under that helicopter.

  It can be seen that there are many zombies wandering around the place leading to the Tongtian Pavilion.

  These zombies are all controlled by blood, under the catastrophe, attacking these Taoist and exorcism families.

  in a secluded villa.

  In front of the huge TV.

  A man dressed in white clothes, as if not contaminated by the world, looked at the picture of the TV, and his eyes were fixed on the front.

  "Life and death are on the line."

  "The fate of this time records, the world is full of

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Jie has been unable to record this ray of life, where exactly is it."

  He watched the TV screen quietly.

  His eyes were bloodshot.

  He wanted to find that silver lining.

  But he couldn't find it.

  Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu calculated that the final outcome of the world was unexpectedly impossible to budget! But it was in the original records.

  The final destiny of the world is failure, the catastrophe of the world is born, and the years of heaven and earth are reborn.

  But recently fate has begun to reorganize, and the final calculation is that it is impossible to budget! This is something he can't think of.

  "must win"

  "Must win!"

  He clenched his fists tightly.

  "Two thousand years ago, countless processes were changed, but the ending was already doomed."

  "Two thousand years later, these processes hope to change the ending, thereby affecting the real ending, and I can also use the change of this process to change my destiny!"

  ———————————— Pangu Tomb.

  Endless white mist shrouded here.

  The power of Pangu still exists.

  The figure in the white fog sat quietly.

  He fell into an endless slumber.

  He is slowly absorbing the power of Pangu.

  It's ready to end.


  Come again.

  One after another, the constant collision in the catastrophe.

  Nino followed behind Qiu Shu and others.

  beside him.

  It's Jin Weiwei, Uncle Qiu, Ma Xiaoling, Ma Dingdang and Peacock, tomorrow.

  Behind him are the Ligaoye mana monk and the disciples of Longhushan, as well as a strange person.

  In the empty streets, there were whispers from time to time, as well as the breath of Taoists and exorcists casting spells, all kinds of chaos intertwined.

  Uncle Qiu was wearing a gray suit and walked forward with a heavy cheek.

  Around, the three teams led by Zhongshan Meixue, Situ Fenren, Hun Yaozun and others gradually approached Tongtian Pavilion.

  "How's it going"

  Uncle asked in a low voice.

  "According to what Dami saw in front of the TV, there are countless zombies waiting there near Tsutenkaku"

  "I'm afraid all the zombies in Xiangjiang are around there."

  Jin Mirai said to Uncle Qiu.

  Xiangjiang is relatively calm for the rest of the world.

  Those zombies have been wandering around Tsutenkaku all the time.


  Jin Weiwei hesitated for a moment, a little unbelievable.

  "On the top floor of Tongtian Pavilion, there is actually: setting up the wedding scene"

  On the top floor of Tsutenkaku.

  Helicopter photographed from a distance that it was actually there: the wedding scene was arranged,.

  This scene.

  In the dim red dome of 06, it seems a little out of place under the apocalyptic scene.

  White wedding scene.

  under the crimson sky.

  During the violation.

  And the helicopter.

  Filmed again.

  Surrounded by Your Excellency Tongtian.

  All are dense zombie swarms.

  They roamed there without any orders, and their numbers were huge, probably no less than fifty or sixty thousand.

  Almost all of them are three, four, and five generations of zombies.

  These zombies have blood marks on their foreheads, and the expressions on their faces are full of confusion, but they are a little fierce.

  They wandered for thousands of miles around Tongtian Pavilion.

  And in the helicopter picture.

  The last four teams of mankind are approaching.

  A battle for salvation from catastrophe on earth.

  Expand on this.

  —————— [Also] To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu’s novel

Chapter 252 The sound of the piano appears, the catastrophe begins [1/8]

  Depressed and tense atmosphere.

  flooded in front of the camera.

  Countless people looked at the screen nervously.

  Human life and death.

  all at this moment.

  All over the world, many people hid in their homes tremblingly, anxiously and nervously watching the pictures on the TV, praying for the last hope. The continued chaos during this period of time made everyone fall into despair and powerlessness.

  From the very beginning, everyone thought that the law enforcers could solve everything, but as time went on, everyone discovered that there were so many dead bodies on the streets. Zombies roamed the streets, biting people when they saw them No matter how many people dare to go out, they all curl up at home.

  But even so, many people are still turned into zombies.

  Those zombies started to break into one building after another, even at home.

  Everyone lives every day so scared that they don't dare to make a sound or make too much movement, for fear that it will be their turn next time.

  Some people even starved to death at home and dared not go out.

  Everyone has been through this period of despair.

  Anxiety hung over them all the time.


  Humanity is on the verge of life.

  0 Everyone is watching the TV closely, and those who do not have a TV are listening to the radio and waiting for the last hope or despair.

  Everyone knows.

  This is the last catastrophe of the catastrophe on earth! It is over.

  It was over.

  Did not spend.

  The whole world will perish! In the camera screen.

  Countless screen transitions.

  Everyone can see it.

  Groups of zombies were encircled and suppressed! Those Taoists and exorcists used their Taoist techniques, and the dim red sky glowed with a hint of splendor! Suppress those zombies with blood marks on their foreheads! "Roar"

  The camera screen was constantly changing.

  at last.

  landed in front of a screen.

  in the screen.

  Uncle Qiu, Ma Xiaoling, Ma Dingdang, Nino, Tomorrow, Jin Weiwei, Peacock, these people led the Taoist and exorcists behind them, and slowly approached the Tongtian Pavilion with countless zombies.

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