Everyone's heart was a little heavy.

  Only Tomorrow's eyes were quietly looking ahead, seemingly lost in thought.


  Uncle Qiu stepped into Guzhuxian Town.

  The heavy and depressing breath made Uncle Qiu sank.

  He looked at the plaque in front of him.

  It appears to be engraved with blood.

  "That is"

  "pen name"

  Jin Mirai raised his head and suddenly saw a line of small print.

  "Chen Tongfu"

  After she saw it.

  It felt very wrong.

  "That's weird."

  Kim Miku said.

  "Chen Tongfu"

  Ma Xiaoling's beauty was dazed.

  Isn't that Jiang Gu's name? "What's weird?"

  Nino asked in confusion.

  "Yue Fei died in [-], and then I remember that Chen Tongfu was after Yue Fei."

  "But it doesn't seem to be strange, why do I just feel strange?"

  ————————— [Update finished! Good night everyone!] Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 235 The night family guarding Zhuxian Town from generation to generation!The image of the enshrinement in the hall!

  "Of course strange"

  Hear the crowd's discussion.

  Ye Yanyan raised her head and said, her eyes turned to the plaque of Zhuxian Town.

  "Because after General Yue Fei fought in Zhuxian Town, Zhuxian Town was blocked by a mysterious force."

  "It wasn't until hundreds of years later that Zhu Xianzhen appeared in the world again!"

  "This Chen Tongfu may have only appeared when Zhu Xianzhen reappeared."

  Ye Yanyan was a little puzzled.

  "You don't seem to know much about history, but you know very well what happened in Yuejiajun and Zhuxian Town."

  Ma Jingdong asked.

  The woman in front of you.

  It seems that he knows everything about Zhuxian Town very well.

  Especially the records about Zhuxian Town, since they all remember it clearly.

  "My family has lived here for generations!"

  "It used to be very lively here, but something happened a year ago, which caused it to gradually become desolate."

  "I'm suffocated living here too."

  Ye Yanyan's tone was also a little helpless.

  "What are you looking for here?"

  She looked very unworldly and very simple.

  "Look for Pan Ancient Tomb."

  Talk to her tomorrow.


  Ye Yanyan was stunned, "How do you know that Pangu exists here?"

  "The Existence of Pangu"

  Ma Xiaoling walked forward.

  She just kept looking around.

  It was very quiet around.

  Very silent.

  It looks lifeless and has a strong corpse aura! Ma Xiaoling originally wanted to use a spell to search it.

  But he was attracted by the name Chen Tongfu.

  This is Jiang Gu's name.

  It is also the place where Jianggu first appeared.


  Jianggu first appeared.

  Is it really the Song Dynasty era? You know, there are traces of Jianggu here.

  That portrait and this plaque.

  In the portrait, it proves that Jiang Gu once existed in this Zhuxian Town, and he said that he once appeared on the battlefield.

  That is to say.

  Roots of Jianggu.

  Possibly going back even further.

  "Girl, can you take me to your house?"

  "Decades ago, my aunt visited here, her name is Madonna, I don't know about you"

  Ma Xiaoling asked.

  My aunt had been here decades ago.

  Also here.

  A family surnamed Ye saw the portraits of Jiang Gu and the woman.

  Ma Xiaoling wants to check here.

  But it was dark around.

  Made her sluggish.

  "Senior Ma Danna! You are from the Ma family!"

  Ye Yanyan was very happy when she heard Ma Xiaoling's words, and looked up and down... Ma Xiaoling.

  Look at everyone's doubts.

  She explained as she walked.

  The Ma family did come here decades ago.

  And because of Jiang Gu.

  The Jiang family here has been waiting.

  As she walked, she talked about the past.

  According to what she said.

  A few decades ago, there were many demons and ghosts in Zhuxian Town. Under the chaos of demons and ghosts, the townspeople of Zhuxian Town found the descendant of the Ma family at that time - Ma Danna! After Ma Danna shot, the place was quiet for many years! Listen Words that are tired of smoking at night.

  Ma Xiaoling did not expect that there would still be such a period of time.

  Following the lead of Ye Yanyan.

  Everyone gradually walked into this eerie and eerie place.

  There was a cold air around him, making people feel trembling all over.

  There are old dilapidated buildings all around, it looks very dilapidated, Ye Yanyan walks on both sides of this dilapidated building.

  I don't know how long it took.

  Her footsteps stopped slowly.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "It's time for you to come in together."

  Ye Yanyan smiled.

  She is very naive.

  She didn't know that people were very wary of her.

  Along the way, she did everything.


  Including some of the things she knew.

  "I don't know what Pangu's tomb you are looking for, but there are indeed traces left by Pangu here, but they have become taboos."

  "It has been taboo since ancient times"

  Ye Yanyan said to the crowd.

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