Ma Jingdong asked.

  "Because someone told us that in the eight hundred years from now, the descendants of the Ma family will go here."

  "And our mission is to let you all here, accomplish what you want to accomplish, and then tell the descendants of the Ma family."

  "Remember to bring that drop of blood." This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  Ye Yanyan's grandma looked at Ma Xiaoling and Ma Dingdong.

  With that drop of blood on, everyone's expressions changed slightly! Everyone couldn't believe it.

  Eight hundred years ago, someone had predicted that the crowd would appear.

  "Don't ask me, the records are recorded like this, and it doesn't matter who said it."

  "The important thing is that I waited for you."

  The grandmother, who was tired of smoking at night, showed her relaxation.

  Nino stood still.

  He has been thinking about it since he entered here.

  When people are shocked.

  He suddenly patted his head and said, "Sure enough! This is where the second key point is!"

  "I guessed right! The reason here is the key.

  It has something to do with the seal of Pangu eight hundred years ago!"

  "I think, by opening the tomb of Pangu, we may get the key point we want! This also fits with what Sister Tomorrow said, the tomb of Pangu is the front branch of the key point!"

  "If we open the tomb of Pangu, then the key point two thousand years ago and the key point eight hundred years ago have been found!

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  Nino said happily.

  The depression in the hearts of the people.

  Reduced a lot.

  If these two key points are found, then there is still hope for the third kalpa! The third kalpa is the third kalpa.

  Naturally because of its horror! Faced with this terrifying third calamity, everyone can only look for a chance.

  "Now the situation is getting worse and worse, we must open the tomb of Pangu as soon as possible."

  "There's only a month and a half left until January [-]nd"

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  If Pangu Tomb is the front branch of the second key point.

  Then, as long as everyone opens the tomb of Pangu, combined with the drop of blood, maybe they will be able to survive the third calamity! "There are enough weapons in the tomb of Pangu to destroy the goddess of Nuwa."

  "As long as you get it, the crisis of the third calamity can be lifted"

  Tomorrow said softly.

  "However, the Bible cipher doesn't seem to mention it. In the provisions of the Bible cipher, two key points are listed, and they should be indispensable."

  Nino shook his head.

  He thought it might not be that simple.

  “The location seems just right”

  Nino looked at his surroundings.


  It is the place with the strongest Pangu atmosphere.

  "I hate smoking, close the door and then open the formation."

  Ye Yanyan's grandma said to Ye Yanyan.

  She looked at everyone and said slowly: "We will protect you and do what you want."

  "It's a pity to say, we guarded this place in the Yejia era, and in the end, only me and Yanyan were left."

  "Do what you have to do, and leave the rest to us, but you should know how to arrange the formation, and I hope you can arrange more, because the next, I am afraid it will be very dangerous."

  Ye Yanyan's figure disappeared.

  Ye Yanyan's grandma said to everyone.

  She seemed to know something from the records.

  Everyone has no doubts about her, but even if she doesn't say it, everyone will arrange the formation.

  "Then trouble you."

  Kim Miku nodded at her.


  He sat down.

  Uncle Qiu and Ding-Dang started to arrange the formation.

  And Ma Xiaoling arranged formations around the room.

  Om! When the two set up the formation.


  Countless golden lights suddenly appeared in the middle of the dim ancient town! These golden lights.

  It emerged from the four walls of the town! The golden lights on all four sides joined together to form a light curtain! Not only that.

  Five hundred meters away from everyone! There is also a layer of light curtains! Countless golden lights pervade! Two layers of light curtains are formed! Powerful and vast energy.

  Protect everyone in it.

  Om! Another golden light! This time.

  0.6 is in the courtyard of Ye's house! Uncle Qiu and Ma Dingdang who arranged the formation were stunned.

  This was not set up by the two of them.

  Could it be that everyone looked at Ye Yanyan's grandma.

  these arrays.

  beyond people's imagination.

  Especially Qiu Shu and Ma Dingdang and Ma Xiaoling.

  A Taoist and exorcist.

  Three people 3 can feel the energy contained in this golden light.

  It can never be arranged by three people! It can be seen that the people who set up this formation are highly accomplished! It is definitely more than 3 times stronger than the three!


  "Just for today."

  The grandmother, who was tired of smoking at night, laughed.

  "then me"

  "here we go."

  Nino said solemnly.

  His hands began to seal.

  A burst of energy slowly emerged.

Chapter 237 The breath of Pangu emerges!Earth shakes!

  With the emergence of energy.

  pulling power.

  It slowly appeared around Nino.

  A mighty breath.

  Flow slowly.

  Nino kept knotting and doing strange movements.

  not far in front of him.

  A long crack loomed in the void.

  Pangu's breath appeared slowly! Looking at Nino in front of her tomorrow, a few traces of solemnity appeared in her eyes.

  She can't imagine.

  Who moved the tomb of Pangu?

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