Peacock and Zhang family descendants, as well as those exorcists, all looked very solemn.

  The group of zombies standing behind Chino stared at the crowd in front of him, the reporter's face paled instantly, he didn't expect these zombies to be surrounded here.

  In front of the TV, countless ordinary people saw this scene, and they became even more frightened.

  To know.

  Since the world fell into chaos, although there are exorcism families who keep upright and ward off evil spirits to deal with these zombies, the five generations of these zombies are very terrifying. Even Ma Xiaoling was only able to deal with the fifth generation of zombies before, and even some of the fourth generation of zombies. reluctantly.

  And these descendants of Taoism, the records are lost in the years, even half of the horse's level is difficult to reach.

  Therefore, the Ma family and the Mao family became

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The most powerful exorcist family in the world.

  And the reason why these people want to let the Ma family hand over the Taoism and magic is because if the decline of the exorcism family continues, the exorcism family and the Taoist family will continue to decline, not to mention their Taoism, if they continue, only will decline more and more.

  Now face these second generation zombies.

  Only the peacock has some way to deal with it.

  But facing such a large number of zombies.

  Even a peacock.

  This amount of zombies is probably helpless.

  "Today I will send you to hell."


  Kino swiped the corner of his mouth, and then the figure disappeared in an instant! Bang! Buzz! Kick! I saw a few monks in the high field beside the peacock, and Kino grabbed his neck in an instant! This neck! "Roar"

  Countless zombies attacked the front in an instant! The surrounded exorcists and Taoists all took up their magic weapons to fight against these zombies! But the speed of these zombies is simply not what these exorcists and Taoists, as well as these strange people, can do Confrontation! Although there are a few who can deal with the fourth or fifth generation of zombies, but that... is only a few, including only Peacock, Zhang family descendants, etc.

  The others are no match for these zombies at all! "Roar"

  The low roar sounded continuously! A zombie directly penetrated the chest of an exorcist disciple! The bloody picture made the audience in front of the TV anxious for a moment.

  ———————— Tongtian Pavilion.

  The general sat on the sofa.

  Crimson Tide stood behind him.

  Seeing this scene, the general took a sip of wine gently.

  "True ancestor, I don't understand."

  Red Tide shook his head.


  The general seemed to be puzzled.

  "True Ancestor, you said that you want to give human beings a chance, just"

  Hong Chao looked at the picture on the TV and was very puzzled.

  "They are not qualified."

  The general shook his head.

  "They are not qualified."

  He repeated one more sentence.

  "The person I was waiting for has not yet appeared."

  Red Tide asked, "Is it Zongzu?"

  "Maybe, maybe not, the time is almost up, and there are six days left."

  There was a hint of madness in Chen's gentle eyes.

  "Let them continue to speed up, I want to turn 10% of the people in this world into zombies as soon as possible."

  Red Tide nodded: "Yes."

  The two are talking.


  The general's eyes turned to the TV.

  Only in the TV.

  The originally chaotic scene suddenly became silent.

  Reporter's camera.

  aimed at the distance.

  There is a void of darkness.

  in that darkness.

  A figure slowly walked out.


  A low growl came out.

  Ice blue pupils appeared in the darkness.

  --------In other places.

  Levi's and Lan Dali are also doing the same thing.

  Kill all those exorcists, Taoists, and strange people who went to Xiangjiang.

  This is the order given by the general.

  when they are about to start.

  In the darkness, a figure slowly emerged.

  Please uncle and others.

  also officially launched.

  In this catastrophe, Uncle Qiu and others also began to fight back.

  —————————【I don’t say anything, the next plot is violent, and all the foreshadowings buried before will be revealed! Kekekekekekeke, but my mind is a little confused when I write it now, Let's update everyone early tonight. In addition, this book is written by the author of the story, which is guaranteed to be enjoyable for everyone. As for the others, please read the book review first!] Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel.

Chapter 248 The last verse of the Bible text appears! 【5/8】

  A melee.

  Expand on this.

  People from all walks of life came, and Uncle Qiu and others all sent people to meet them.

  The people who can gather in Xiangjiang are the last hope of mankind. Once blocked by the generals, only Qiu Shu and others can take action.


  Uncle Qiu looked at the picture in front of the TV with a solemn expression.

  There is an indescribable heaviness between his brows, and now that January [-] is getting closer and closer, in a short period of time, everyone can only look for a glimmer of life in that glimmer of hope, otherwise they can only wait for the demise of the world ! And he guessed it too.

  I am afraid that the generals will not let these people enter the Hong Kong.

  So he asked everyone to pick up those who are about to come, this is their last hope, and there can be no more mistakes.


  There are Zhongshan Meixue, Hun Yaozun and others.

  The picture in front of the TV fell into a freeze frame, and there was already a melee at the scene.

  Uncle Qiu looked at the TV screen where he lost contact, and couldn't help being a little nervous.

  "Uncle, are you alright?"

  Jin Mirai looked at Uncle Qiu and asked.

  "It's okay! I didn't expect to be so tossed at an age!"

  "When I was young, I used a sword to kill from the south to the north, and which monster did not know my prestige."

  "But I didn't expect that the crises and demons I encountered before were just trivialities. The real darkness has only come now."

  Uncle Qiu smiled bitterly.

  Hearing this, Jin Weiwei smiled and comforted: "It's okay, maybe Nino will be able to translate the final scriptures soon, and there must be a way to decipher the third kalpa."

  The uncle nodded.

  Humanity's last hope.

  It is the gathering of the multitude, and the third kalpa of the biblical text that Nino found in the Bible.

  It's just this last biblical clause that is very difficult to translate.

  You can't even see tomorrow.

  Now the Pangu people have completely lost control of things.

  According to tomorrow's future.

  It is already in the hands of human beings.

  The world is plunged into great dark chaos.

  Humans can only save themselves in that ray of life.

  while the two were talking.

  A breath of air approached the bar.

  "came back.

  Uncle Qiu walked down the first floor of the bar.

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