"I didn't feel the breath of Jianggu"

  He shook his head.

  "I've done what I can, I've done what I can."

  He repeated the sentence.

  He stood in front of the window, his eyes staring at the night sky.

  ————————Boom in Zhuxian Town, Ye Family Courtyard.

  The crowd stood before them.


  A tremor appeared in Zhuxian Town! It was as if a behemoth stepped on the ground and came towards Zhuxian Town step by step.

  "It's a monster."

  Ding-Dang said in a condensed voice.

  "Pangu's aura contains the most intense spiritual power in the world. As long as it is sensed, no spiritual creature will refuse it."

  "This is a more terrifying power than the resentment and corpse aura you speak of."

  Tomorrow said slowly.

  The sound of hitting the ground with a heavy bang sounded! Everyone felt the condensed breath of countless demons between heaven and earth.

  A spell appeared in Ma Xiaoling's hand.


  She hits forward.

  A picture emerges! In the picture, there are pictures outside the four 44 city walls in the south, south, north and west of Zhuxian Town! In that picture, the world is dark.

  Countless monsters are densely packed, surging towards Zhuxian Town.

  This is the breath of Pangu.

  Absorb a trace.

  It can add thousands of years of Taoism.

  How to keep these monsters from moving in all directions.

  Densely packed! There are so many.

  like a vast sea.

  Everyone finally understood.

  Where did the crisis that Ye Yanyan said came from?

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 238 Golden Light Breaks the Array!Turmoil in Zhuxian Town!

  violent crisis.

  attack directly.

  Everyone's expressions were a little solemn.

  The attack of these monsters and monsters is the first time for everyone! Now is not the era of two thousand years.

  For two thousand years, demons and ghosts were rampant, but with the accumulation of time, the demons and ghosts gradually retreated into the mountains and forests.

  But he didn't expect the emergence of Pangu's breath, which directly attracted these monsters and monsters.

  The number is extremely terrifying! "How come there are so many"

  There was a hint of horror in Jin Mi's eyes.

  What she had seen was what appeared in the second robbery.

  But she had never felt such a moment surrounded by demons.

  At this moment, her heart trembled a little.

  Ding-Dang and Uncle Qiu had a heavy look on their faces.

  "It really came."

  Ye Yanyan's grandma stared at the picture, her eyes narrowed slightly.

  Ye Yanyan stood beside her.

  in the screen.

  Black clouds roll.

  Countless monsters in the dark cloud, the sky shook and the earth was terrifying! It was like a river boiling! The whole world turned into darkness in an instant. Countless monsters rushed in in the darkness! The horror of their number is not clear by the number of people! Bang! Buzz! The entire Zhuxian Town was shaken! Boom—these demons hit the golden light directly! The light curtain on the golden light filled with talismans! The talismans continued to circulate, and they were as solid as a rock. Once the demons collided violently, the golden light was Still no fluctuations! On the contrary.

  On the contrary, the talisman above shook those demons back! Uncle Qiu and the others saw this scene, and their eyes wavered a few times! "This formation was arranged by the Ye family, and its power penetrates the heaven and earth, and the righteousness of heaven and earth is in harmony. Connecting, making those monsters unable to break through in a short period of time, and this formation actually uses four as a formation, summing up the entire Zhuxian Town, even the formation masters from thousands of years ago may not be able to arrange it."

  Uncle Qiu's tone is full of amazement! Outside the formation.

  The golden light fills the air! Resist the darkness! The forcible attack of those demons! Instead, they were shocked! "It was not arranged by our Ye family."

  Ye Qianping shook her head, "Our Ye family has gradually declined over the years. It was still prosperous at first, but it has gradually declined to this stage in the end."

  "Even my granddaughter Yanyan was brought back."

  She gave a wry smile.

  "But fortunately, it persists to our generation, and the mission can be regarded as a fulfillment."

  The night family is not a family.

  More like a sect.

  A faction with a mission.

  In those long years waiting for the completion of the mission.

  "Uncle, please, does this formation look like it?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Uncle Qiu.

  "Very similar, very similar."

  Ask your uncle to nod your head.

  "It's a pity that I didn't see it clearly that day. I only saw a golden chain appearing, and everything disappeared."

  What Ma Xiaoling said.

  Naturally, it was the golden light that appeared in the second robbery! The power contained in the golden light shocked Uncle Qiu! And today.

  The same is true of this golden light! Countless roars pierced through the golden light! There was a slight tremor on the ground! Nino sat cross-legged quietly and remained motionless.

  Crack in the front.

  It has gradually expanded!

  Slight screeching.

  I saw that golden light.

  Gradually a crack appeared! Those demons were attacking madly! Crash and slap, they were almost swallowed up by their own greed and fell into extreme madness under the breath of Pangu! Everyone in Zhuxian Town could no longer see to Zhu

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Around the fairy town.

  I can only see the appearance of countless demons, turning into black mist to surround the golden light! Depressed breath flows.

  "Everyone, step back."

  Ye Qianping said softly.

  in the eyes of the crowd.

  She slowly stood up from the wheelchair! Ye Yanyan handed her a crutch.


  The moment I took the cane.

  Everyone sensed an aura emerging from Ye Qianping.

  Boom! Boom! Ye Qianping shuddered towards the ground! There was a slight tremor under everyone's eyes.


  Countless hands appeared on the ground.

  These hands firmly supported the ground, and then the ground kept breaking open, and soldiers and soldiers in armor appeared from the ground covered in mud.

  Roar! At the moment of appearance! These soldiers roared at the sky and the earth! White pupils slowly emerged! "Zombie"

  Ma Xiaoling, begged Uncle for a moment.

  These are the zombies that everyone saw when they were just about to enter Zhuxian Town! Now all these zombies have emerged from the ground! With a roar, these zombies did not move! "Roar"

  A low roar echoed in the world! Under everyone's eyes! A figure stood above a building.

  above that.

  There is an ancient war drum.

  Dong Dong Dong! He was wearing armor and a cape, and he kept beating the war drum! The drum pestle hit the snare drum! The armored zombies that appeared from the ground were lined up neatly! Formed a formation! Emergence! An icy killing intent that was suppressed to the extreme, suddenly swept over! Boom! With the last drum of war falling! These soldiers, wearing armor, suddenly attacked the front in an orderly manner! Uniform pace! In an instant Let Zhu Xianzhen tremble again! The mighty aura is like a ferocious beast! It is roaring and attacking forward! "This is the soldier left in the battle eight hundred years ago."

  "They have guarded this place for more than [-] years, just to wait for today."

  Ye Qianping's voice was low.

  The zombies launched a violent attack on those demons! These zombies are very fast! But those...the demons are not low! Especially the number is crushing! The golden light is gradually breaking open! I am constantly being entangled by those monsters! Daoxinggao’s monsters have entangled the bodies of these zombies with their bodies! Let these zombies not move! There are not many zombies! The number of monsters is endless! At least everyone is now Seeing is endless! The cracks of the golden light are more and more.

  Everyone's heart was heavy.

  There are probably no less than [-] or [-] monsters.

  Among them, there are also those with profound Taoism! It is difficult to deal with the Taoism of good people! "The first layer of golden light is about to break"

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