion.

  bang bang.

  My uncle said to look for it.

  Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

  Please open the door.

  Outside the door is the owner of the inn.

  "Did you just ask someone with the surname Ye?"

  Alright, it looks pretty good.

  "I asked, what's the matter"

  Uncle asked with a frown.

  He was very unhappy just now.

  "If you really want to find it, I can tell you, but I want you to get out of here as soon as possible."

  "This place can't stand any disaster anymore. What happened a year ago has made life in our town: sad."

  "I don't want you to continue to disturb. After I tell you, you can leave quickly."

  The innkeeper watched the crowd vigilantly.

  "You tell us first."

  Uncle Qiu hates people to bargain with him the most.

  "Of course you can."


  "I can only talk about Gong here."

  "This family of Ye is a taboo in our town and can't be mentioned. After you go out, don't tell others that I told you."

  ————————————【Hahaha! It’s one more update! Today’s work is four-fifths achieved! Continue to work hard tomorrow! I beg readers to give a monthly pass] Read the underlined version of the novel Please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 234 The plaque of Zhuxian Town!Chen Tongfu?


  Uncle begged to frown.

  The innkeeper glanced behind him.

  Then he walked in cautiously and closed the door.

  After closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the crowd with a pair of cloudy eyes dignified.

  "Yes, it's taboo."

  "Actually, this is not the original address of Zhuxian Town."

  "The real ancient site of Zhuxian Town is ten miles away from here, but no one dares to approach it now."

  "You are not afraid of death, just go here and go east for ten miles, that's all."

  "The Ye family lives on the former site of Zhuxian Town."

  After the innkeeper finished speaking, he looked at his whole body with a guilty conscience.

  After finding no one, he wanted to leave here.


  "Boss, you just said what happened a year ago, a year ago"

  Ding-Dang stopped the boss, but his voice fell.

  The boss made a direct shock.

  He turned his head and looked at the crowd with his eyes, and his eyes were not only solemn.

  There was also fear.

  "a year ago"

  "The former site of Zhuxian Town, someone saw it with their own eyes, on the ground, countless hands emerged from the ground, and one after another corpses were about to break out of the ground."

  "That's why everyone in Zhuxian Town left and only us were left."

  "At that time, many people in Zhuxian Town saw it, but for some reason, we said it, but no one believed it."

  The boss has deep fear in his heart.

  "The Night Home"

  "But it's safe and sound."

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