"Great! Jiang Gu!"

  Kim Miku can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

  "It's Young Master Jiang!"

  Ye Qianping looked at the portrait and then at Jiang Gu.

  Her eyes were full of wonder.

  The scholar in the portrait.

  It's not Jiang Gu who is "really Young Master Jiang"

  Ye Yanyan opened her mouth slightly, surprised.

  How could she not be surprised.

  people from eight hundred years ago.

  come alive.

  In this legend, the scholar who saved the Ye family left a legend in Zhuxian Town and also left a legend in the Ye family.


  He appeared again.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 242 Changes in Pangu Tomb!Anxiety tomorrow!

  Jiang Gu looked at Ye Qianping and Ye Yanyan in front of him.

  change of time.

  He had been to Zhuxian Town once, but he had not entered the Yejia courtyard.

  "Grandma, I seem to have seen Jiang Gongzi when I was a child."

  Suddenly, Ye Yanyan seemed to remember something and said in surprise.

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly.

  He looked at the entrance of Pangu's tomb.

  "I'm here to guard."

  "You go in."

  The phantom walked over slowly.

  Her eyes stayed on Jiang Gu's body.

  There seemed to be endless words to say.

  But her condition was not stable.

  "I feel you are very familiar."

  She said to Jiang Gu.


  Jiang Gu nodded gently.

  "We fought together eight hundred years ago."

  He looked at the tomb of Pan Gu, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  The power of Pangu inside.

  It is the key to his recovery.

  "Then let's go in together."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  "Time is running out."

  The current situation is very critical.

  Everyone must find the second key point of the third kalpa.

  "As long as the Pangu bow and arrow are found, the third calamity will be over."

  Tomorrow said softly.

  "The emergence of variables is inevitable, but everything will be rooted in: 04 The last clause of the Bible code."

  Her eyes were always on Jiang Gu.

  As a Pangu tribe.

  She is full of curiosity and anxiety about Jiang Gu.

  Beyond the blood of Pangu.

  Could it be that she couldn't imagine it.

  In the vast universe, only Pangu is left floating in the years.

  Now that there are people who are detached from the blood of Pangu, she naturally cannot sit idly by.

  but now.

  It is more important to get the Pangu bow and arrow.

  "Let's go."

  Said Ma Jingdong, and walked into the crack first.

  Beg Uncle, Kim Miku, follow me tomorrow.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked in together.

  As soon as he stepped into the crack, there was nothingness and darkness in front of him.

  in that emptiness of darkness.

  A light gradually emerged.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu walked towards the light.


  The two came to a dark place.

  Uncle Qiu, Ding-Dang, Jin Mi, and Tomorrow are already waiting there.

  "Is this the tomb of Pangu?"

  Kim Miku raised a question.

  Everything in front of me didn't look like a tomb at all.

  Or it's not a tomb at all! It's like a closed building! There is a faint fog around, and next to the fog, there is a white stone wall, and on this stone wall there are still dense stone bricks with talismans engraved on them. .

  It doesn't look like a cemetery at all.

  Instead, it was like a secret room.

  There is no dark underground cemetery as everyone imagined, and there is no dead atmosphere as everyone imagines, only a faint white mist lingers here.

  There is a road ahead.

  The road is surrounded by these stone walls and stone bricks.

  The moment Jiang Gu stepped in.

  I could feel the strong Pangu breath.

  This pan-gu breath.

  Let his dark resuscitation nearly awake, he quickly suppressed it.

  Look at the Pangu Qi that permeates the surroundings.

  It feels that if he absorbs these Pangu breaths, his dark recovery and strength recovery will be greatly improved.

  However, he did not absorb it immediately, but walked forward.

  The crowd walked along the road.

  "where do you come from"

  Tomorrow will be a little slow, waiting for Jiang Gu and Ma Xiaoling.

  Her words were naturally asked from Jiang Gu.

  "You and I are not from the same place."

  Jiang Gu replied mildly.

  his words.

  There was a hint of surprise and uncertainty in Tomorrow's eyes.

  She wanted to ask Jiang Gu's history.

  But Jiang Gu seems to know her origin.

  To know the whole world.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  No, I should say the entire universe.

  Few people know about Pangu.

  Everyone only knows that Pangu created the world, but what they don't know is that Pangu is a clan, and he is a clan wandering in the vast universe.

  Jiang Gu's words and his strength made Tomorrow uneasy and curious.

  Where does this person come from.

  However, looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Gu doesn't seem to intend to say anything.

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