Holding a silver spear! In an instant, he slaughtered the endless demons ahead! Everyone's eyes followed her! Suddenly! "There is"

  Jin Mirai looked at the phantom with a silver spear in the void.

  Then she seemed to sense something.

  Their eyes looked towards the endless darkness in the distance! Mingyue, Ma Xiaoling, Qiu Shu, Ma Dingdang, and Ye Yanyan all looked outside the Ye Family courtyard.

  in that endless darkness.

  After the silver spear broke through the darkness, after the silver phantom came out! A wisp of white mist slowly poured into the darkness.

  A wisp of white mist poured in.


  The originally boiling and ferocious Wannian Dao Xing demons felt uneasy in an instant, and they stopped attacking in the dark.

  "It's Jiang Gu, Jiang Gu is here!"

  Kim Miku is overjoyed.

  Everyone wanted to call Jiang Gu before.

  But Jiang Gu has no news.

  But I didn't expect Jiang Gu to appear at this moment! Boom! Boom! Om! A voice that shook the sky came from the darkness! The silver spear pierced the darkness! Countless demons were slowly turned into ashes under the attack of the long spear! "The tomb of Pangu opened. already."

  Nino suddenly said loudly.

  The voice fell! A vast and incomparably terrifying aura! It suddenly erupted towards the cracks! In an instant, the rolls waved outward! In just a few seconds! Millions of miles of mountains and rivers were all swept away! Boom—— Pangu's aura is ethereal! It is colorless and transparent! But it is vibrating! The void explodes! "Roar"

  those monsters.

  The Taoism in the body continues to skyrocket! If the previous Pangu breath made these thousands of years of Taoism demons evolve into ten thousand years! Then now.

  Thousands of years of demons can absorb the breath of Pangu and transform the Taoism of thousands of years! Countless demons.

  Under the pressure of tomorrow's momentum, he slowly got up.

  when they get up.

  The cracks in the golden light are constantly expanding! Now there are [-] or [-] demons who have been practicing the Tao for ten thousand years! Just two or three thousand, in a short period of time, it has soared to twenty or thirty thousand years! This is a big monster between heaven and earth! Even if it is Ma Xiaoling, it is difficult to subdue one! Now there are tens of thousands! Everyone feels extreme depression and anxiety!

  Bang! The crack of golden light keeps emerging! Then it expands, under the ferocious attack of the monster! The golden light explodes in just a few seconds as the crack continues to expand! The last layer of protective formation disappears! Terrifying and mighty The demonic aura of the sect was crushed! Tomorrow's imposing aura cannot suppress the two or [-] demons! It was originally the darkness outside the courtyard that night.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It's coming like a tide! All directions! Endless! Mighty! "Not good!"

  Qiu Shu's pupils shrink! Just at the moment when the darkness is about to approach! The demon after absorbing the breath of Pangu! It has fallen into extreme madness! Tens of thousands of demons of the ten thousand years of Taoism are surging at the same time, even if it is Qiu Shu and Ma Dingdang They can't react at all! Even if everyone is prepared! But under such a terrifying roll, it is difficult to perform! "Roar!"

  A roar echoed through the entire darkness! The sky was full of white fog.

  In an instant it was covered in darkness.

  those dark.

  Stop abruptly! Can't move at all! Time seems to have stopped! An extremely depressing breath made those demons stop abruptly. This breath is far more terrifying than before! Even more depressing! Although some demons are struggling.

  But in a short time.

  These monsters can't move at all! 0 "Roar"


  A low roar came from the darkness.

  The silver phantoms are constantly attacking those demons! In less than a minute, millions of demons with thousands of years of Taoism were beheaded! Everyone's eyes.

  But he looked at the white mist in the dark.

  I don't know how long it took.

  A figure.

  Slowly walk out from the white fog! Om! Tomorrow's pale blood pupils shrink instantly! "This momentum"

  This momentum.

  It can actually suppress the monster that has absorbed the breath of Pangu! If there is no monster that has absorbed the breath of Pangu.

  She can also suppress.

  But she could not suppress the demons who absorbed the aura of Pangu's origin! Especially the demons who had reached Wannian Daoxing! Then the figure walked out by the white mist in front of her.

  The surging of white fog.

  The figure is moving forward.

  It was a man in long black clothes, with a refined aura flowing from his body, his hair was slightly long, and his delicate face was gentle.

  He walked towards the crowd step by step.

  "Jiang Gu!"

  Kim Miku showed joy.

  "I thought you wouldn't come."

  Ma Xiaoling's face showed a trace of joy, but she rolled her eyes again.

  Jiang Gu walked forward.

  His eyes turned to tomorrow.

  I will see clearly tomorrow.

  The blood in Jiang Gu's eyes.

  It was an extreme scarlet, far surpassing even that of a general, not to mention her pale red.

  That kind of... extreme scarlet.

  With a huge blood pressure.

  This kind of bloodline suppression, even if she is a Pangu clan, can't avoid it! "You are"

  Looking at Jiang Gu in front of her tomorrow, she couldn't help but feel a fear in her heart.

  As a Pangu tribe.

  She knew very well that in this world, there was no one who could suppress Pangu.

  And Pangu had only one enemy in his endless years.

  But this enemy is not the person in front of him.

  The person in front of him is a person who is similar to Pangu's bloodline, but he is detached from Pangu's bloodline.

  "Jiang Gu."

  Jiang Gu nodded gently.

  He looked up at the silver phantom on the sky, and said slowly: "Shen."

  Om! The phantom is back in an instant! Appears directly in the center of the crowd! He is standing in front with a silver spear.

  And Jiang Gu's eyes.

  He looked at the crack opened by Nino Six.

Chapter 241 The suppressed dark recovery!Jianggu's darkness!

  in the cracks.

  Naturally, it is the tomb of Pangu.

  Once the tomb of Pangu is opened.

  Pangu's breath completely leaked out.

  Now the dao behavior of those demons is still skyrocketing.

  "Pangu's tomb needs to be fixed, I will guard it outside, you can go in."

  Nino said anxiously: "I can't hold on for long, everyone must come out quickly."

  Now there are so many demons in the periphery.

  It was difficult for him to hold on for too long, especially the breath of Pangu's tomb leaked out.

  The conduct of these demons is even more terrifying! "No, I'll protect you outside."

  Kim Miku said directly.

  How could Kim Miku leave his son alone outside?

  The suppressed spirit around.

  did not dissipate.

  And these monsters are still there: they are about to move! Under the pressure of Jiang Gu's momentum, although these monsters can't move, but... Pangu's breath makes these monsters continue to soar! Jiang Gu is warm and "three two three,"

  His eyes were looking at the beasts who were about to move.

  A trace of anger flashed across his blood-colored pupils in an instant.

  His gentle eyes burst out with a cold glow.

  A chill that penetrated the heart.

  It made the people around him shudder instantly.

  Jiang Gu closed his eyes slightly.

  when it is opened again.

  His breath has skyrocketed several times again! Those demons who were still on the move.

  At this moment, I can't move! "Weird, are you alright?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu, and there was a little worry in her beautiful eyes.

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